With a calm face, Jin Yao sneered: "Doctor Lin, don't think I know nothing about you! Although you dominate Jiangcheng and even have relations with the government, in my eyes, your achievements are nothing. what!"

"I don't care about those, I only know that killing people pays for their lives, it's only right and proper!"

Lin Yang asked blankly.

"Heh, Doctor Lin, do you know who I am?"

Jin Yao smiled disdainfully and said, "I'll tell you! I'm from the Raging Fire God Sect! If you dare to touch me! I guarantee you Yanghua will be in a state of unrest!"

"Fire God Sect?"

Lin Yang looked Jin Yao up and down, then shook his head: "I don't know what sect this is! What? Is it very powerful?"

"The ignorant are fearless! Let me tell you the truth, my Raging Fire Sect has a profound relationship with the conference and is supported by the business alliance. Although it is an independent clan, it is inextricably linked with the business alliance and the conference. How dare you To hurt me is to slap the Chamber of Commerce and the General Assembly in the face, Miracle Doctor Lin, do you think you can compete against the General Assembly and the Commercial Alliance?"

Jin Yao smiled, his eyes full of contempt and disdain.

That haughty demeanor seemed to be looking at an ant.

Lin Yang understood completely.

No wonder Jin Qiang's attitude in the hospital was so arrogant.

No wonder Jin Yao dared to attack Xu Tian and others.

It turned out that they looked down on Lin Yang at all, relying on the support of the business alliance and the conference.

"Business Alliance? Conference?"

Lin Yang glanced at his palm, and said expressionlessly: "So you think, in front of these two organizations, I have to kneel down and bow my head to them?"

"That's not necessary, I just said, you can't afford it."

Jin Yao smiled.

"How about I try to provoke you?"

Lin Yang spoke suddenly, staring at Jin Yao sharply.

Jin Yao was startled, and immediately frowned and said, "Doctor Lin, are you going to do something stupid? If you kill me alone, thousands of people in your Yanghua will die. You should know whether this deal is worthwhile."

"It's not been a day or two for me to deal with the business alliance and the conference! As far as I know, the conference enforces the law according to the law, and now this principle is not on your side."

"Children are playing fights, who can tell which is right and which is wrong? And I am not a member of the assembly, I am a member of Raging Fire Shenzong. If I die, Shenzong has decided that once you fight with Shenzong, the assembly will never stand idly by." !"

Jin Yao narrowed his eyes and said, "I think it is necessary for me to explain the pros and cons to you."

Chi la!

Just as Jin Yao was talking, a sharp force of ascension directly cut Jin Yao's arm.

Blood spurted.

Jin Yao's arm fell heavily to the ground.

The Jin family was dumbfounded.

Jin Yao was also stunned, looking at the arm on the ground in astonishment, a little absent-minded for a while.



He clutched his arms and backed away again and again, his face contorted from the severe pain.

Jin Yao stared at Lin Yang ferociously, and roared in a low voice: "Doctor Lin! You...you dare to hurt me! You want to die! You want to kill yourself! Don't blame me!"

After all, Jin Yao stepped forward, intending to fight Lin Yang.

But the next second.


The astonishing power of ascension was directly on Jin Yao's body.

All the energy released by Jin Yao was crushed like powder, cracked inch by inch, and he was powerless to fight back.

Jin Yao's brain trembled wildly, as if he realized something.

"This power of ascension...you are a land god? No...impossible! How...how can you be in the realm of this fairy?"

Jin Yao is going crazy.

The surrounding Jin family members were even more astonished.

Land fairy?

what is that?

They don't know.

But in the eyes of the Jin family, Jin Yao, who is considered an invincible powerhouse in the world, has no room to fight back in front of Miracle Doctor Lin?

This is...Jiang Chenglin genius doctor?

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