
Liang Nanfang sent out a miserable cry, and the whole person was desperate.

LIANG Qing clenched his fist, and his old face was indignant.

Liang family, especially in Liang family, was forced to such a situation.


What a shame!

Liang Qingsong's old body trembled wildly. If he was not old, he would have rushed to fight with Lin Yang.

"Liang Yu, get out of the way! Otherwise, Dr. Lin will do something to you. You can't master martial arts. You can't stop him! " Liang Weiguo sighed a long time and rushed to Liang Yudao.

Liang Yu trembled all over and opened his mouth. He didn't know what to say.

Liang Qingsong couldn't hold on to it. He gave an order and roared: "go! Give me a rush. Take this Doctor Lin down

The master of Liang family outside immediately rushed in and attacked the bodyguards.

But what are the top security guards? Although the Liang family had a large number of people, they were unable to break through the defense lines of these people for a while.

"Go, go and transfer all the ancient martial arts experts of our Liang family! Today I want this Doctor Lin to die here! I want him dead Liang Qingsong roared with excitement.

"Old bone, do you think I won't move you?" Lin Yang suddenly side head, eyes Sen cold staring at Liang Qingsong.

Liang Qingsong's beard trembled when he was shocked.

But Lin Yang held up his saber and said coldly, "Liang Yu, since you don't listen to me, I'll take your ten fingers."

When he said that, he wanted to wave his knife.

Liang Yu breathed, and his heart leaped to his throat...

"stop... Stop!"

At this time, a sad cry rang out.

Liang Nanfang suddenly pushed Liang Yu aside. Her face was covered with tears and she screamed: "stop all, stop fighting, all of you..."

all the people fighting inside and outside the hall stopped.

Liang NanFang's knees softened, knelt on the ground, then trembled and stretched out his hands, crying: "I... I'm willing to accept your punishment, please... Please let my father go, don't beat..."

"fang'er!" Liang Qingsong was shocked.

Liang Yu was also surprised.

"You still know something, so as not to let the Liang family and your father suffer a disaster without misgiving!" Lin Yang nodded, quite satisfied.

"Fang'er, how can you kneel down for such a person? You... You've really disgraced our Liang family! " Liang Qingsong was a little angry.

"Liang Qingsong! Can't you kneel down like me? " Lin Yang looks at Liang Qingsong without expression.

"Don't be complacent. The details of Liang family are beyond your imagination. You can only bully and bully those people who don't know Gu Wu. If my elder brother comes, my master of ancient martial arts of Liang family comes, do you think you can be rampant here?" Liang Qingsong's face turned red and his old teeth clenched.

"When the experts of the Liang family come, I will meet with them for a while." Lin Yang's light road, and then a sharp blade.

A snowflake swept by.

Liang Nanfang was stunned. After a moment, the severe pain just came up.


The night sky was pierced by the sound of heartrending screams.

Lin Yang returned the knife to the team leader, and then said to Liang Nanfang, "in three days, go to Jiangcheng to apologize to Su Yan. If I don't go within three days, I will come again!"

With that, he turned and walked out the door.

A crowd of ACE bodyguards followed.

"Stop them for me!"

Liang Qingsong roared.

"No, let them go!"

Liang Weiguo suddenly got up and yelled.

"Liang Weiguo, are you crazy? This is the enemy of our Liang family. Do you elbow out? " Liang Qingsong's eyes were red, staring at Liang Weiguo road.

"So, second brother, do you want to set up a big enemy for our Liang family? Don't you... Think about the convention? The overall situation is important! " This time, Liang Weiguo was not willing to be outdone and yelled at Liang Qingsong.

Liang Qingsong was stunned.

He opened his mouth and there was no sound.

Liang Weiguo got up in a hurry, went to Lin Yang, and bowed slightly: "Doctor Lin, today's affairs have offended many people. Now you have punished me. I hope you don't remember the villains. We Liang family and Yanghua group and Xuanyi school are still friendly. We hope that there will be no gap in the future."

"If people don't attack me, I'm not guilty. I'll take care of myself."

Lin Yang turned around and said.

Those Liang family members glared at Lin Yang indignantly, but did not give way.

Lin Yang frowned.

"All out of the way!" Liang Weiguo cried out in a hurry.

The Liang family hesitated for a long time, and finally they gave in slowly.

Lin Yang immediately led a group of bodyguards to leave.

"Liang Weiguo, I see how you can explain to elder brother that you have completely lost the face of my Liang family. After this incident is spread out, how can the Liang family behave?" Liang Qingsong stepped forward a few steps and yelled at Liang Weiguo."The meeting is about to be held. Do you still want to set up a big enemy for our Liang family? Second brother, your vision is too short-sighted, and your manner is too narrow. What's more, things are not irreparable! If you really have a lot to do with Dr. Lin, it's over Liang Weiguo was cold.

"But third uncle, Nanfang, she... She..." Liang Yu over there clenched his teeth and was filled with grief and indignation.

"What's wrong with Nanfang? Do you think Nanfang will be abandoned? Wake up, she just broke her finger. What's more, Dr. Lin's knife is so fast that the wound is very smooth. How easy is it to take these severed fingers back? Do you really think NanFang's ten fingers are gone like this? " Liang Weiguo angrily scolded.

Liang Yu was stunned. Looking at Liang Nanfang, who was almost fainting in pain, she suddenly said, "yes, her finger... Can still be taken back..."

"Dr. Lin has been merciful. Otherwise, with his ability, Nanfang still wants to take the finger? Dream! Listen, I have to keep everything confidential. No one is allowed to divulge it. In addition, as soon as NanFang's fingers are connected, you can go to Jiangcheng and apologize to Miss Su Yan. Liang Yu, you can go too! "

"Ah? I... I'll go too? "

"Otherwise, how can we show our sincerity? Your daughter poked the basket. Do you want to stand by? " Liang Weiguo said solemnly.

Liang Yu looks at Liang Qingsong in distress.

Liang Qingsong, however, shook his hand and angrily said, "I don't agree with you! Cut my granddaughter's hand and want her to apologize? Dream

"You..." Liang Weiguo was very angry.

"Er Fang must go, too! You're going too! " A voice came in from outside the hall.

The Liang family were shocked by this remark. Looking out of the hall, they saw a group of people walking in a long way.

"The owner of the house?"

"Here comes the master of the house!"

"See the master!"

There was a cry.

"Big brother?" Liang Qingsong was stunned.

A few steps to Liang Qingsong, said coldly: "second brother, they go to apologize to that Su Yan. You, go to Jiangcheng and apologize to Dr. Lin. do you understand?"

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