Lin Yang and the others stepped forward quickly, staring at the thin dress that Xu Zheng was holding in his hand in confusion.

I saw Xu Zheng walking quickly to Lin Yang with his clothes in hand.

"Mr. Lin, it's done, it's finally done!"

"You mean the dress?"


Xu Zheng said excitedly and proudly: "Mr. Lin, this dress is a sharp weapon to help you enter the underground dragon vein."


Lin Yang immediately took it and observed it carefully.

Jiuyu next to him had an incredulous expression on his face: "What? Just this? Such a thin gauze can also help adults enter the underground dragon veins? Don't be kidding!"

"I'm not kidding."

Xu Zheng shook his head again and again, and said seriously: "This dress is made of the most advanced nanomaterials. Its surface layer has bionic technology, which can easily remove the wind and impact in the passage. Not only that, its entire structure And advanced low-light design...."

Xu Zheng said while explaining.

The professional term directly confused Lin Yang and Jiuyu.

Jiuyu didn't understand, he still didn't think that this little dress could help Lin Yang enter the underground dragon vein.

Lin Yang believed in Xu Zheng.

He picked up the clothes, but he couldn't feel the weight. He seemed to disappear when he put them on. If he didn't look carefully, he couldn't feel the traces of the clothes.

"Whether it works or not, you will know if you try it."

Lin Yang said calmly, then walked towards the gate.

Jiuyu also followed.

The owner of Yunxiao, Chu Qiu and others all surrounded him.

Lin Yang pulled out his natural knife and stabbed it in front of the gate, accumulating a strong force of ascension, turning it into a barrier and spreading it around to protect the people in the palace from being hurt by the impacting wind in the passage.

After everything was ready, Lin Yang exhaled and nodded towards Jiuyu.

Jiuyu immediately opened the door.

The moment the door was opened, the impacting wind slapped towards Lin Yang like a howling huge wave.

Lin Yang frowned, and his feet sank to the ground, subconsciously wanting to resist the impact.

However, when the whistling wind blew, Lin Yang was surprised to find that the gust of wind hitting him was as soft as a breeze blowing on his face...

"My lord, how do you feel?"

Jiuyu over there asked nana.

"Good, I feel... great!"

Lin Yang came back to his senses, and said in disbelief: "The resistance in the channel... has no effect on me at all! I can't feel the slightest bit of power in this channel anymore!"


Jiuyu was dumbfounded.

I saw Lin Yang took a few steps forward, came to the entrance of the passage, and then started to walk in it very easily.

It's as easy as a walk in the park...

This time, Jiuyu was convinced.

"Is this the power of technology?"

He murmured blankly.

Lin Yang closed the door, filled with emotion.

"Xu Zheng, you did a good job!"

"Mr. Lin, we have now found a suitable production method, and mass production will be just around the corner."

"Mass production?"

Lin Yang was stunned, as if thinking of something, nodded immediately: "Xu Zheng, mass production must be carried out as soon as possible, this is very necessary! Chu Qiu, listen, the center of gravity of the alliance is still in this laboratory, you must ensure that Xu Zheng Realize the mass production of Chanyi, understand?"

"Yes, Leader Lin!"

Chu Qiu cupped his fists.

"Mr. Lin, there is no need for mass production here. My suggestion is to move the laboratory away and build a factory for mass production."

Xu Zheng smiled.

"This is your sole responsibility."

Lin Yang waved his hand.

After discussing the mass production with Xu Zheng, Lin Yang started preparations and went to the underground dragon vein with Jiuyu.

"Mr. Lin, please wait a moment, our team still has some gifts for you!"

At this moment, Xu Zheng suddenly shouted.


Lin Yang turned around.

Xu Zheng smiled slightly, turned his head to signal, and then saw a mechanized box being pushed over...

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