Lin Yang's car was stopped before entering the gate.

He sat in the co pilot's seat and looked at the front row of security personnel.

These are all practitioners. They are hired by Qi pharmacy with high salary. They are not comparable to ordinary bodyguards.

"Lin Dong..." Ma Hai couldn't help but call his head low.

Without a word, Lin Yang pushed the door open and went down.

Ma Hai quickly followed a group of bodyguards also got out of the car, nervously looking at the scene in front of the mountain.

All of us didn't expect that so many people came out of the strange pharmacy and blocked the gate directly.

There must be thousands of people, right?

"Be careful. If the situation is not right, take Lin Dong quickly!" Ma Hai whispered to his bodyguard.

"Don't worry, boss..." the bodyguard said with some falsehood.

Lin Yang went to the front.

His God like handsome face did not have much expression. Although his eyes were calm, there was a touch of forest cold which was hard to catch in the bottom of his eyes.

"Oh, is this the famous doctor Lin?"

"Oh, I thought he had three heads and six arms! It looks like us

"Oh, you have to be careful. Our Doctor Lin has excellent medical skills. He can live a dead man, and he can kill you with a single shot. Be careful that he gives you a shot and you will die!"

"I'm so scared..."

"ha ha ha..."

several young people in the crowd laughed and jeered, causing a burst of laughter on the scene.

"You..." Ma Hai pointed to the crowd, blowing his beard and staring with anger, shaking all over his body.

At this time, the crowd split, Feng Shi led a group of lecturers to come. In addition to the lecturers, the top ten talents were all in place, including Luo Furong, Wang bingdie, Xuanyao, midnight and xirouqian.

But now this man is Doctor Lin, not Mo Xiaowu.

They've all heard the rumor.

The original Mo Xiaowu is not the real Mo Xiaowu! It was disguised by Dr. Lin.

Although I don't know whether the news is true or not, many people are curious about Dr. Lin.

Today, they are still quite moved to see the original master of doctor Lin.

"What a childe, just like jade." I do not know which girl can not help feeling, eyes locked in Lin Yang's body, simply can not move.

A lot of people agree in silence.

Such a handsome guy, which stars can compare? At the scene, many young girls are already dancing.

It's just that... This childe is not fake, but he stands opposite to the strange pharmacy. He is really sad.

"Dr. Lin Shen has come to our special pharmacy. What's the matter?" Feng Shi asked with a smile.

"Know what you're saying!" Ma Hai was in a hurry, so he wanted to talk.

Lin Yang stopped him and looked at Feng Shi lightly: "I come here to ask about the Dragon hand."

"Oh... I'm really sorry about this... Well, I planned to go to Xuanyi sect to explain the story to Dr. Lin in person, but I have too many things here, and I forget it for a moment, but it doesn't matter. Dr. Lin, when you come, I'll make it clear. As soon as we go through the procedures, if Mr. Longshou has an accident with us, we will certainly take corresponding measures We should pay as much as we should. If we should make an apology, we should make an apology. We have already handed the matter to the police. " Feng said.

"Lose money? Sorry? What do you mean? " Lin Yang frowned.

"Well, Dr. Lin, you don't know what happened. In fact, this is an accident."

"Fart, it is clear that you killed the Dragon hand, but also said that the accident?" Ma Hai angrily scolded.

"Mr. Ma Dong, you are also a man of honor. You should know that it is responsible to speak outside. We killed Mr. long Shou? Do you have any evidence? Or did you see it with your own eyes? " Feng Shi asked.

Ma Hai was speechless.

Feng Shi shook his head: "in fact, the matter is like this. Mr. long Shou came to our Qi pharmacy and said that he wanted to discuss with me about some misunderstandings. I kept the attitude of making friends with Xuanyi school and negotiated with Mr. Longshou. Mr. Longshou also understood what I mean. We both had a good talk, but on the way to the conversation, one of them was a good friend The student suddenly took his experimental work and said that he wanted to show it to me, but I didn't refuse it at that time. Unexpectedly, the experimental work exploded suddenly when I was about to show it to me. A large amount of poisonous powder splashed on Mr. long Shou's body, which led to the death of Mr. long Shou. At present, the student has been seriously injured and hospitalized. If you don't believe me, I can take you to see the student. I think this is it In an accident, although all of us are not happy with such a thing, Dr. Lin, I hope that we will not continue to deteriorate the relationship between our two sides because of this incident, which is not worth... "

Feng Shi talked about it, and after these words fell, Ma Hai was full of anger and red.

"Nonsense, nonsense! The story you made up is full of holes! Children don't believe it, Feng Shi. You're just teasing us! " Ma Hai said excitedly."If you don't believe it, I can't help it. Anyway, we have reported it to the police. It's just an accident!" Feng Shi said simply that he didn't care.

"You..." Ma Hai was so angry that he wanted to fight with Feng Shi.

But at this time, Lin Yang opened his mouth.

"Feng Shi, let's not talk about that nonsense. Let's go straight."

"Well?" Feng Shi looks at him.

But Lin Yang raised his hand and said hoarsely, "I'll give you a day's time."

"What does Dr. Lin want to do?" Feng Shi asked with a smile.

"One day, give me a lotus flower, and then give me a satisfactory answer to this matter. I can let bygones be bygones." Lin Yang road.

"Ha ha ha..."

there was a burst of laughter.

Next to the lecturer Zhou sneered: "Dr. Lin, you still owe us a lotus flower in our special pharmacy! You have the face to say that? "

"If the Dragon hand is dead, there will be no debt." Lin Yang shook his head.

"this is not your has the final say." West rouqian hums coldly.

"Yes, who do you think you are? What do you mean? I don't want to see who I am Another one snorted coldly.

Lin Yang didn't want to say more. He turned around and walked toward the car. At the same time, he said, "one day later, I hope there will be lotus flowers sent to Xuanyi sect in your Qi pharmacy, OK?"

"What if we didn't give it?" Feng Shi asked with a smile.

Lin Yang stopped.

He didn't look back. He seemed to be thinking about something.

A moment later, he murmured.

"If you don't give it, I'll make the special pharmacy disappear..."

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