"let's go!"

Lin Yang glanced at the stone tomb, drank in a low voice, and turned around to take Jiuyu away.

The purpose of his trip is Manjia Patriarch.

Now that the ancestor of the Man family has been destroyed, and the goal has been achieved, there is no need to stay here for a long time.

It's time to find Ye Yan!

However, just as Lin Yang and Jiuyu were about to leave, Qin Jiannv, who was trapped by the sound of scriptures, suddenly called out: "Friend, wait a minute!"

Lin Yang's pace was a little slow, and he glanced sideways at Qin Jiannv.

"Friend, please help us open the enchantment!"

Qin Jiannv said in a deep voice.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment, then turned around and continued on, without any intention of stopping.

Qin Jian's expression tightened, and she immediately drank: "Friend! If you don't help us, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

But Lin Yang didn't stop.

Seeing this, Qin Jiannv knew that she could no longer be polite, and immediately shouted: "Are you from the Nirvana Realm?"

She turned her head and yelled towards the stone tomb: "Longxue Emperor, this person is from the Nirvana Realm, he seems to be the leader of some alliance! The ancestor of your Man family was designed to be killed by him! If we die, don't let us go!" Pass this person!"

When these words fell to the ground, Lin Yang stopped abruptly, staring at the Qin and Jian girls with cold eyes.

Obviously, Qin Jiannv captured a bit of information in the previous conversation.

"Are you threatening me?"

Lin Yang said coldly.

"Friend! You have avenged me, but I haven't avenged mine! You are outside, and it will be very easy to find out the structural weakness of the enchantment. You only need to remove the enchantment, and we will be inseparable!"

Qin Jiannv said again.

Lin Yang carefully looked at everyone in Qin Jiannv, and then walked towards the barrier.

Jiuyu opened his mouth and followed without saying anything.

"That's right!"

Killer Ax laughed.

The corners of the young master's mouth couldn't help but raise.

"What's the use of being clever? After all, can't we just make things happen?"

Several people laughed.

In their view, people like Lin Yang are not enough to pose a threat.

As long as he can break away from the barrier, get out of the scope of the sound of scriptures, and deal with the Longxue Emperor, nothing else is important.

Looking at the enchantment from the outside is like standing in the belly of a giant to observe the weakness of the giant.

It can be said that it is all weaknesses.

Lin Yang stretched out his finger and moved it slightly.

In an instant, a large number of gaps appeared in the barrier.

Seeing this, the people inside immediately regained their spirits.

"Everyone! Do it!"

Qin Jiannv shouted loudly.

Everyone rushed towards the barrier in unison.

Forcibly resisting the sound of scriptures released by the Longxue Emperor in the stone tomb, he slammed into the barrier fiercely.


The barrier oscillated.

Under the impact of the crowd, it burst on the spot.

All escaped.

"Boy, good job!"

"Heh, counting on your sense, if you ran away just now, even in the remotest corners of the world, I will settle accounts with you!"

Several people looked proud and sneered at Lin Yang.

Jiuyu was very angry, but at the moment the other party was so numerous, he could only hold back his anger and dare not explode.

"My lord, let's go. It's not suitable to stay in this place for a long time. Let them fight. Anyway, your revenge has been avenged, so there is no need to waste time with them."

Jiuyu exhaled.

"Not urgent."

Lin Yang shook his head and said lightly.

Jiuyu was startled.

After all the people have been released, why are they still staying?

He really wanted to ask, but seeing Lin Yang staring at the stone tomb with a serious face, he felt vaguely uneasy.


At this time, the door of the stone tomb opened slowly.

Then a figure in blood-red armor walked out.

That is the Longxue Emperor!

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