"Lin Yang, do you know that place?"

Su Yan asked strangely.

"Last time I went to Shenjiazhuang with Luo Qian to collect medicines. When we passed by there, Xiao Qian told me that the project has no development value, and you will pay as much as you invest. Several groups of people have come to inspect it, but they don't plan to take it over. !"

Lin Yang said calmly.

When Su Yu heard this, she immediately became angry: "Sister Hua, is this really the case? Are you planning to make Dong Lin take advantage of us?"

Yang Hehua's complexion changed suddenly, and she hurriedly said, "Xiaoyu, don't listen to this rubbish nonsense! What kind of friendship do we have? How could I do such a thing...just...just..."

Yang Hehua wanted to say something more, but Su Yu couldn't listen anymore, and immediately waved her hand: "Sister Hua, I said before, if you insult my brother-in-law again, please leave, now, please leave, I don't want to If you don't listen anymore, I want to rest!"


"Everyone, please go out!"

Su Yan got up and chased away the guest directly.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Hehua's face turned livid.

The anger that had been suppressed all this time seemed to be unstoppable.

She nodded again and again, the smile on her face had disappeared, replaced by intense anger.

"Su Yu! I brought someone over and beg you in a low voice, don't you even give me this little face? You...you are really good at it!"

"Sister Hua, you need to be sincere in dealing with people. That project is obviously a scam. If I ask Director Lin to take over, you will make a lot of money, but Yanghua will lose a lot of money. How can I explain to Director Lin? What's more, I have told you that you are not allowed to insult my brother-in-law, but you didn't do it, you don't respect me, why should I give you face?"

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Su Yu said coldly.

"You....little bitch! It's really you! You think you're defiant when you become a big star, don't you?"

Yang Hehua was furious, but she had nothing to do with Su Yu, she could only turn around and hug the man's arm and act coquettishly: "Honey, look, they bullied me!"

"Honey, don't be afraid, with your husband around, no one dares to bully you!"

The man patted Yang Hehua's hand, then looked at Su Yu: "Star Su, you don't agree, and I don't force it, but you make my wife very unhappy, and I don't overdo it. My wife apologizes, others are recording with their mobile phones, you know?"


Several women around took out their mobile phones one after another, looking forward to it.

Su Yu's face suddenly changed: "What did you say?"

"You want to apologize, deaf?"

"Hmph, what if I don't?"

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid you won't be able to live in this hospital anymore!"

The man said disdainfully.

"Can't you stay?"

Lin Yang looked at the man indifferently: "Let's not talk about whether you have the right to ask Xiaoyu to leave, just say that you have... Aren't you afraid of offending Xiaoyu's boss, Doctor Lin?"

When the words fell to the ground, the man shivered, but soon he looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and snorted: "I'm afraid that Miracle Lin will give you a hammer! I'm not from Jiangcheng! He is the master of Miracle Lin in Jiangcheng. Count elsewhere!"

"So what do you mean?"

"Listen, either apologize, or I will donate 10 million to this hospital immediately, and tell this hospital to blow you away!"

The man snorted.

Unexpectedly, when these words fell to the ground, both Su Yu and Su Yan's expressions became strange.

"Ten million? I thought it was a lot."

Su Yanliu frowned.

The man's face froze, and he looked at Su Yan in astonishment.

In fact, his eyes were already attracted by Su Yan. He never thought that Su Yu, a big star, is already pretty enough, but there is actually a sister who is prettier than her.

What kind of gene is this?


Lin Yang shook his head, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and handed it to Su Yu: "Xiao Yu, call Miracle Doctor Lin! First ask Miracle Doctor Lin to donate 100 million to this hospital, lest you run out of beds."

"it is good."

Su Yu smiled slightly, naturally she didn't dare to dial Miracle Doctor Lin's number, but called Ma Hai instead.

After a while, she put down her phone and looked at the man contemptuously: "Do you want to compare your financial resources with Yanghua?"

The man was taken aback, and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Little bitch, you... you really asked Dr. Lin to donate 100 million?"

Yang Hehua still couldn't believe it.

Su Yu didn't bother to answer, and handed the phone to Lin Yang.

Just then, several hospital security personnel walked into the ward.

"Who is Yang Hehua?" one of them asked.

"It's me, what's wrong?" Yang Hehua asked blankly.

"Take them away and blast them out!"

The security guard shouted.

Several people immediately carried Yang Hehua away.

"Eh? What are you doing?"

"Let me go! Let me go!"

Yang Hehua struggled hard, but to no avail.

This time, they believed in Yanghua's donation of 100 million yuan.

This is the end of a farce.

"Have a good rest."

Seeing that it was almost time, Lin Yang smiled slightly and prepared to leave.

"Lin Yang, wait a minute, I'll talk to you!"

At this time, Su Yan suddenly got up and said.

Lin Yang was taken aback for a moment, but still nodded in response.

The two were walking among the flower beds outside the hospital.

Su Yan seemed to have something on her mind, she lowered her head and meditated on something, without saying a word for a long time.

Lin Yang glanced at her, and couldn't help asking: "Xiaoyan, what's the matter?"

"Recently, the business alliance has increased the delivery of projects to our company."

Su Yan hesitated and said in a low voice.

"Increased the amount? This is a good thing."

"But the problem is, among all the member groups of the business alliance, my delivery volume is the largest!"

Su Yan turned her head and said seriously: "Do you know what this means?"

Lin Yang was startled, and said in a low voice, "Is the business alliance supporting you?"


Su Yan nodded, and said hoarsely: "I heard that this decision was made by Sima Qiuye, the deputy leader of the business alliance... Lin Yang, I always have a bad feeling..."

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