This is not dead?

How could this be?



"What kind of monster is this?"

Jiuyu's head trembled wildly, and he muttered blankly.

"Although he looks miserable, all the key parts of his body are well protected by him. He should have abandoned the defense of other parts of his body during the impact just now, and only used it to protect his vitals. In this way, he cannot die. "

Lin Yang said lightly.

The son's eyes were wide open, and he stared blankly at the remnants of the internal organs and bones in front of him, his face was covered with sweat.

He hastily exerted his strength again, intending to cut off Longxue Emperor's palm.

as expected.

Following the young master's exertion, cracks appeared in Longxuehuang's hand bones immediately.



The brute force on the fan sword shattered the bones of Longxuehuang's hand, and smoothly slashed towards Longxuehuang's shoulder.

It can be next second.

"Get out of the way!"

Qin Jiannv realized something, her complexion changed drastically, and she shouted urgently.

The young master was taken aback for a moment, only then did he notice that the other claw of the Longxue Emperor had struck.

Brother Gongzi turned pale with fright and retreated hastily.

But the claw still grabbed a piece of bloody flesh from his chest.

Brother Young Master exhaled in pain, clutching his chest and backed away again and again, almost unable to stand still.

People's faces all changed dramatically.

The Longxue Emperor grabbed the flesh and took a look, then directly slapped himself hard.

The piece of meat was immediately shaken into powder, and then glued to his body, turning into his flesh and blood little by little.

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Everyone, let's go together before he recovers! Cut the weeds and roots!"

Knowing that she couldn't delay any longer, Qin Jiannv let out a low growl, braced her body and stood up again.

"Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots? There is no chance!"

The Longxue Emperor made a hoarse and dry voice, and then stretched out his arms.

in an instant.


The whole ground trembled wildly.

Like a magnitude 13 earthquake.

People hurriedly stabilized their bodies, but they were at a loss.

"What's wrong?"

Killing Ax asked.

However, no one answered his question.

At this time.


There was a loud bang.

The huge stone tomb behind Longxue Emperor suddenly exploded.

Afterwards, terrifying blood energy floated out from the stone tomb and quickly enveloped him.


The world was shocked.

Jiuyu also hurried forward, looking at the stone tomb tremblingly.

However, there were skinned corpses lying in the stone tomb, and they were lying on the ground dripping with blood.

At a glance, there are hundreds of them!

What is even more frightening is that the strength of these corpses is extremely terrifying, and almost all of them have existences comparable to the land gods and wonderlands.

There are even a few corpses that exist in the land fairyland...

Seeing this, Qin Jiannv's pretty face turned pale.

"He has been practicing with human corpses!"

Qin Jiannv trembled and murmured.

At this time, the flesh and blood of all the corpses began to peel off by themselves, as if being absorbed by the Longxue Emperor, they flew towards him violently.

A long rainbow of flesh and blood was outlined in midair, continuously pouring into Longxuehuang's body.

With the pouring of flesh and blood, Emperor Longxue's body began to recover slowly.

His skin and flesh gradually grew out, the broken bones were slowly repaired, and the broken breath recondensed.


Qin Jiannv and her group felt their scalps go numb.

They never expected that the Longxue Emperor would have such a move!


Knowing that the situation was serious, Qin Jiannv didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and re-sacrificed the picture of ten thousand swords, ready to continue the attack.

"Miss Qing'er, I don't think there is any chance of winning if we continue to fight. Let's run away quickly!"

The son was a little timid, and immediately turned his head and said.

"He has been forced to this extent, how can he just give up? Kill!"

Qin Jiannv roared, full of fighting spirit.

People have no choice but to re-inject the little power of ascension into Qin Jiannv.


The terrifying sword energy was poured into the Longxue Emperor again.

But this time the sword energy is obviously not as strong as before.

The Longxue Emperor snorted secretly, and slapped forward with both palms.

call! !

Terrifying blood gushed out from his palm, colliding fiercely with the sword energy.

Sword Qi was obviously not the opponent of Blood Wind. After the two sides collided, Blood Wind began to squeeze the sword Qi a little bit, moving forward, and would soon be close to Qin Jiannv.

Everyone turned pale with fright, frantically squeezing the Qi veins in their bodies, urging a small amount of ascending power to inject into Qin Jiannv's body.

However, they were all exhausted and could not compete with the Longxue Emperor who had just been replenished.

Perhaps the Longxue Emperor hadn't recovered to his best condition, but his current condition was obviously better than these people.

King Killing Axe, Brother Gongzi and others fought all the way up from the bottom of the mountain, and were besieged by an enchantment. They were also exhausted by the sound of the scriptures of the Dragon Blood Emperor. It is very rare to be able to persist until now.

"I...I can't hold it anymore!" Young Master took a few breaths with difficulty, and finally tilted his head and fell to the ground.

As soon as he fell, the remaining people couldn't hold back anymore.



The blood wind directly dissipated all the sword energy, and hit the Wanjian map hard, hitting the goddess of the piano and sword.


Qin Jiannv spat out a big mouthful of blood, she flew out and fell to the ground hard.

The rest of the people were also affected, scattered and fell to the ground, all of them vomited blood, their Qi veins oscillated, and all their ascension power collapsed...

Jiuyu stares blankly.

The Qin and Sword Girl... just lost like this?

This Dragon Blood Emperor... is too terrifying!

Qin Jiannv and her party stood up with difficulty, looking at the Longxue Emperor over there.

However, Longxue Emperor slowly lowered his arms and walked towards him calmly.

With every step, a boiling blood footprint will be left on the ground.

The violent and bloody smell is enough to suffocate people.

Jiuyu tugged at Lin Yang's arm tremblingly, and tremblingly said: " lord, let's go quickly, go quickly..."

"Go? Why do you want to go?"

Lin Yang shook his head, and said calmly: "Isn't this the best time? How can you just leave?"

"My lord, you... what do you mean?"

Jiuyu asked dumbfounded.

Lin Yang moved a little forward, jumped down from the path, and walked towards the Longxue Emperor's Walk.

"Now, it's time for us to act!"

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