Special pharmacy, reception hall.

Feng Shi sat in the upper seat, smiling at the several people in suits on the right seat.

"Qi pharmacy is indeed a special pharmacy. I have seen your sincerity and your strength. I think the cooperation between us will be very happy." A man with a back and a suit said with a faint smile.

"Although killing the Dragon hand will make the Xuanyi sect retaliate against our Qi pharmacy at all costs, if we can reach an alliance with you, I think it is worth a long hand." Feng Shi said with a smile.

"Bold! I like a happy person like vice owner Feng! I think our cooperation will be very happy. " The man said with a smile, spinning and shaking hands with Feng Shi: "vice owner Feng, it's late. I have something to do, so I'll stay soon."

"So the cooperation between our pharmacy and you has been settled?"

"The owner of our house will be very happy. If you have a chance, he will come here to see the owner in person."

"Our special pharmacy will welcome you all over the bed!"

"Hehe, you're welcome. Don't say any more. I'll leave first."

"Good, good, Xia'an, send off some distinguished guests for me!"

"Yes, deputy landlord!"

Xia'an got up and said to several people with a smile: "everybody, please come here!"

"Thank you."

The man nodded.

Several people quickly left the meeting room.

Feng Shi is still sitting on the chair, squinting his eyes to see these people away.

When they walked out of the meeting room, the lecturers took their eyes off them.

"Deputy landlord, these guys have come from afar. They must have other plans. Can we trust them? Don't be used as a knife by them Lecturer Tang frowned slightly and whispered.

"Do you mean they want us to kill the Dragon hand?" Feng Shi said with a smile.

"Yes, because in this way, all the hatred of Xuanyi sect will be transferred to us. I heard that the reason why these people want to deal with Xuanyi sect is mainly to use the unique prescriptions in the hands of Dr. Turin! I'm afraid they want us to have a bad relationship with the Xuanyi sect, so that they can benefit from it! " Tang lecturer said.

"Ha ha, lecturer Tang, you've been too worried. If you say that these people have such short-sightedness, how can they get a foothold in Yanjing?" Feng Shi said with a light smile.

"I'm still a little worried." Lecturer Tang murmured.

"Don't worry, because even if those people don't want us to use the Dragon hand, we won't let it out of the special pharmacy." Feng Shi said with a smile.

"Why?" Next to the lecturer Zhou asked.

"The reason is very simple, because we want to build up our prestige, to frighten, to let the people of Xuanyi school know what they are in our eyes. Dragon hand is just the fighting product between our two medical schools! He's just a bad luck A trace of ferocity flashed in Feng Shi's eyes: "and... Not only those people are interested in Dr. Lin's prescriptions, but we also have our own plans! The homeowner has made a series of plans, and this is just one step in the plan. "

"But... The conference is about to be held. Will it not be good for us to declare war with Xuanyi school at this time...

" don't worry, our special pharmacy is not the one before. Anyway, we have to thank Dr. Lin. if it wasn't for him, we would not be able to win over so many Taishan Beidou in the field of traditional Chinese medicine as our backers We are in trouble. Those old guys will stand by us without hesitation. He is just an organization established less than a year ago. Why fight us? " Feng Shi scorned.

"Oh? Why are those old guys helping us? "

"Don't you understand? Those old people are greedy! They're also looking for prescriptions! What's more, the emergence of Xuanyi sect also touched their interests. Because the emergence of Xuanyi school and the free treatment measures of Dr. Lin, the profits of their pharmacies and medical centers were greatly reduced. How can they not be annoyed? Compared with us, they would like Dr. Lin to die quickly

"Oh, that's interesting."

The lecturers laughed.

Feng Shi also laughed.

A moment later, Cheyenne turned back.

"Gone?" Feng Shi asked.


, "what's the situation now?"

"Vice owner, I have already asked. The people of Xuanyi sect are scared to death one by one." Xia an said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha..."

the roar of laughter came out again.

"What about Dr. Lin's reaction?"

"Dr. Lin didn't say a word. He just had a black face and left by car." Xia an said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I'm so scared!" Zhou said with a smile.

"It's just a young man. I don't think he's hiding out there shaking." Tang said with a smile.

Feng Shi laughed but said nothing.But at this time, a student opened the door of the guest room and rushed in.

"Lecturers, deputy homeowners, not good!"

"Well? Xiao Li? What's so flustered about? " Feng Shi frowned.

"Doctor Xuan has sent someone!" The student named Xiao Li said nervously.


Everyone in the room was surprised.

"It's coming so fast." Feng Shileng next, spin and sneer: "come, also save us to wait! Xiao Li, how many people have been sent by Xuanyi? "

"Not many, only four or five. The others look like bodyguards. The only people I know are Doctor Lin and Ma Hai."

"Please invite them to the reception hall next to you, and serve tea. Don't neglect them." Professor Zhou said.

"Yes." Xiao Li nodded and went down.

"No, don't serve tea, even let's not meet them in the reception hall!" Feng Shi raised his hand and stopped Xiao Li.

They were shocked.

"Vice owner, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? We're all torn. Why should we be polite to them? Move the security team now! Stop Dr. Lin at the gate and gather all the lecturers! Come here together... Oh, by the way, call up all those old guys, isn't it just in time? When they put pressure on Dr. Lin, I'd like to see if this Xuanyi sect is going to kill us or bow to us today! " Feng Shi sneered.

When people heard the sound, they suddenly realized it.

Feng Shi's intention this time is to smash the Xuanyi school directly.

"Vice owner, I'll do it right away." Xiao Li rushed out of the reception hall.

Feng Shi immediately led the people in the room to the gate.

At the same time, the whole pharmacy was boiling.

Countless students gathered at the gate, accompanied by a variety of security personnel and college lecturers.

In an instant, the gate was bustling and boiling www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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