Bai Fushui received a call from Jin Yao and immediately understood that something was wrong.

She didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly contacted the conference party, hoping that the conference party would send someone to follow her to persuade Lin Yang.

She and Lin Yang have been together for a while, and he knows what kind of character this person is.

This is a cow, and what has been identified cannot be pulled back at all.

So she can only pin her hopes on the lobbyists sent by these conferences, hoping that they can make Lin Yang retreat.

But obviously, these people's eloquence is not as good as hers.

"Master Mo Chen! You are here to resolve the conflict between Raging Fire God Sect and God Doctor Lin in a peaceful way, not to add fuel to the fire here!"

Bai Huoshui sensed the imprudence in the middle-aged man's words, and immediately drank aloud.

"I never added oil and vinegar, but stated the facts. I admit that this genius doctor Lin has achieved brilliant results in recent days, and he has done things far beyond the imagination of the world, but these alone are like being compared with the God of Fire... This is obviously Unrealistic!"

The middle-aged man named Mo Chen snorted.

Hearing the sound, Bai Huoshui was completely in despair.


Lin Yang was not angry, and looked at Mo Chen indifferently, and then said lightly: "Then do you know the whole story?"

"We heard from the whistleblower that you abolished Jin Yao, the right protector of Raging Fire God Sect!"

"That's right."

"Master Lin, you are quite courageous! Shenzong's right protector's position is not low. If you abolished a disciple, you are easy to talk about, but you are actually the right protector... This nature is too serious! It's too bad!"

Mo Chen drank seriously.

Others also whispered to each other, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Bai Huoshui didn't speak, and lowered his eyebrows, thinking about something.

However, Lin Yang asked curiously: "You...don't ask me why I abolished the right guardian of Raging Fire Sect?"

"Is this important?"

Mo Chen didn't seem to care much.

"How is it not important? Didn't your assembly always follow the rules? Always respect the law?"

Lin Yang asked back.

There was a trace of impatience flickering between Mo Chen's brows, but he didn't say anything.

Lin Yang continued to speak, talking eloquently.

"The cause of the matter starts with Jin Yao's nephew. In fact, the Jin family and I didn't have much hatred at first. The conflict only came from a party attended by Su Xiaoqing, the younger sister of Su Yu, an artist under our Yanghua Group... ..”

Lin Yang told the story, from Jin Shaolong's attempt to plot against Su Xiaoqing, to the Jin's family's refusal to apologize, to their domineering in the hospital relying on Jin Yao's relationship, to the Jin's family's intention to escape from Jiangcheng, and so on.

Nothing is missing.

"I sent people to intercept Jin's family, just to seek justice, but how did the right guardian of Liehuo Shenzong treat my people? He directly started killing and killed my subordinate Xu Tian and a dozen people. Kill! Now the body is still lying in the academy! Everyone, they killed first, and I just abolished Jin Yao's martial arts, is there anything wrong?"

Lin Yang shouted coldly.

Several people stopped talking.

Bai Huoshui shook his head, without making a sound, staring at Mo Chen.

But at this moment, Mo Chen snorted and said: "Doctor Lin, these are just your one-sided remarks. I think this matter should be investigated by the General Assembly. After the truth is found out, your punishment will be determined. In addition, as the Raging Fire God Sect The right protector, the Raging Fire God Sect will deal with Jin Yao, and it is wrong for you to torture yourself without permission!"

This statement is already somewhat preposterous.

When Lin Yang heard this, he suddenly swept his eyes towards Mo Chen.

There was already a killing intent in the pupils.

"You say...who is wrong?"

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