"Why do you think so?"

Lin Yang was silent for a moment, then asked lightly.

"I think it's too abnormal."

Su Yan pursed her lower lip, and said in a low voice: "Leader Sima of the Business Alliance not only assigned a few lucrative projects to Yueyan International, but he himself will also inject capital into Yueyan International on behalf of the Business Alliance. The report sent to the Chamber of Commerce stated that Yueyan International has great potential, and was evaluated by the high-level executives of the Chamber of Commerce as 'excellent'..."


Lin Yang was quite surprised.

He heard Bai Huoshui talk about the evaluation criteria for a certain member group within the business alliance.

The evaluation of large groups is very strict. Although Yanghua has not joined the business alliance, it has been evaluated by the business alliance. Even if it is so, it is only a good+.

Although Yueyan International has expanded its system with the support of the Business Alliance and Lin Yang, there is still a big gap between its overall strength and Yanghua.

How can it be rated as excellent?

"There will be no pie in the sky, Lin Yang, the leader of Sima must have other plans, but I can't see his purpose for a while...I am at a loss now."

Su Yan sighed.

Yueyan International is not worth mentioning in front of the huge business alliance. She thought hard, and she didn't know which aspect of Yueyan International that Leader Sima took a fancy to and wanted to support so much.

"Xiaoyan, don't worry, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. After all, Yueyan International is a member of the Merchant League. If you think about it, Leader Sima will not treat Yueyan International too much."

Lin Yang smiled and comforted.

Su Yan nodded, but the worry on her face still remained.

The two took a walk in the hospital for a while, then sent them home with Su Yan to rest.

"Lin Yang, aren't you going to sleep?"

When Su Yan finished taking a shower at home and was about to go to bed, seeing Lin Yang putting on his coat and preparing to leave, she couldn't help asking.

"I'm going to catch a car, and I have to leave tonight, otherwise I won't receive good medicine, and Luo Qian will be in trouble."

Lin Yang smiled bitterly.

"Little Qian, why did you arrange so many jobs for you? No, I have to tell her someday, it made my husband go out every day, making me feel like a widow!"

Su Yan was a little angry, her little face was red, very delicate and cute.

"You can't say that. At present, Xiaoqian and I are in a cooperative relationship. I run around more and earn more. You are the boss of such a big company now, and I can't be worse."

"Lin Yang, there's no need to do that. Our Su family has broken up, and no one will gossip about you anymore."

Su Yan sighed.

"I'm actually not afraid of people gossiping about me."

Lin Yang hesitated to speak, but finally shook his head and said with a light smile, "Xiaoyan, lie down."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Su Yan's tender body trembled, and her whole body tensed up suddenly.

"Be obedient and lie down."

Lin Yang said softly.

Su Yanfang's heart jumped up suddenly, she hesitated for a moment, and finally closed her eyes and lay down on the bed.

"Are you hot? Why is your face so red? And you look nervous?"

Lin Yang asked strangely.



Lin Yang's voice came out again.

Su Yan took a deep breath, trying to stretch her body.

At this moment, a pair of big hands clasped his legs, gently massaging them.

Then came waves of irresistible comfort.

Su Yan only felt that her whole body was suddenly very transparent. With the kneading of these big hands, her whole body seemed to be completely new....

"This feels..."

"Good... so comfortable..."

Su Yan couldn't help shouting.

"I see that you have been under a lot of pressure recently. You should often have insomnia and dreamy dreams? I will help you press it twice to ensure that you can sleep soundly tonight."

After some massage, Su Yan was already limp and paralyzed on the bed, unable to get up comfortably.

Lin Yang took out a small porcelain bottle from his body, put it on the bedside, and said with a smile: "This is the pill I made, you take one tablet every night before going to bed, it will make you fall asleep peacefully and recharge your energy!"

Su Yan lay on the head of the bed, reached out to take the bottle, took a closer look, and said lightly, "It seems...your medical skills are indeed very good...I hope that one day, you can reach the level of Doctor Lin. the height of...."

"hope so...."

Lin Yang smiled helplessly, chatted with Su Yan for a few words, then turned and left the room.

As soon as he went out, Lin Yang immediately called Gong Xiyun.

"Find some good players for me, watch every move of the Business Alliance and Yueyan International, and report to me immediately if there is anything!"

"Yes, Director Lin!"

Lin Yang put away his mobile phone and returned to the Academy of Xuan Medical School.

At this moment, several special vehicles carrying energy oil stopped at the gate of the college.

Lin Yang led people to check it, and after confirming that it was correct, he waved his hand and immediately led people to the realm of silence...

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