Qin Ning's words made the scene quiet.

At this moment, even if a needle falls on the ground, it will make a thunderous noise.

Everyone's eyes widened, their eyes protruded, and they looked at the Dragon hands on the ground in disbelief.

Who could have thought that the Dragon hand, which was still alive and kicking a few hours ago, just went to the strange pharmacy and became like this?

"How could that happen?"

Qin baisong seemed unable to accept the news and rushed forward. However, he fell on the ground after a few steps because he was too hasty. People around him helped him up, but his old eyes were still locked in the Dragon hand's body...

"no, dragon hand... How could Dragon hand die? unable! It will never be! " Xiong Changbai shivers, people have lost their state.

He and Longshou used to be leaders of Nanpai medical college. They were most familiar with what kind of person and strength Longshou was. Although Longshou was not a martial arts man and could not master martial arts, he was good at silver needles. When in danger, he did not say what to beat the other side down, at least he had the ability to protect himself.

But now... He's cold on the ground.

"Teacher long!"


"What's going on here? Who killed teacher long! "

All the people from Xuanyi school around rushed to the Dragon hand and cried.

There was a lot of noise.

Lin Yang walked over and silently looked at the blue face of the Dragon hand without saying a word.

Ma Hai several people are also extremely indignant, gnashing teeth.

"Dr. Lin, teacher long can't die so unknowingly. We must avenge teacher long!" At this time, a student of dragon hand suddenly stood up and looked at Lin Yang Dao with red eyes.

"That's right. We must avenge teacher long!"

"Qi pharmacy needs blood debt and blood payment!"

"Blood debt, blood payment!"

"Blood debt, blood payment!"

The mood of the crowd was excited, and they got up one by one and yelled loudly.

"Go back." Lin Yang, however, gave a cry without help.

The people in the shouting were immediately shocked.

"Dr. Lin..."

"go back." Lin Yang repeated it again and said in a low voice, "this is the business of the college, it's my business. How to deal with it, I'll have a definite number in my mind. You all go back to your respective seats and perform their respective duties. Do you understand?"

When people heard it, they looked at each other.

Doctor Lin is not going to investigate this matter?

This is killing people! Is it Lin Yang's plan to end all this?

Many people are confused, but Lin Yang is very calm at the moment.

There was no anger, no hatred, no expression on his face.

It's not convenient for people to say more. They can only do what he says.

After a while, most of the crowd gathered here dispersed.

Lin Yang looked at the Dragon hand silently. Suddenly, he seemed to notice something. He stepped forward and pulled out a silver needle and pricked it on the Dragon hand.

When she pulled out the silver needle, she saw that the silver needle was bright and bright, and it was dark.

"Ah?" Qin baisong lost his voice.

He was poisoned Xiong Changbai clenched his fist.

Lin Yang's eyebrows moved, quickly pulled out the silver needle, and then pricked it on the dragon's hand.

The silver needle swayed on his fingertips like a meteor elf. After only 20 seconds, the Dragon hand was covered with shining silver needles.

"Bring three wormwood!" Lin Yang drank heavily.

People around are in a fog, I don't know the meaning of Lin Yang's move.

Instead, Qin baisong reacted and cried, "go and get it quickly."

"Yes... Yes, Miss Qin!"

The students next to him rushed to the pharmacy.

In less than a minute, the student rushed to the medicine box with three wormwood herbs.

Lin Yang grabs the three wormwood, grasps tightly in the hand, unceasingly rubs, a moment later, a piece of three wormwood grass directly by him to smash the mud shape.

The clothes on the chest of the Dragon hand were torn and the mud like three wormwood was smeared on it.

However, this has just been applied, the green three wormwood turned into black purple, particularly strange, and there is a pungent odor emitted.

"Teacher, are you... Are you detoxifying the Dragon hand?" Qin baisong's lips trembled and asked carefully.

"Yes." Lin Yang said hoarsely: "he was poisoned alive. The poison is very strange and very toxic. I'm afraid the interval between poisoning and death is not more than 30 seconds!"


A lot of people gasped.

"Teacher, can you save the Dragon hand?" Xiong Changbai asked.

There has been a precedent for Lin Yang to save Qin Ning. Maybe this gifted doctor will have a way.However, Lin Yang did not immediately respond to Xiong Changbai, but after thinking for a long time, Ning Sheng said: "the situation of the Dragon hand is totally different from that of Qin Ning. Qin Ning only killed himself with a sharp weapon, and the Dragon hand is full of poison. Even if I can get rid of his poison, it will not help. Other parts of his body are seriously damaged, unless I have a lotus flower now A ray of life, but even in that case, the hope is very slim... "

" that is to say... The Dragon hand... Is really... Hopeless? " Xiong Changbai asked.

"The hope is slim." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

In fact, this is just a consolation. The situation of dragon hands is much more complicated than that of Qin Ning. Even Lin Yang is powerless.

Everyone bowed their heads and looked sad.

After about ten minutes, Lin Yang took the silver needle and three wormwood from the Dragon hand.

"Let's refrigerate them artificially first."


"although I am not sure to save him now, I think that when my medical skills have a new breakthrough in the future, maybe there is still a way to save him!" Lin Yang took a deep breath.

When they heard it, their eyes lit up.

"Yes, even if the teacher can't save him now, the future is uncertain. After all, the teacher is still so young! In the past five years and ten years, the teacher's medical skills will surely be able to reach another level! " Qin baisong clapped his hands and said excitedly.

Many people nodded.

"Yan Ke'er!" Lin Yang called out.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

Outside the crowd, drill in a small and exquisite and beautiful girl.

This is the girl Yan Ke'er who was saved by Lin Yang.

"I want you to do your best to help me find another lotus flower. Can you do it?" Lin Yang said in a deep voice.

Yan Ke'er hesitated and bit her silver teeth: "it's more difficult, but we'll try it."

"If you have any needs, tell Qin baisong that he will meet all your needs."

Yes, Mr. Lin

Yan Ke'er nods.

Lin Yang turned and walked towards the gate.

"Ma Hai, arrange the car. I'll go to the special pharmacy first to see if there is a second lotus plant in the special pharmacy!"

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