The mechanical box was opened, and there were exquisite and small things inside.

Some things are only the size of an egg, and the biggest ones are no more than a fist.

Each of these things has a very unique shape, with many LEDs arranged on the surface, and they are shining with iridescent light.

Lin Yang looked confused.

"what are these?"

"Mr. Lin, these are some gifts that our team made for you with energy oil. These things were designed by us a long time ago, but because the energy problem cannot be solved, we have been delayed. After you bring the energy oil, we will use our spare time Time will complete all these designs, and now you are going to enter the underground dragon veins, and with them, there may be unexpected help!"

Xu Zheng smiled.


Lin Yang thought for a while, and took out all the things in the box, and put them in a cloth bag, which didn't take up much space.

"how to use?"

"There are instructions on it."

"Okay... I'll take it with me."

Lin Yang nodded and put the bag on his back.

After explaining some things, he looked towards Jiuyu.

Jiuyu immediately walked to the gate.


"Master, how long are you going?"

"I'll check the traces of Manjia Patriarch and Ye Yan first. If we can find their location, we can discuss it further. If we can't find them, I will return within seven days!"

"it is good!"

"The alliance will be handed over to you!"

Lin Yang drank heavily, and then gave Jiuyu a wink.

Jiuyu immediately opened the door.

Lin Yang pulled back the Tiansheng knife and rushed directly into the gate.

Jiuyu followed closely behind.

The door slams shut...

"I hope the lord can return safely."

Chu Qiu took a deep breath, his face full of solemnity.

The expressions of the rest of the people are all the same.

No one knows what the underground dragon veins are.

Perhaps, Lin Yang will be in these years. "Isn't this underground? What are those? The starry sky?" Lin Yang asked in astonishment.

"Master Lin, that's not the starry sky, but the top rock formation. This is underground. As for the glowing things above the head...they are dragon scales..."

Jiu Yu said.

"Dragon scale?"

Lin Yang was startled.

Jiuyu raised his head, looked at the top rock layer, and said, "Isn't this called the underground dragon vein? Since it is a dragon vein, how can there be no dragons? According to the top rock layer above our heads, there is a head buried A corrupting dragon..."

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