Jin Yao was taken to the academy, locked up, and guarded by Gong Xiyun.

Lin Yang ran to the emergency room to treat Xu Tian and others.

After working so hard all night, Lin Yang heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Jin Yao's fire skills were not that strong. If the flames injected into Xu Tian's body were stronger and burned his last lifeline, he might not be able to save him with his superb medical skills.

"Take good care of them."

Lin Yang looked at the slightly bright sky, left a word, and went to rest.

However, just as Lin Yang took a nap for a while, there was a knock on the door.

When the door opened, it was Qin Bosong.

"Teacher, the leader of the Merchant Alliance, Bai Huoshui, is here."

Qin Bosong said in a low voice.


Lin Yang was slightly taken aback, but quickly understood what was going on, and asked directly: "Is she alone?"


"Set tea."

"is teacher!"

Qin Bosong nodded.

Soon, Lin Yang was fully dressed and went to the living room.

Bai Huoshui was sitting inside drinking tea with several men and women.

These people are old and young, all of them have serious expressions, not as calm and composed as Bai Huoshui.

Lin Yang stepped in.

Bai Huoshui crossed his legs, took a sip of tea gracefully, and then showed a complicated smile.

"Leader Bai, what's the point of coming to me early in the morning?"

Lin Yang sat down, glanced at the people present, and finally landed on Bai Huoshui.

"Master Lin, we are here to discuss with you about resolving the conflicts of the Raging Fire God Sect!"

Bai Huoshui said helplessly.

"Fire God Sect?"

Lin Yang was startled, and Xuan'er snorted secretly: "Did someone from the Jin family inform you?"

"Master Lin, it doesn't matter who notified us, what matters is how to solve this matter!"

Bai Huoshui said helplessly, and at the same time kept winking at Lin Yang, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't say it.

There was doubt in Lin Yang's eyes, but he couldn't figure out Bai Huoshui's plan.

At this moment, a middle-aged man sitting on the right side of Bai Huoshui suddenly spoke.

"Master Lin, I think you don't know anything about the Raging Fire Sect. In fact, the Raging Fire Sect is a very special family, and its influence on the conference and the business alliance is also extraordinary. If you are willing to resolve this matter obediently, I miss you It will definitely save you a lot of trouble.”

The middle-aged man said lightly.


Lin Yang stared at the middle-aged man indifferently, and asked calmly, "Are you ... threatening me?"

"Master Lin, that's not what I mean. I'm just talking about the facts. The Raging Fire Sect has a deep connection with the conference. If the Raging Fire Sect fights with you, with the energy of the conference, you will definitely not be able to take advantage of it."

The middle-aged man snorted.

Others nodded one after another.

Lin Yang glanced at the crowd, thinking about something, and then asked lightly: "You people...are you from the Raging Fire Sect, or from the General Assembly?"

"Some of us are members of the Business Alliance, and the rest are members of the General Assembly!"

"So, the people from Raging Fire God Sect didn't come?"

"Master Lin, if the leader of Bai Huoshui hadn't entrusted us to lobby you, do you think you would be able to meet us? You are so naive! Why do people from the Raging Fire Sect come here? Because it is not the Raging Fire Sect that is going to be in trouble now, but you ! You still haven't realized this problem?"

The middle-aged man hummed again, his eyes full of disdain.

That look is like looking at a poor ant...

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