"You... what did you say?"

Mo Chen hurriedly stared at her with an expression of disbelief.

Everyone also had dry mouths and numb scalps.

"I just called to inquire about the line from Chuanling to the Xifeng border. Members of the business alliance on this line have reported to me that they saw the team coming from the Nirvana Realm."

"The three of them are marching side by side, heading towards Jiangcheng! The team is endless, and they have already entered from the northern border."

Bai Huoshui took out his mobile phone, glanced at the map, and said hoarsely: "If my guess is correct, this team from the Annihilation Domain should extend from the interior of the Annihilation Domain..."

"That is to say... the number of the team summoned by Miracle Lin is large enough for them to spread from the entrance and exit of the Nirvana Realm to the Chuanling Realm?"

Mo Chen murmured.

"Maybe it's more than that... Didn't you listen to that person's report to Doctor Lin just now? That's only part of it, and there are still some people in the realm of silence..."

Bai Huoshui looked down, his face turned pale, and he said hoarsely: "I made a preliminary estimate, the team that Lin Miracle Doctor pulled from the Annihilation Domain... there are at least hundreds of thousands of people!"

The ink dust is like petrification, motionless.

Several people around were lost their souls, staring blankly at Bai Huoshui, unable to believe what they heard.

Bai Huoshui's heart was also like a stormy sea.

She tried her best to stabilize her state of mind, took a deep breath, and said in a low voice: "If these people are as powerful as the group of people you see here, then what kind of combat power would hundreds of thousands of people be like?" ?”

"Although Liehuo Shenzong has been developed by the business alliance, because of the harsh entry requirements of Shenzong, there are only more than 20,000 people so far. Extremely unrealistic!"

"In addition, Miracle Doctor Lin is very likely to be the legendary land god. A land god led countless masters such as Yanghua and Nirvana, and used nearly a million combat power to encircle and suppress the Raging Fire God Sect...Everyone, now What we want to discuss is not the issue of who will win or lose between Raging Fire God Sect and Lin Miracle Doctor, but should discuss how many days the Raging Fire God Sect can last...no, it should be said that it can last for a few hours..."

People fell silent.

Horror was written on every face at the scene.

"This genius doctor Lin...is too scary..."

"I never thought that the development of this genius doctor Lin would be so powerful... If this continues, the conference will not be able to restrain him!"

"Unless the General Assembly fully intervenes in the matter of Shenzong, it may be very difficult to keep Shenzong!"

Everyone murmured, their voices were dry.

"It's unrealistic for the General Assembly to fully intervene. Originally, Shenzong didn't care about this matter. If it weren't for the deep connection between Shenzong and the General Assembly, it would be impossible for the General Assembly to intervene. Now that the situation is so serious, how can the General Assembly be called to act again?"

Mo Chen took a deep breath and drank in a low voice: "Now that things have come to an end, the only way to do this is to contact the General Assembly immediately and let the General Assembly notify the Raging Fire God Sect! Let them make preparations as soon as possible!"

"What preparations?"

People looked at Mo Chen one after another.

"He who knows current affairs is a hero!"

Mo Chen said hoarsely: "Immediately ask Shenzong to send someone over to bow to Miracle Doctor Lin and admit his mistake!"


As soon as Mo Chen finished speaking, an older member of the assembly immediately shouted: "Master Mo Chen, you should know better than us what kind of character Shenzong people are! Tell them to come over and bow their heads to admit their mistakes? That is harder than going to heaven! Shenzong I won't agree!"

"It's up to them now! A terrestrial god leads nearly a million strong men! His Raging Fire Sect is not qualified to compete with the opponent! If they don't bow their heads and admit their mistakes, they will die!"

Mo Chen cursed in a low voice: "I'm not discussing with them! I'm informing! This time, the conference can't keep them at all! Tell them immediately and let them know the seriousness of the matter! If you hesitate any longer, it will be too late!"

People looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally took out their phones, dialed the number of the high-level assembly, and asked the high-level assembly to notify Raging Fire God Sect.

Sure enough, Raging Fire God Sect refused to agree at first.

They didn't believe Mo Chen's words.

But after Mo Chen, Bai Huoshui and others tried their best to describe and explain, the members of Raging Fire God Sect finally accepted the suggestion, and immediately sent people to Jiangcheng to communicate with Lin Miracle Doctor...

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