"Did a jolt happen?"

"But the turbulence is a bit big, isn't it?"

"Why do I feel like the plane is slowing down?"

People looked around, confused.

At this time, the door of the cab was opened, and several crew members ran over in horror.

A gust of strong air flowed from inside.

People were very surprised and were about to ask something.



A sense of weightlessness struck.

The people on the plane turned upside down again, stumbling around, and a large number of items on the plane also floated up...

People like Jin Hui and Jin Qiang, who don't know martial arts, just fell to the ground and were bleeding.

Jin Yao, on the other hand, sank into his dantian, his feet firmly gripping the floor, as stable as Mount Tai.

"The plane is falling!"

Jin Yao shouted coldly.

"What? The plane is going down?"

"This... what's going on here?"

"Good, why did the plane fall?"

Everyone was terrified, and their faces were pale with fright.

Jin Yao looked very calm.

He stared at the crew members who were holding chairs, and said coldly: "What happened? Is the plane malfunctioning?"

"No...no, there is someone in front of the plane..."

The captain shouted tremblingly.

"one person?"

Jin Yao froze, and was about to walk towards the cab.


At this time, the loud noise spread again.

Then the whole plane trembled suddenly, and the fuselage shattered directly.

Everyone in the Jin family was so shocked that they vomited blood, and some people with poor physical fitness fell into a coma on the spot.

The plane was a mess.

Jin Yao realized something, and with a surge of energy, he smashed the fuselage next to him and got out.


A big hole was punched out of the plane by him, and he landed firmly on the ground like an arrow.

The plane has landed in a barren field on the outskirts of the airport.

Jin Yao looked around and immediately saw a figure at the head of the plane.

The head of the plane has sunken, and a man is slowly releasing his hands from the head of the plane, and then his body slowly falls to the ground like a feather.

"Stop the plane with bare hands?"

Jin Yao's breath trembled, and disbelief was written all over his face.

At this time, the members of the Jin family had already stumbled out of the plane.

Everyone's body was covered with blood, and they were in a state of embarrassment.

"Is everyone okay?"

Jin Yao asked heavily.

"No... nothing serious..."

"Are we still alive?"

"My God, the plane fell from such a high place, and it didn't disperse?"

"It's a miracle!"

Looking at the relatively complete plane in front of them, Jin's family was stunned, especially the crew members, all of them looked like hell.

Jin Yao said solemnly, "The plane didn't fall from the sky, but was stopped by this person."


The Jin family members were all stunned, each of them thought that they had fallen stupidly, and their ears had hallucinations.

"Second brother, what do you mean by that?" Jin Qiang asked in a daze.

Jin Yao didn't speak, just stared at the front silently.

People followed his gaze.

I saw a man in a suit who looked like a god walking over from the nose of the plane.

"Miraculous Doctor Lin!"

Jin Qiang, Jin Shaolong and others lost their voices on the spot.

As a man of the hour in Jiangcheng, Miracle Doctor Lin's face often made headlines in Jiangcheng. How could the Jin family be unfamiliar with this person?

"Second brother, what did you mean just now...our plane...was stopped by Dr. Lin...with his bare hands?"

Jin Qiang's voice was trembling, and he said tremblingly.

Jin Yao nodded heavily.

Everyone gasped!

Unarmed Blue Plane!

Is this still something humans can do?

This guy is a fairy, right?

Jin Shaolong couldn't help shaking.

He knew the purpose of Miracle Doctor Lin appearing here!

He also finally understood how terrifying this existence that was sung by countless people in Jiangcheng was...

"Which one is Jin Shaolong?"

Lin Yang walked over slowly and asked lightly.

Jin Shaolong backed away in fright.

Jin Hui hurried forward and said bravely, "Master Lin, I am Shaolong's father, let me talk to you about this matter!"


Lin Yang looked at Jin Hui indifferently, then nodded, "Let's talk about it later."

After the words fell, he turned his gaze to Jin Yao again: "Did you kill my man?"

"I killed it! What? Doctor Lin, right? Do you want to avenge them?"

Jin Yao didn't panic at all, instead he said with a playful smile and squinted his eyes.

"Since you admit it openly, then things will be easy."

Lin Yang nodded, with murderous intent in his eyes, he walked forward.

"Doctor Lin, are you going to kill me?"

Jin Yao laughed lightly, "I'm afraid I'll lend you some guts, but you won't dare touch me!"

"What did you say?"

Lin Yang stopped and frowned.

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