Lin Yang did not quarrel with Feng Shi and others because it was a meaningless conversation. After clarifying his attitude, he got on the car and left the special pharmacy.

"Dog, it's too arrogant!"

"What do you think you are? Let's make our special pharmacy disappear? Do you deserve it? "

"Eat shit, you!"

"Orphan thing!"

Only then did the students of the odd pharmacy react, hurling abuse at Lin Yang's leaving car one by one, and others chase after and pick up the stones on the ground and throw them at the car.

Bang Dang!

The million Mercedes Benz was directly hit with a deep dent.

"Bullying too much!" Ma Hai is angry and wants to stop.

"Let's go." Lin Yang read.

"Mr. Lin..."

"go back!" Lin Yang drank again and looked serious.

Ma Hai held the steering wheel tightly, his liver and lungs were almost burned by anger, but Lin Yang opened a cavity, and he had no choice but to drive away from the strange pharmacy with one foot of gas.

Even if he walked far away, Ma Hai could still hear the jeers from the strange pharmacy.

Don't say it's Mahai. Even the bodyguards who follow me are all angry.

However, Lin Yang's face was like stagnant water all the time.

Isn't Lin Dong angry?

Ma Hai couldn't understand,

it was not until Yanghua company and his office that Lin Yang opened his mouth.

"Send someone to Guangliu province at once."

Ma Hai Wei Zheng: "Lin Dong, what do you do in Guangzhou and Liuzhou province?"

"Summon men and horses."

Lin Yang took out a pen and paper from his desk, wrote a row of telephone numbers and surnames, and handed it to Ma Hai.

Ma Hai saw it, and his face was shocked.

"Lin Dong, this... If so, I'd better go there in person." Ma Hai's breath was trembling, and she got up quickly.

"No need. Just send someone to the pharmacy. Tell them that I don't want them to come to the pharmacy in person, but I want them to act. I don't care what methods they use and what energy they use. I just want them to hold on to a goal and weaken the power of the drug store. Do you understand?" Lin Yang said quietly.

"Any power? To what extent? "

"Qi pharmacy opens a pharmacy, I want him to close a pharmacy, he takes a student, I want him to leave a student!"

"This... I understand, but Lin Dong... Relying on these forces of Guangliu Province, it's difficult to move Qi pharmacy. After all, they are in Guangliu, and what they have done is very limited. If you want to do it, you still need the help of other energy." Ma Hai hesitated and said cautiously.

"Yanghua group and Xuanyi school are all in operation now. They will attack the special pharmacy at any cost. It doesn't matter how much they lose."

"Yes, Lin Dong." Ma Hai nods heavily.

"Besides, you will send people to these places separately." Lin Yang took the pen and paper again, wrote something on it, and then handed it to Ma Hai.

Ma Hai looks at, the shock on his face is more and more intense.

He felt his breathing had stopped.

A moment later, he put the note away with some trembling, and the man swallowed his saliva.

"Do it as soon as possible."

"It's Mr. Lin, but Mr. Lin, if you ask someone else to inform these places, what about me?" Ma Hai asked carefully.

"You go to Yanjing on my behalf." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"Yanjing?" Ma Hai's heart suddenly raised to his throat.



in a pavilion.

A curl of smoke came out of the tea stove.

The owner of a strange medicine in Tang costume is sitting there making tea. Sitting opposite him is a young man who is bright and bright in casual clothes.

The owner of the strange medicine house is very skilled in washing tea and making tea, and then he pours a cup for the young man.

The man also had a good taste of it. After a long breath, he said with a smile, "Uncle Yao's tea is really the best in the world."

"I'm flattered." With a faint smile, the owner of the strange medicine room added another cup to the man, and then said, "but then, I'm surprised that your family will send you here. Shuofang, you are the treasure of your family. Why do you come here in person? Isn't it time for you to prepare well for the meeting? "

"Uncle Yao, you are wrong. I came here not because the family asked me to come, but because I came by myself." The man said with a smile.

"Did you come by yourself?" The owner of the strange medicine house looked at him unexpectedly.

"Yes, I don't want to go around. I came here to ask for a medicine from your special pharmacy."

"Oh? What kind of medicine is it The owner of the strange medicine asked.

"Holling flower." The man said with a smile.

The owner of the strange medicine room was slightly stunned, whirled and shook his head, and said with a light smile: "don't be kidding. Shuofang, who doesn't know that the lotus flower in our Qi pharmacy was robbed by Dr. Lin. where can I find another lotus flower for you?""If I'm right, there should be another one in your Qi pharmacy."


"I'm just taking care of your face, uncle Yao. Do you understand?" The man said with a smile.

This word falls, strange medicine room owner's hand not from a shake, and face instantly heavy countless, people cold stare at the man: "Shuofang, your family sent people into our strange pharmacy?"

"the size of odd pharmacy is not small. It's too easy to plug in." The man said calmly.

The owner of the strange medicine did not speak.

indeed, guessing is only a euphemism. In fact, the man's eye liner saw the lotus flower in the hands of the odd drug owner.

no wonder he would suddenly appear.

No wonder he was so sure...

after a few minutes, the owner of the strange medicine room took a deep breath and said, "I don't need to say about the precious lotus flower. If you want it, you have to pay the corresponding price at least!"

"If you give it to me, you can get 30% of the benefits I get at the conference." The man lowered his voice.


The owner's heart beat suddenly and his breath was tight.

He knew what the concept of 30% was, which was much richer than the benefits of his own efforts in the conference.

However, he would not be so happy to agree, but raised his hand: "at least 50%

"30 percent." The man looked at the owner of the strange medicine with a smile. There was a strange cold in his eyes.

The owner of the strange medicine house obviously understood the look and frowned. Then he clapped his hands and said, "forget it, 30% of the achievements are made. You are so sincere. If I bargain with you, it will be boring!"

"Uncle Yao is right. I'd like to present you a cup of tea instead of wine." The man laughs way, then raises the tea cup to smile way.

The owner of the strange medicine house also squinted and laughed, and could not see any anger.

But at this time, Zhou suddenly rushed over and whispered.

"Landlord, something's wrong."

"What's the matter? Did Dr. Lin make trouble? " Strange medicine room owner light way.

Qi pharmacy is ready to deal with Xuanyi school.

However, lecturer Zhou repeatedly shook his head: "no, it is... It is our more than a dozen pharmacies and medical centers in other provinces... All of a sudden, all of them have been closed down, and those that have not been sealed have been smashed, and now all of them have been forced to close down!"


The owner of the strange medicine house was shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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