
Bai Huoshui didn't feel very good, so he got up quickly and smiled, "Master Lin, calm down, Lord Mochen didn't mean that!"

"That's what I mean!"

Mo Chen is also straight-tempered, and snorted coldly: "Shenzong is considered half of the members of the conference. If something like this happens to the guardian of Shenzong, it will naturally be dealt with by Shenzong. Even if Shenzong doesn't deal with it, the conference will send someone to severely punish Jin Yao. Why? When is it your turn, a little person from Jiangcheng, to lynch Shenzong's right guardian? Doctor Lin, you don't pay attention to my conference at all!"

"Master Mo Chen..."

Bai Huoshui's eyebrows were erected, and his face was extremely ugly.

She never thought that Mo Chen would be so disgusted with Lin Yang!

Originally, they wanted to send lobbyists at the conference, but why did they come up with a fire?

She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Yang.

"That being the case... what are you going to do?"

Lin Yang asked lightly, then sat down, lit a cigarette and asked.

"Give Jin Yao to us. As for you, you have to go to the conference with us, and the conference will decide whether you are guilty or not."

Mo Chen said lightly.

"That's it..."

Lin Yang took a deep breath on his cigarette.

"Master Mochen, are you going too far! Miracle doctor Lin is obviously the victim! Why do you want to bring him back to the conference?"

Bai Huoshui was a little anxious, and said coldly in a low voice: "We are here mainly to resolve the conflict between Miracle Doctor Lin and Shenzong! Are you doing this to favor Shenzong?"

"I'm saving him, Miracle Doctor Lin!"

Mo Chen snorted, "With Shenzong's temper, if he knew about Jin Yao's affairs, how could he easily let go of Yanghua? If I brought Miracle Doctor Lin back to the meeting and asked him to explain this matter, Liehuo Shenzong would have nothing to say Say! Do you want the Raging Fire God Sect to bring all the masters of the sect to Jiangcheng and kill them?"

When these words fell to the ground, Bai Huoshui fell silent.

The reasoning is really that reasonable.

Although this matter was provoked by Jin Yao, it was not on the Lie Huo Shenzong's side.

But as a super big sect that has far-reaching implications for the conference, the members of Raging Fire God Sect will not take that much into account.

The right protector has been abolished, so they still care about who is right and who is wrong?

What they care about is face!

For a moment, Bai Huoshui didn't know how to refute, so he could only turn his head and look at Lin Yang in embarrassment.

"Doctor Lin, don't think that I'm taking sides with Liehuo Shenzong, I'm actually helping you! As long as you are willing to do what I say and hand over Jin Yao, I can guarantee that you will return to Jiangcheng safely after returning to the meeting with us! I know you have grievances, but sometimes, your grievances are not worth mentioning at all. If you continue to freeze with me and wait for Shenzong to get angry, you will only lose more than this. Let yourself be lost forever, which is more important, please distinguish clearly!"

Mo Chen waved his hand, then picked up the tea on the table, and sipped it leisurely.

Lin Yang was thinking blankly.

Everyone looked at him, waiting for his reply.

But Lin Yang remained silent for a long time.

"Doctor Lin, what's your decision?"

Mo Chen was a little impatient, and asked with a snort.

"Doctor Lin, if you believe me, just bear with it, hand over the person, and let me operate it. I will do my best to keep you from going to the conference!"

Bai Huoshui leaned forward slightly, lowered his voice and said to Lin Yang.

"But you have to compromise..."

Lin Yang heard the sound and stared at her indifferently.

"I know it's humiliating, but sometimes, it can only be like this. Raging Fire God Sect has been supported by the business alliance for these years, and its strength is extremely terrifying. I know their strength very well. If you confront them head-on... you will only suffer deficit!"

Bai Huoshui said helplessly.

As the leader of the business alliance, she knows the Raging Fire God Sect better than anyone else.

Even though Yanghua is entrenched in Jiangcheng, its strength has grown extremely rapidly under the development of Lin Yang in these years, but Liehuo Shenzong has experienced an unknown number of years of precipitation, and it almost developed at the same time as the conference.

This is simply a giant.

Lin Yang...what to contend with?

"I have to compromise?"

Lin Yang exhaled, shook his head and said: "If I compromise on this, then how can I, Yanghua, follow me willingly? How can I face those who follow me?"

"Doctor Lin..."

"I am the victim! Now, do you want me to continue to be the victim?"

Lin Yang stubbed out the cigarette butt, and said with a blank expression: "I have known for a long time that the conference cannot be fair everywhere. Your so-called set of laws seems to have no effect at a certain time. If this is the case, then this fairness, I'll ask for it myself!"

"Doctor Lin! Are you crazy? Are you really not going to listen to advice?"

Mo Chen was furious, slapped the table and shouted.

Lin Yang stared at him indifferently, without refuting.

tuk tuk tuk...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the living room.

"Come in."

Lin Yang said lightly.

Afterwards, the city lord Nanli pushed the door open, walked quickly into the living room, and bowed to Lin Yang.

"Report to the lord, the advance troops have been assembled, please review the lord!"

"it is good!"

Lin Yang nodded, and said lightly: "Order to go on, after everyone has assembled, set off immediately!"


The city lord Nanli cupped his fists again, then turned and left.

Mo Chen and the others were confused.


What is Lin Yang doing?

Gather Yanghua's people?

"Lin Yang, are you summoning people?"

Bai Huo Shui asked.


A bad premonition rose in Bai Huoshui's heart.

With little hesitation, she immediately asked, "Where are you going to take someone?"

"Fire Sea!"

Lin Yang simply spit out three words.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Bai Woshui's brain was throbbing.

"Fire Sea? You...you...could you say...you want to..."

"Since the conference can't give me justice! Then I'll ask for it myself!"

Lin Yang got up slowly, and said expressionlessly: "Before sunset, I will send my troops into a sea of ​​flames and destroy the God of Fire Sect!"

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