Cut off Liang NanFang's ten fingers? What is Dr. Lin doing?

The brains of the Liang family were all blazing.

Liang Nanfang was stunned at the spot. Her eyes were wide open. Her legs were swinging and she almost didn't kneel on the ground.

Liang Qingsong got up from his chair and couldn't sit down any more.

"Damn it, Mr. Lin is cruel enough."

"After all, with us to support him, of course he is arrogant!"

The ace bodyguards whispered.

"Dr. Lin, what did you do to offend you? Why do you punish the little girl with such cruel means Liang Yu exclaimed in disbelief.

"Cruel? I don't think it's enough. She fights a person who is dying. Compared with her act of killing people, what's the matter with me? She Liang Nanfang dares to kill people. I only cut her ten fingers. Isn't it already very kind? " Lin Yang said calmly.

As soon as this word came out, the Liang family members on the scene suddenly understood.

"It turns out that Mr. Lin is really here for Qiuyan?" Liang Qingsong said, "but I have settled the matter of Qiu Yan. Nanfang has apologized to Qiu Yan, and Qiu Yan has forgiven Nanfang. Are you not satisfied with that?"

"What about Su Yan?" Lin Yang looks at Liang Qingsong.

Liang Qingsong was stunned.

"Su... Miss Su Yan?" Liang Yu was also a little confused.

Feelings... Does Mr. Lin have to support Su Yan?

Everyone was surprised.

Liang Nanfang couldn't bear it any more. She recovered from her shock. She suddenly stood up straight and glared at Lin Yang and called out, "why? Who the hell are you going to chop off my ten fingers? You think you can do it? rats! Get out of here

Although Lin Yang's handsome face makes Liang Nanfang very excited, after hearing Lin Yang's words, Liang NanFang's heart only wants to tear Lin Yang into pieces.

She is a lady of the Liang family. She has never seen such an arrogant person?

Even if you want to chop her fingers, it's only her share of cutting other people's fingers. Who has such great energy and dares to move her?

However, no matter what Liang Nanfang said or scolded, Lin Yang ignored it. He just closed his eyes and let the timer on his mobile phone beat.

It's been three minutes.

Liang NanFang's swearing did not abate at all.

But Liang Yu was in a hurry.

He knew about Dr. Lin.

At present, Xuanyi school and Yanghua group are in the ascendant. As the leading figure of Xuanyi school and Yanghua group, he should not be underestimated. How can he not believe what he said?

It's just... This is Liang Yu's daughter, Liang Qingsong's granddaughter.

She would not have cut off her ten fingers, even if she was more obstinate?

If we do that, we will not say how much harm it will cause to Liang Nanfang. I'm afraid that the spread of the matter will also have a great impact on the Liang family?

Does Dr. Lin want to be the enemy of Liang family?

Liang Qingsong, with a cold face, gazed at Lin Yang and said, "Doctor Lin! I didn't expect that you would make a difference for Qiu Yan and Su Yan? Hum, although I don't know what kind of relationship you have with them, I'm very happy that you can think about them. However, no matter how the matter is calculated, it's all the family affairs of Liang family. No matter how you manage it, you can't intervene. Aren't you crossing the line? "

Lin Yang closed his eyes, still speechless.

"Doctor Lin! Don't go too far! " Liang Qingsong was angry and drank again: "although you are young and ambitious, you have made some good achievements, but my Liang family does not need to be afraid of you!"

Lin Yang is still closed eyes, still speechless.

"Doctor Lin!" Liang Qingsong was completely angry, but he just wanted to say something, but Lin Yang finally opened his mouth.

However, his words are very simple:

"Liang Qingsong, only... 30 seconds!"

This sentence explains Lin Yang's determination.

Liang Qingsong breathed.

Liang Yu's face changed.

At this moment, Rao is the Liang Weiguo who seems to be out of the way.

"Mr. Lin..." he opened his mouth, but before he finished speaking, Lin Yang raised his hand and motioned him not to open his mouth.

Liang Weiguo had no choice but to sigh.

Liang Qingsong was also very angry, and said directly to Liang Yu: "go, yu'er, invite master Yan here. I'd like to have a look. How can the Doctor Lin take care of my Liang family?"

"There is no need to invite the second master. There are some disturbances in the Liang family. The children below can't solve them. I will not stand by and watch the old man. As an old man, I want to see what he can do and dare to go wild in my Liang family." An old man in grey clothes with a little camel on his back walked into the hall, staring at Lin Yang.

"Grandfather Yan?" Seeing the old man coming in, Liang Nanfang was overjoyed and rushed forward.

The captain was staring at the old man, feeling that his spirit was extraordinary and his momentum was outstanding. He said with deep eyes: "grandfather Yan? Your honor

"Yanmai!" The old man spat out these two words."What? "Yan Mai"

All the ace bodyguards were turned pale.

Lin Yang couldn't help being stunned.

He's heard the name.

It seems that he is a well-known figure in China's ancient martial arts circles.

It's a pity that he didn't mix with the ancient martial arts world. Although he heard his name, he didn't know who he was.

However, the captain was very worried and said in a low voice, "Mr. Lin, this is a tough problem."

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang asked.

"Do you know about master Yanmai? This is an expert who dominated the ancient martial arts world 20 years ago. He broke through the rocks and flew all over the world. It's hard to meet any enemy. Although he retired early, his name is still popular in China. Even if we are mixing in the team, his name is still like thunder

"So you can't beat him?" Lin Yang asked again.

"Most of them are not rivals. Mr. Lin, the Liang family is rich. I'm afraid that Yan Mai is not the only expert. Even if we defeat him, what about the Liang family? This is a family that has been passed down for a hundred years. I think it's better to calm down. If the Liang family is willing to apologize to you, you can accept it. There is no need to be aggressive... "The captain whispered.

In fact, when they first learned that Lin Yang was going to move the Liang family, these people began to murmur. After all, this was the Liang family. Although Dr. Lin had some fame and achievements, he was still too young and immature compared with such a giant.

Lin Yang frowned and looked at the captain. He snorted and said without expression: "it seems that the quality of man long company is just like this."

Qi Qi, the ace bodyguard, turned pale.

"Mr. Lin...

" please step down. " Lin Yang looked at the mobile phone and said faintly: "since you are afraid, you can go back to one side and watch it, or go back. It's nothing to do with Liang family! It's the same with you or without you. I can solve it myself! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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