The three-eyed fire seemed to see a god, his face was shocked, but also showed a touch of awe.

He has only seen a strange fire that can reach this level in one person.

That is the master of the current master of Shenzong.

But the master of the master of Shenzong had passed away many years ago, and he had only seen the supernatural fire level of the master of Shenzong ten years ago, which was still in the realm of earth evil ghost fire.

Now the master of Shenzong has not made a move for many years, and no one knows what level he is currently at.

But it shouldn't be God-given fire!

After all, stepping into this realm will not be much easier than stepping into the terrestrial fairyland.

Just when Sanyanhuo lost his mind, Lin Yang was already walking towards here with the sword of Shenhuo.

The mysterious scorching temperature made all the members of the Blazing Fire Sect feel an unprecedented sense of oppression and fear.

Although they couldn't see through the level of Lin Yang's flame, the power released by the flame had deeply frightened them.

"This flame not something we can contend with!"

"Why? Why is this person's fire power stronger than ours?"

"Could it be... is he really a land god?"

These Raging Fire Sect members fell into despair.

Mo Chen and his party felt their scalps tingling and were at a loss.

They never expected that the situation would come to this point!

"Doctor Lin! Please don't be impulsive! Let's talk slowly!"

Bai Kuo gritted his teeth and immediately stepped forward to shout.

"President Bai, you also saw that they were the first to attack! Since they want to put me to death, how can I be merciful?"

Lin Yang said expressionlessly: "You should understand my character! Why bother to persuade me?"


Bai Huoshui wanted to say something else.

But the next second.


Lin Yang has already chopped off with one sword.

Chi la!

Several members of the Raging Fire God Sect standing behind Xiangtian were instantly ignited, and then suddenly turned into ashes with a whoosh, and died on the spot without a whole body.


Xiangtian, Sanyanhuo and the others turned pale, and were so frightened that they were out of their wits.

"Doctor Lin!"

Mo Chen stomped his feet anxiously, but stopped talking.

The three-eyed fire couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately knelt down on one knee, and said eagerly: "Doctor Lin, this matter is all due to Xiangtian's reckless impulsiveness! Please forgive us, I am willing to abolish their cultivation, I just beg you Can save his life! About compensation! I can talk to you again!"

After all, the three-eyed kowtow could not stop.

He is really scared!

If he had known that Yanghua's genius doctor Lin was so terrifying, even if he wanted to disobey the order of the suzerain, he would never bring Xiangtian, a harmful spirit.

"But I don't want compensation now, I plan to kill you, and then lead someone to destroy the Raging Fire God Sect! To prevent future troubles!"

Lin Yang said lightly.


The three eyes were stupefied.

Xiangtian was so frightened that he sat on the ground, trembling, his crotch was wet.

At this moment, Mo Chen suddenly stopped in front of Lin Yang.

"Master Lin, listen to me!"

Mo Chen shouted.

"Step aside!"

Lin Yang said coldly.

"Doctor Lin! Please listen to me! If you don't listen to what I say, it's not too late to kill them!"

Mo Chen knelt down directly, clasped his fists with both hands, his face full of anxiety.

Lin Yang stared at Mo Chen expressionlessly, hesitated and said, "Go ahead."

"Master Lin, even if you kill these people and destroy the Raging Fire Sect, you will not be able to avoid future troubles. Many members of the Raging Fire Sect serve in the assembly. Once they know that you have destroyed the Shenzong, they will definitely use the power of the assembly to deal with you. As for the assembly, You can't raze it, can you?"

"Instead of forging a mortal enmity, it's better to ask for benefits and gain the favor of Liehuo Shenzong! Isn't it better? Xiangtian is the nephew of the master of Shenzong, and Sanyanhuo is the deputy suzerain of Shenzong. If you are willing to let them go, everyone in Shenzong will definitely be against you." You are extremely grateful, and besides, the deputy suzerain of the Three-Eyed Fire is here, and he will promise you to pay back! Such benefits and favors, how can it not be compared to a fight?"

Mo Chen spoke eloquently, but his eyes were full of eagerness, staring at Lin Yang expectantly.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yang fell into deep thought.

Bai Huoshui and others paid attention.

Master Yun Xiao and the others also looked at Lin Yang.


In the end, Lin Yang nodded and responded directly.

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