Thinking about it, why did Xiao Jianyu come here for no reason? Aren't you full?

Now everything seems to make sense!

He came here for Wanjiantu and the painting brush!

If Xiao Jianyu and his party were to take it by force, it was obviously impossible for them to be opponents of the masters of the Qin and Sword Family.

So Xiao Jianyu challenged the younger generation of the Qin and Sword family alone, and if he won, he took away the Wanjian picture and the painting brush.

As for the conditions for losing, it doesn't matter now.

"No wonder my cousin and the others are fighting to the death!"

Qin Jiannv clenched her silver teeth, staring at Xiao Jianyu with her autumn eyes, and said coldly: "You dare to plot the treasure of my Qin and Sword family? Hmph, dream! Let me tell you, even if I die, you will never succeed!"

After speaking, he raised his sword again and attacked.

"Miss Qing'er, my patience is limited!"

Xiao Jianyu's face turned cold, and he also attacked.

"Young master, save Miss Qinjian's life, just subdue her, don't kill her!"

The old man at the back spoke lightly to remind him.

If Xiao Jianyu killed Qin Jiannv, the nature of the situation would be different.

"Don't worry! To defeat this woman, I will do nothing!"

Xiao Jianyu snorted, the sharp sword in his hand danced wildly like a spirit snake, rolling out thousands of sword shadows, swallowing them like a big mouth.

Qin Jiannv Liu Mei lightly frowned, watching Xiao Jianyu's offensive, suddenly changed her attacking stance, and switched from attacking to defending.

"What? Do you think you can still defend against my attack?"

Xiao Jianyu didn't take it seriously, the blade didn't stop, and slashed like a bamboo.

However, Qin Jiannv retreated unhurriedly, and at the same time danced the long sword in her hand quickly, and the blade of the sword hit the oncoming sword shadow heavily.

clang! clang! clang...

The crisp sound is endless.

The terrifying burst of sword intent also intensified.

But this time, Qin Jiannv was not blown away by Xiao Jianyu's tyrannical power, instead her arms were dancing like lotus root, shaking with the frantically trembling blade.

buzz buzz...

Slowly, a sword sound resounded, attacking Xiao Jianyu directly.

"Qin sword?"

Someone exclaimed.

Lin Yang on the other end was slightly taken aback, and also hurriedly stared at Qin Jiannv.

Soon, he saw the clues.

Qin Jiannv's arm at this moment maintains the same frequency as the crazily trembling long sword, releasing more sword intent as the sword continues to shake.

At this moment, the sword in her hand is like a string being plucked, and the sword intent emitted when shaking is like the sound of heaven when the string is plucked.

Under this terrifying sword cry, Xiao Jianyu's offensive was forced to be blocked.

The sound of the sword was full of sword intent, which made it difficult for him to gather the power of ascension and form an effective offensive!


"Haha, this is the unique skill of my Qin and Sword family, Qin Jian!"

"This time, you can see the power of my family's secret knowledge!"

The members of the Qin and Sword Family were very excited and cheered one after another.

"Use a sword to make a harp? The harp sword... really deserves its reputation!"

The old man stroked his beard slightly and praised repeatedly, but there was no panic on his face.

The same is true for Xiao Jianyu over there.

Even though he wanted to forcibly attack the sword cry, he was abruptly knocked back, but his expression was still relaxed.


Xiao Jianyu smiled and said: "Since Miss Qing'er is so interested in playing here, how about letting Jianyu play a piece with Xiao as a companion?"

Qin Jiannv's pretty face suddenly changed.

I saw Xiao Jianyu holding a sword flower, put the sword in the sheath, quickly took off the jade flute at his waist, put it on his lips, and blew.

The sound of Xiao Xiao resounded in all directions.

The sound of the sword released by Qin Jiannv using a sword as a qin was instantly suppressed!


Qin Jiannv froze for a moment, and hurriedly danced the long sword, the blade shaking more and more violently.

But Xiao Jianyu's flute sound is also melodious and long, crisp and sweet.

The impact force directly overwhelmed the sound of the piano and sword, and forced towards the piano and sword girl a little bit.

Qin Jiannv clenched her silver teeth and frantically resisted.

However, the strength can't keep up after all.

The sound of the flute pierced through the sound of the sword, and slammed heavily on her body.


Qin Jiannv flew out again, fell to the ground fiercely, and spit out a few more mouthfuls of blood...

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