This has offended a lot of ACE bodyguards.

People are angry.

The captain was also secretly angry.

I don't know what's good or bad!

He is good for Lin Yang. What about Lin Yang? He thought it was his tone?

No matter who hears this kind of words is not happy, let alone these formidable ace bodyguards.

They don't come to work for money. Some people just want to repay the company's favor. When they are in this state, money can't trap them.

"Mr. Lin, we are not afraid, just for your personal safety. Even if you are happy today, what about the next day? Can you kill the Liang family? Not every time you can ask the boss to mobilize all of us to protect your safety. If one day we don't protect you and the Liang family attacks on you, what should we do? Don't you think about it? " Captain sink.

"Back down." Lin Yang light road.

"Mr. Lin!"

"Do you want me to call your boss and ask you to come down?" Lin Yang squinted at him.

The captain opened his mouth, finally gave up persuasion and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Lin, we will perform our duty to protect your safety. If the situation is beyond control, we will force you to leave. I hope you can understand our intention at that time."

Lin Yang did not speak.

"This little friend is very knowledgeable about current affairs. How about you, Doctor Lin?" Liang Qingsong asked coldly.

Lin Yang picked up the mobile phone, then put it into his pocket and calmly looked at Liang Yu: "five minutes have come."

Liang Yu frowned and snorted, too lazy to take care of Lin Yang.

"Well, since Mr. Liang Yu is not going to do what I said, I'll have to do it myself."

Lin Yang light road, then stood up and walked toward Liang Nanfang.

The crowd immediately became nervous.

"You... What do you want to do?" Liang NanFang's face changed with fright, and he quickly hid behind Yan Mai. He trembled and said, "Grandpa Yan, help me!"

"Stop! The Liang family can't let you go wild! " Yan Mai, with his hands attached behind him, said solemnly.

"Master Yan, don't talk nonsense with him. Take this son first." Liang Qingsong did not know how to be polite and called out directly.

As soon as Yanmai's old face sank, he immediately took his hand. Cang song's palm, like an ancient branch, rushed directly to Lin Yang's shoulder.

The hand is like a hawk.

It is the master in the end. This move is really extraordinary.

The bodyguards around him breathed heavily, and the captain didn't dare to look at him. He rushed to help Lin Yang Parry this move.


At the moment when the withered tree like hand reached out, the white night's hand was like lightning, first buckled on Yanmai's wrist, and then grasped it.


The crackle came out.


Yan maidun was surprised. Without waiting for him to take the next step, the hand clasped on his wrist suddenly burst into an unprecedented force.

Not good!

Yanmai quickly stabilized his lower body and sank his feet.

But the power is too huge, the whole person is out of balance in an instant, and then with the power of the palm, the whole person flies out and bumps into the thick marble in the hall.

Bang Dang!

The whole marble is broken in an instant.

Yanmai fell heavily on the ground, and people couldn't stand straight.


The audience was shocked.

Liang Yu and Liang NanFang's mouth was wide open.

Liang Qingsong's old eyes glared.

The most surprising is those ace bodyguards.

They know that Lin Yang has some means, but they have never thought that Lin Yang's strength has been so terrible that...

"what's the matter with this guy?" The captain stepped back.

"Mr. Lin!" Liang Weiguo got up and called out in a trembling voice.

But at the moment, Lin Yang couldn't hear anyone's words.

"Liang Weiguo, there are some things you should understand. Since I have said it, I will certainly do it. You know my temper! Don't think you are Yanjing Liang family, I will bow my head! "

Lin Yang said coldly, then his eyes glared, suddenly turned around and walked toward Liang Nanfang.


It's like a rabbit jumping out of his body like a rabbit.

This move is obviously a killing move, to put Lin Yang to death.

However, Lin Yang didn't leave any hand or fear in his rage, so he went straight to attack with a fist.


a blow is a sound of breaking the air.

He Qiwei Zhuang!

All the ace bodyguards around him screamed.

Liang Qingsong is also staring straight eyes, gaping.


The fist fell on the claw, and in an instant, Yanmai's withered claw was as sharp as an eagle.Yanmai flew out again and landed on the ground. When he raised his hand, his fingers were broken and his blood was dripping. It was hard to hold it.

"Master rock!"

Liang Yu rushed over and lifted it up.

"This son... This son has a good life..." Yan Mai's arm trembles, and his face is shocked.

The ace bodyguards have all opened their mouths.

"Two... Two moves defeated master Yanmai?" The captain was stunned.

"It's just a flying rock breaking style, but that's it."

Lin Yang turned and walked toward Liang Nanfang.

"Don't... Don't come here! You... You don't want to come over... "Liang Nanfang trembled and looked at Lin Yang in horror.

She never thought that the famous master Yanmai was so vulnerable in front of Lin Yang...

"stop it!" Liang Yu rushed to Lin Yang and said, "Doctor Lin, please let me go. No matter what you want, we will promise you. I will ask Nanfang to apologize to Miss Su Yan! I'll arrange a plane for her to go at once

"It's necessary to apologize, but I have to cut the finger. After all, I gave you a chance. You don't cherish it!" Lin Yang said hoarsely, then raised his hand.

Next to the captain a Leng, seems to just think of what, quickly will be the body of the saber out, handed to Lin Yang.

"Get out of the way." Lin Yang light road.

"Doctor Lin, really... Really no room for discussion?" Liang Yu panicked.

"Get out of the way!" Lin Yang's voice grew colder.

Liang Yu immediately looked at Liang Weiguo, his eyes full of begging eyes.

He can see that Liang Weiguo has some relationship with Lin Yang.

But Liang Weiguo shook his head repeatedly, saying that he was helpless.

"Doctor Lin! Don't bully people too much! Is it true that no one in the Liang family will deal with you? " Liang Qingsong roared angrily.

A word fell to the ground.


countless Liang family members rushed out of the hall, and instantly surrounded the whole hall.

"Watch out!"

The captain yelled, all the ace bodyguards turned into an encirclement and blocked the gate.

The two sides were at daggers drawn.

Lin Yang didn't pay any attention to it. He just looked at Liang Yu in front of him and made a very cold voice: "I only say the last time, get out of the way, otherwise, I will also cut your ten fingers!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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