whoosh whoosh....

It was another cloud of gas needles turning into rain, falling into the crowd.

The people who got the boost walked out of the academy in an orderly manner and headed towards the sea of ​​flames.

Then another group of people from the Nirvana Realm who were waiting outside walked in slowly.

Seeing this, Bai Huoshui and others immediately ran out of the building and ran towards Lin Yang.

"Doctor Lin! Wait a minute! Please tell your team to stop!"

Bai Huoshui shouted urgently.

Lin Yang slowly tilted his head and watched several people: "Is there something wrong?"

"Doctor Lin! We have just communicated with the people from Raging Fire God Sect, and they are willing to come over and resolve this matter peacefully with you!"

Bai Huoshui said hastily.

"A peaceful solution?"

Lin Yang snorted secretly, with disdain written all over his face: "They are willing to resolve it peacefully, but I didn't say it was a peaceful solution! What? Is it pity for me that they proposed this plan?"

"Master Lin, you misunderstood. The people of Shenzong definitely don't mean this. They just think that there is no need to go to war with this matter. Strictly speaking, it is a trivial matter, and the conference also thinks that this matter should be resolved peacefully! To show sincerity, the Shenzong sect The nephews of the deputy suzerain and the master of the Shenzong came to apologize and reconcile with you, and also asked the doctor Lin to calm down the anger and turn the war into jade!"

Mo Chen said.

After seeing Lin Yang's true strength, he no longer had the previous arrogant attitude.

Now everyone just thinks about being able to calm down the matter.

Lin Yang frowned, and wanted to say something else.

But at this moment, Bai Huoshui had already grabbed his arm with one hand, and his autumn eyes were full of begging.

Seeing Bai Huoshui's begging eyes, Lin Yang finally held back his anger.

After all, Bai Huoshui had also helped him a lot, so he had to give him some face.

"For President Bai's sake, I can give Raging Fire Shenzong a chance to reconcile, but I hope they come here with sincerity, and...on this matter, Shenzong must give me a satisfactory explanation, otherwise , I can find them myself!"

Lin Yang said coldly.

"No problem! Absolutely no problem!"

Mo Chen shouted hastily, and then looked at Bai Huoshui meaningfully.

Bai Huoshui heaved a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Lin Yang didn't speak, took out his mobile phone and called Nanli City Lord, and asked the rest of the team to stand by.

The people from Raging Fire God Sect came very quickly.

Arrived in Jiangcheng that afternoon.

While comforting Lin Yang, Mo Chen sent someone to pick him up at the airport.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, more than a dozen men and women in scarlet robes walked into the Academy of Xuan Medical School.

Lin Yang has already evacuated all the Nirvana people gathered in the academy.

If Raging Fire God Sect was willing to bow his head and admit his mistakes, and was willing to give a satisfactory answer, Lin Yang would not be willing to start this war.

After all, the Raging Fire Sect has a special relationship with the conference, and Lin Yang is still unwilling to break his face with the conference.

Lin Yang sat in the living room, drinking tea calmly.

Mo Chen led the people in and sat down one by one.

Lin Yang didn't look at these people, but felt the aura emanating from them.

After a while, he put down the teacup before calmly watching these people.

"Master Lin, let me introduce you. This is the deputy suzerain of the Raging Fire Sect, Master Three-eyed Huo!"

Mo Chen got up and said with a smile.

The man named Sanyanhuo stood up and nodded towards Lin Yang.

"This one is the nephew of the master of Shenzong, Young Master Xiangtian."

Mo Chen said again: "Let Master Xiangtian come here in person, Doctor Lin, this is enough to prove the sincerity of the Lord of Shenzong!"

Xiangtian heard the sound, but frowned slightly, and didn't get up, just glanced at Lin Yang lightly, as if he had no intention of saluting him.

But at this moment, Lin Yang suddenly spoke.

"Has he no son?"

When these words fell to the ground, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly froze.

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