Killing a land god is not an easy task.

Like the ancestor of Manjia, his own strength is not strong among the ranks of land gods.

The reason why he died was entirely because Lin Yang's poison limited his strength, and he was completely unprepared for his companions, so he was killed by a surprise attack.

But if the real sword and gun are used in the front, the ancestor of the Man family will never be easily killed.

Qin Jiannv also knew that although she had brought good players, it would not be easy to kill the Longxue Emperor.

Right now, the only way to sacrifice the Ten Thousand Swords Diagram is the best time to kill the Longxue Emperor!

Emperor Longxue's face tightened, and he wanted to stop Qin Jiannv, but it was too late.

Wan Jiantu has wrapped her body, and everyone's ascension power has also accumulated.

At this moment, besides dodging, he can only defend!

The Longxue Emperor was surrounded, and there was no room to dodge.

He yelled, and a lot of blood exploded from his body, which quickly adhered to the surface of his armor.

The already blood-red armor became even more monstrous at this moment.

Longxuehuang clasped his hands together, his eyes widened, his body was surrounded by blood, and a deep hum came out of his nostrils.

"Blood Yu Zhentian!"

huh huh huh...

Blood energy began to revolve around him, and behind him was the figure of a prison blood demon god.

"Thousand Swords Destroy the World!"

With a loud shout, Qin Jiannv concentrated all her soaring power on the map of ten thousand swords, and then Lan Hua pointed at it.

whoosh whoosh whoosh....

Countless Qi swords rushed out of Wanjiantu, like a torrent, ruthlessly charged towards Longxue Emperor.

The people around hurriedly retreated, and at the same time continuously blasted a lot of ascension power at Qin Jiannv.

With the blessing of everyone's energy, the power of the Wanjiantu released by Qin Jiannv is even more terrifying!

The sword rain entered the river, engulfing the Longxue Emperor.

At this time, the Longxue Emperor was completely submerged by the sword energy, and even the piece of land he was standing on had been pierced with holes by the sword energy, making it a mess.

But Qin Jiannv didn't relax at this point, she narrowed her eyes and gritted her silver teeth, as if she wanted to use the last bit of strength in her body.


The blasting sword energy seemed to make a sound of howling swords.

The ground trembled.

The rocks are stirring.


It seems that only this terrifying sword energy is left around the whole mountain.

The surrounding people stared blankly.

Jiuyu was completely dumbfounded.

Such a terrifying sword energy is enough to kill the land gods!

Is this Wan Jiantu?

Is this the Qin and Sword Family?

"It really lives up to its reputation!"

Jiuyu murmured to himself.

This lasted for more than ten seconds, and Qin Jiannv finally couldn't stand it anymore.

She put down her palm suddenly, and sat on the ground slumped, gasping for breath, her fair face was covered with fragrant sweat.

Wan Jiantu also slowly floated down in front of her.

This is already the limit.

Without the bombardment of Qin Jiannv, the surrounding sword energy immediately dissipated.

People hurriedly looked in the direction of the Longxue Emperor.

Seeing the Longxue Emperor exposed again, it was simply too horrible to look at.

His armor has been completely shattered, and the flesh on his body has been cut off by the sharp sword, leaving only a bloody skeleton and internal organs.

"Excellent! Excellent!"

"Haha, Wan Jiantu is really extraordinary!"

"Miss Qing'er, we won!"

Everyone was overjoyed and clapped their hands again and again.

Qin Jiannv looked at the Longxue Emperor, and also let out a hard breath, letting go of her hanging heart.

But at this moment, the heart in Long Xuehuang's blood-drenched sternum suddenly beat violently.

Qin Jiannv's pupils swelled suddenly, and immediately realized something, and shouted anxiously: "Quick, destroy him completely! Quick!"

The young master had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and immediately drew out the fan sword in his hand, swirling the destructive power, and slashed at the Longxue Emperor.

But at the moment when the fan sword was approaching.


There was a crisp sound.

I saw the Longxue Emperor abruptly raised his skeleton bloody hand, and firmly clasped the slashed fan sword.


Everyone was stunned.

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