
Absolutely an extraordinary master!

The three-eyed fire looked at Master Yun Xiao in disbelief.

In fact, from the very beginning, he felt that this person was unusual, he was hiding something, his aura was restrained, and he could not perceive the fluctuation of energy at all.

But when the owner of Yunxiao moved, it was like a violent storm, which made people feel fear and despair.

"Too much deceit!"

Xiangtian was furious, and immediately drew out the weapon he was carrying, ready to fight back.

But as soon as he moved, Lin Yang immediately looked at him.

"You want to resist?"

"My surname is Lin, we have come here to reconcile with you! How dare you be ignorant of flattery? That's your courting death! I've seen you upset for a long time!"

Xiangtian scolded angrily.

"I don't like it? You have to have the strength."

Lin Yang snorted coldly, his pupils swelled.


The sharp sword in Xiangtian's hand exploded immediately.


Xiangtian was stunned.

"Xiangtian, stop!"

The three-eyed fire rushed to drink.

"Three-eyed fire! Don't think that as the deputy suzerain, I can listen to you. Our Raging Fire God Sect has already lost face by running here, but you are still humble in everything and bow your knees. It's all gone!"

Xiangtian couldn't bear it at this moment, and turned against Sanyanhuo directly, and snorted disdainfully: "Since you are so useless, then I will rely on myself to get back the lost face of my Liehuo Shenzong!"

After finishing speaking, Xiangtian directly raised his hand and clasped his five fingers.


A terrifying flame burned in his palm, wrapping his five fingers.

"Mr. Xiangtian, don't!"

Bai Huoshui shouted urgently.

"Stop! Stop everyone!"

Mo Chen also shouted anxiously.

But it's useless at all.

"Everyone, protect me, the glory of the Raging Fire God Sect, and get rid of this trash!"

Xiangtian yelled, and then rushed towards Lin Yang together with several members of Raging Fire Sect.

But Lin Yang's expression was very indifferent from the beginning to the end.

He stood where he was, not moving a muscle.

When Xiangtian and the others had rushed to a distance of two meters, Lin Yang suddenly raised his hand and lightly grabbed it.

Whirring whirring....

The flames radiating from the bodies of these members of the Raging Fire Sect seemed to be absorbed by something, and they all gathered in Lin Yang's palm.

Not a spark left!


Xiangtian was stunned.

Everyone stopped.

People stared at the flames hovering in Lin Yang's palm in astonishment, with disbelief on their faces.

Lin Yang took a closer look at the flames in his palm, shook his head, and said indifferently, "Is the flame power of the Raging Fire Sect so low?"

"Asshole! Don't be complacent!"

Xiangtian roared angrily, and punched out directly.


A fireball spewed out from the front of the fist. The flame was so hot that it illuminated the entire reception room and even set a few tables ablaze.

Like a meteor, it slammed into Lin Yang fiercely.

But when it was approaching Lin Yang, the fireball disintegrated by itself and turned into several fire beams, which flowed into Lin Yang's palm again and circled.


The people of Raging Fire God Sect were all stunned.

"He...why can he easily control our flame power?"

"Could it be... this guy also knows how to fire?"

Everyone murmured.

"President Bai?"

Sanyanhuo sensed that something was wrong and turned around abruptly.

Bai Huoshui sighed and shook his head helplessly.

Chi! Chi! Chi....

At this time, all the flames had penetrated into Lin Yang's palm and disappeared in his hands, and they could no longer be seen.

Any means of the Raging Fire God Sect members can no longer help him...

Xiangtian's scalp was numb, and they finally realized that the situation was wrong.

"Low-level flame power is disappointing. With this method, how can you challenge me?"

"Raging Fire Sect, I have given you a chance, but you have not cherished it."

"So, let you see my flame!"

Lin Yang raised his head slowly, his sharp eyes suddenly turned into pupils, as if a flame was burning in his pupils.

The world trembled wildly.

I saw Lin Yang grabbing from the air.


A pale flame ignited in his palm, and quickly took shape. In just a few seconds, it turned into a slender flaming sword!

"Heavenly fire?"

Sanyanhuo trembled wildly, and his mind went blank for an instant.

"'s a divine fire that reaches the heavenly level..."

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