Everyone present, including Bai Huoshui, was stunned by Lin Yang's words.

Especially Mo Chen, who could hardly believe his ears.

"Doctor Lin! Are you crazy?"

Bai Huoshui stood up abruptly, stepped forward and said anxiously: "Do you know the Raging Fire Shenzong? Do you know the strength of Shenzong? If you really want to fight Shenzong, you are definitely not an opponent!"

"President Bai, do you know the Raging Fire Sect?"

Lin Yang looked at her lightly and asked.

"The expenses of the Raging Fire God Sect's sect have always been borne by the Merchant Alliance. If I deal with them more, how can I not know their strength?"

"So, do you know my strength?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

When these words fell to the ground, Bai Huoshui was a little speechless.

"Your strength? Hmph, is your Yanghua some kind of hidden force?"

Mo Chen came back to his senses, and snorted coldly: "Let me tell you the truth, your Yanghua is just a piece of transparent white paper in the eyes of our conference! I don't know anything about you?"

"You know?" Lin Yang stared at him.

"if not?"

Mo Chen looked proud, and said coldly: "Yanghua is divided into three parts. Yanghua Co., Ltd., which is managed by Ma Hai, is responsible for the development of Yanghua's pharmaceutical industry, film and television industry, and other industrial chains. It is an important source of income for Yanghua. , the second part is about the Yanghua powerhouses headquartered at the Xuan Medical School. These people are all the powerhouses you have gathered from all over the world over the years, and most of them are medical and martial arts. They are also considered to be second to none in China! As for the third part , is the group of forces you gathered in the Nirvana Realm! Although I don’t know what kind of power you gathered in the Nirvana Realm, I think those people alone are not enough to pose a threat to the Raging Fire God Sect! "

The conference is limited to the Dragon Kingdom area, and the coverage of the conference is not strong outside the Dragon Kingdom.

The Nirvana Realm is located outside the Dragon Kingdom, so the conference has very limited news about the Nirvana Realm.

The General Assembly did not investigate much about Lin Yang's stay in the Nirvana, mainly because it was difficult to pass through the natural storm barrier outside the Nirvana.

Lin Yang glanced at Mo Chen indifferently, turned around, and said calmly, "Everyone can go back."

Mo Chen was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "So, Doctor Lin, do you still insist on doing this?"

"What I dislike the most is being threatened by people. People respect me a foot, and I respect others. If the Raging Fire God Sect dares to do something to my people, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Lin Yang said lightly.

Mo Chen was furious, slammed the table and got up and shouted: "Doctor Lin, you are too presumptuous! It's like toasting and not eating!"

"This kind of stick is too arrogant!"

"When a young man becomes famous, it is inevitable that his heart is higher than the sky, and he doesn't know the vastness of the world! It is understandable!"

"But he's digging his own grave!"

"Too rigid is easy to break!"

Everyone shouted and complained a lot.

Knowing Lin Yang's character well, Bai Huoshui took a deep breath and had no choice but to give up.

"Doctor Lin, you really don't want to die until the Yellow River!"

Bai Huoshui sighed.

"Since Li Zi can't communicate, let's stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

Mo Chen said coldly, got up and walked towards the reception room.

Everyone left.

Bai Huoshui did not leave in a hurry, but came to Lin Yang and said in a low voice: "Doctor Lin, it's not shameful to bear with it sometimes. With your medical skills, Xu Tian and the others will definitely be able to save you. Sacrificing more people in one fell swoop? It's not worth it."

"Leader Bai, I can only say that you don't understand Yanghua and me at all. I'm not just here to vent my anger, but to unite people's hearts. If I don't stand up for them, people's hearts will disperse! What's more, Li Huo Is Shenzong very strong? Why can't I touch them?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

"They were right. You became famous at a young age, and your heart is higher than the sky. This face is more important than your life! You will suffer a big loss sooner or later!"

Bai Huoshui raised his brows upside down, and was also a little angry, but finally chose to give up persuading, and said calmly: "Take care!"

Then he followed Mo Chen and others out of the house.

Bai Huoshui felt a little depressed, but he didn't intend to give up on Lin Yang.

In her opinion, Lin Yang is of great value.

What's more, if something happens to Lin Yang, who will provide her with Zhuyan Pill?

After all, find a way to keep this person!

Bai Huoshui's mind was full of random thoughts.

But not long after she walked out of the living room, she suddenly realized something.

But in front of the window in the corridor, Mo Chen, who had left before, was standing there blankly, staring out the window blankly, as if seeing something extremely terrifying.

Bai Huoshui was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look.

I saw that the Academy of Xuan Medical School at this moment is a vast expanse, full of people...

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