"You... brat! You are so vicious!"

The seven orifices of the family were full of ancestral spirits, and then turned their heads and roared: "Everyone, don't listen to this kid's nonsense! Among us is definitely not Jueming San! Everyone, don't be afraid! Even if it is, it doesn't matter, take him down, and we can get the antidote !Follow me!”

After speaking, he raised his sword and charged alone.

But...no one followed him.

Everyone looked at each other, and they could see the scruples in their eyes.

The patriarch of the Man family was stunned, and turned his head to look at the crowd in astonishment.

"You... you don't really believe it, do you?"

And yet.... people are not talking.

Obviously, they don't want to take that risk.

After all, this kid in front of him is too weird.

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Man family realized that Lin Yang's words had shocked these people.

If he doesn't do anything, it's really over.

The patriarch of the Man family no longer hesitated, and rushed towards Lin Yang.

Regardless of the injuries on his body, he directly activated the power of ascension, pouring into his body, and a terrifying killing aura surged in his palm.

It's all or nothing!


Lin Yang just stood there, holding the Tiansheng knife, quietly watching the Manjia ancestor!

don't hide!

No flash!

No defense!


It seemed that what he was facing was a non-threatening existence.

The patriarch Manjia was a little surprised, but at this moment his face became more ferocious.

"How dare you ignore me? Well, you can go on your way!"

The ancestor of Manjia roared, and the killing light in his hand smashed towards Lin Yang's forehead like a comet.

But at the moment when this move was about to focus on Lin Yang.


A sharp sword suddenly pierced through the Manjia Patriarch's back and broke out from his chest!

The patriarch Manjia trembled all over, his movements froze immediately, blood continued to overflow from his mouth, and the power of ascension in his whole body collapsed at this moment.

He turned his head with difficulty, only to find several companions standing behind him.

And the sword that pierced into his body came from Li Feng!

"Lord Li Feng, you..."

The patriarch Manjia opened his mouth tremblingly while spitting blood, wanting to ask something else.

But Li Feng shouted: "Why don't you take action? If you don't take action to kill this person, be careful that you won't get the antidote later!"

When people hear it, how can they sit still? They drew out their weapons one after another and stabbed into the body of the Manjia Patriarch.




As the sound of flesh and blood being cut continued to be heard, the body of the Manjia Patriarch was completely smashed, the power of ascension quickly disappeared, and his eyes gradually lost their dimness.

"Patriarch Manjia, don't blame us!"

The bearded man let out a low growl, rushed forward with a knife in his hand, and slashed at the neck of the Manjia patriarch.

The head of the ancestor Manjia immediately flew up, drew an arc in the air, and then fell to the ground.

Patriarch Manjia, die here!

Jiuyu behind him was dumbfounded.

He never expected that Lin Yang would clean up a land fairy so easily!

"My lord, this trick of yours to kill with a knife...is too subtle!"

Jiuyu couldn't help applauding.

Lin Yang remained silent.

And the group of people had already surrounded the two of them.

Li Feng said coldly: "Boy, we have killed the ancestor of the Man family as you said, should you give us the antidote?"

"There is no antidote!"

Lin Yang said lightly.


Everyone's breathing trembled.

"You lied! I just saw you two taking the antidote! How can you say there is no antidote?"

Li Feng was furious.

"That's not an antidote, it's just a relieving medicine, which can suppress the effect of this poison for 20 minutes!"

"That is to say, after 20 minutes... you will die?"

"No! We won't die, and you won't die either! Because... I lied to you, among you, it's not an improved version of Jue Ming San, but I imitated the effect of Jue Ming San to create It’s just fake medicine that came out!”

Lin Yang said calmly.

Everyone was stunned.

They never expected that they would be bluffed by Lin Yang!

Lin Yang used a fake medicine similar to Jueming Powder to deceive them into being poisoned by Jueming Powder, forcing them to kill the ancestor of Manjia!

A group of masters under the command of the Longxue Emperor were tricked by a young man!

What a disgrace!

"Ah!! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to peel off your skin! Twitch your tendons! Ahhh!"

"Kill! Kill!"

"I will tear you to pieces!"

Everyone roared, their chests and lungs were about to explode.

Jiuyu swallowed sharply, staring around vigilantly, his scalp tingling.

They are surrounded.

Once these crowds attack, how to resist?

However, Lin Yang remained calm.

"Gentlemen, do you still have time to get mad at me?"

"What do you mean?"

Li Feng frowned and asked deeply.

"You were teased by me and killed the patriarch of the Man family by mistake. I think the Longxue Emperor should have seen all of this. They will definitely punish you. If you leave now, you may be able to escape. Long Xuehuang's butcher knife, otherwise he will come out later, none of you will escape!"

Lin Yang said lightly.


The group hesitated again.

They wanted to kill Lin Yang before leaving.

But although this poison is fake, the effect on everyone is not fake. It is not easy for this group of sick people to kill Lin Yang in a short while.

"Everyone, withdraw first! This son...will settle accounts with him in the future!"

Li Feng couldn't hold his breath anymore, he looked at the stone tomb fearfully, turned around and ran away immediately.

Seeing this, the rest of the people hesitated for a while, then turned and fled the mountain in embarrassment.

In the blink of an eye, this group of masters had all left.

Jiuyu was dumbfounded.

Only the Qinjian girl and her party in the enchantment over there noticed Lin Yang outside.

Some people also heard a little conversation sparsely.

"How did they escape?"

"It seems that the kid poisoned them with fake medicine, causing them to kill their companions by mistake. They were afraid of being implicated by the Dragon Blood Emperor, so they ran away!"

"Oh, I didn't expect this kid to be so cunning and cunning despite his low cultivation!"

"It's disgusting!"

A group of people are deeply disgusted.

But Qin Jiannv frowned and said: "Don't talk too much! This son may help us out of trouble!"

"Miss Qing'er, what do you mean?"

"This person can be used..."

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