There are swords and swords in the hall.

Fortunately, the front hall is big enough, and people hastily retreated to make room for the two.

Looking at the two intertwined, Jiuyu frowned slightly, and whispered: "Leader, can Miss Qinjian win?"

"The chances of winning are not great."

Lin Yang shook his head.

Leaving aside the crusade against the Longxue Emperor, Qin Jiannv's injuries were not healed. Just talking about rescuing Qin Sheng in the pharmacy, Qin Jiannv consumed most of her energy.

Even though Xiao Jianyu had fought many people before, his strength was obviously not enough to compare with Qin Jiannv.

Jiuyu looked ugly, and hurriedly asked: "This... If she is hurt somewhere, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, as long as she doesn't die, we don't need to take action!"

Lin Yang said calmly.

He didn't want to get involved in the disputes between the Qin and Sword family and its people.

The less trouble, the better.

As long as Qin Jiannv finishes the fight, it doesn't matter if she wins or loses, Lin Yang will just take the things and leave.

He quietly watched Qin Jiannv.

The people in the hall did not dare to take a breath, and watched the two closely.

Although Qin Jiannv was not in good condition, but because of her anger and aggressive swordsmanship, she hardly defended, and only attacked with all her strength with a sharp sword.

On the other hand, Xiao Jianyu held a sword in one hand, his figure was nimble, and the blade of his sword was even more light and elegant, making it hard to figure out.

No matter how fierce Qin Jiannv's attack is, she can't penetrate his defense!




The sound of bursting swords continued to bloom in the hall.

The terrifying sword intent shook the entire building.

After facing dozens of moves like this, Qin Jiannv was panting and sweating profusely.

"What? The eldest lady of the dignified Qin and Sword family, is this strength?"

Xiao Jianyu smiled lightly, with disdain written all over his face.

"Come again!"

Qin Jiannv gritted her silver teeth and raised her sword to fight again.

But Xiao Jianyu obviously didn't want to waste time.

"Come again? I think it's better to forget it! Miss Qinjian, it's better to end as soon as possible!"

Xiao Jianyu said with a smile, suddenly flicked his palm, and the sword in his hand instantly attacked Qin Jiannv like a spirit snake.

Obviously, he's going to start fighting back!

Qin Jiannv breathed tremblingly, and immediately raised her sword to resist.


Xiao Jianyu's sword tip hit Qin Jiannv's sword lightly.

The terrifying power was transmitted along the body of the sword to Qin Jiannv's body like a stormy sea.


Qin Jiannv flew out in an instant and slammed into the stone pillar behind.


The stone pillar collapsed, and the person fell to the ground hard, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

The buildings of the underground dragon veins are all collected from the local area. The stones here are extremely strong. What kind of terrifying power must it be to break a stone pillar that cannot be surrounded by a single person?



Everyone cried out.

Even Qin Hua drifted coldly, staring at Qin Jiannv with wide eyes.

Qin Jiannv stood up slowly, clutching her chest, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and wanted to fight again.

But Xiao Jianyu suddenly stopped at this time, shook his head and smiled: "Disappointed! It's so disappointing! Miss Qing'er, I can't bear to hurt you. If you don't want to be like those brothers and sisters before you, I advise you Obediently admit defeat and hand over your things!"

"Hand over something?"

Qin Jiannv was stunned.

Xiao Jianyu slapped his head, and pretended to be surprised: "Oh, I forgot, Miss Qing'er, you came late, and you didn't know that I had made an agreement with your father. If no one in your Qin and Sword family can defeat me! Then, The drawing of thousands of swords and sword painting pens of your Qin and Sword family will belong to me!"


Qin Jiannv was dumbfounded.

Lin Yang, who was watching the battle calmly at the door, frowned suddenly.

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