Although there are still a lot of things outside the domain, the most serious thing right now is the threat from the domain of nirvana.

After the large army returned to the Annihilation Domain, Lin Yang rushed to the palace in Tianshen Mountain as soon as possible.

At this time, Xu Zheng's scientific research team is still devoting himself to the research.

Regarding Lin Yang's arrival, Xu Zheng didn't express much.

Lin Yang didn't dare to disturb him, so he just sat on the bench at the entrance of the palace, lit a cigarette, and silently watched the researchers coming and going.

After waiting like this for most of the time, Xu Zheng could be considered to have stopped.

At this time, he was sweating profusely and panting.

The high-intensity work made his complexion a little pale.

This must be due to the fact that the research team has been taking the tonic provided by Lin Yang, which has enhanced their physique and energy.

If I were an ordinary person, I'm afraid I would have been tired and collapsed long ago.

"Mr. Lin?"

Xu Zheng, who had just drank his saliva, noticed Lin Yang sitting at the door. He couldn't help but put down his cup and walked over quickly.

"Thank you, how's the progress of the research?"

Lin Yang asked with a smile.

"It's already in a hurry, give me a few more days, and I will be able to produce the finished product! By then, you will enter the underground dragon vein, and it will be unimpeded!"

Xu Zheng smiled.

"That's good."

Lin Yang nodded in satisfaction, and then said again: "By the way, this time, I brought you some energy oil."

"Can oil?"

Xu Zheng was taken aback for a moment, then his voice suddenly increased by an octave, and he looked at Lin Yang in shock.

Not only him, but several researchers around him also looked at Lin Yang in unison, as if they heard something extremely incredible.

"What? Is there a problem?"

Lin Yang looked at Xu Zheng strangely.

Xu Zheng just came back to his senses, but his tongue was still trembling, and he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Lin, did you make a mistake just now? You brought energy oil?"

"Yes, it is energy oil, absolutely right."

"Then... how many taels is that? Is it enough for five taels?"

Xu Zheng asked eagerly, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Two? How could I bring so little?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Could it be how many kilograms?"

Xu Zheng exclaimed.

All the researchers behind him gasped.

How many catties of energy oil?

Are you crazy?

This kind of thing, which is rarer than gold, is not accessible to ordinary people at all. Even if the elites of the Dragon Science Academy want to use it, they have to go through approval, and they can only get a few taels if they die.

Energy oil production is too low, but its functions are innumerable. For every country in the world, it is an extremely rare and precious treasure!

Knowing that Lin Yang actually brought a few catties of energy oil, these researchers all rushed over.

"Mr. Lin, how many catties of energy oil did you really bring?"

"Where...where is it?"

"My God, if we are really capable, we have a lot of ideas that can be realized!"

"Energy oil is a priceless treasure!"

Everyone shouted excitedly, their eyes burning hot.

Xu Zheng couldn't hold back any longer, and quickly asked, "Mr. Lin, where is the oil?"

At this time, one after another, special iron barrels were transported into the palace.

Lin Yang glanced at those people and pointed out: "That's it!"

People immediately looked along and saw the iron buckets brought in one by one, all of them were confused.

"Mr. Lin, where are you?"

Xu Zheng was stunned.

"Isn't that?"

"You mean those iron barrels?"


"No...Didn't you say a few catties?" Xu Zheng circled in confusion.

"Who told you how many catties? I got a hundred tons this time! Those are all over there."

Lin Yang smiled.

When these words fell to the ground, everyone was stunned.

Xu Zheng even sat down on the ground, stunned...

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