
The owner of the strange medicine room frowned.

The man is still leisurely drinking tea, seems to be indifferent to this.

The owner of the strange medicine room took a look at him and said to lecturer Zhou: "find out who moved the hand?"

"We can't find out. The other party's hands and feet are very clean. The people who smashed our pharmacies are because they are dissatisfied with the drugs. It looks like an ordinary conflict. And the closed drugstore and hospital is also because some of our procedures are not complete, and the other party reports, we have no place to reason..." lecturer Zhou said helplessly.

The owner of the strange medicine fell into silence.

At this time, someone came running.

That's lecturer Tang!

"Landlord! Landlord, it's bad. Something's wrong He and other panting ran to the pavilion, shouting: "landlord, our medicine source is all cut off."


The owner of the strange medicine room suddenly stood up and stared at the lecturer Tang.

All the drugs are off?

It's almost a stab at the artery of Qi pharmacy!

You know, what is the basis of Qi pharmacy?


Without medicine, what do they take to maintain the special pharmacy?

"The amount of medicinal materials consumed by our special dispensary every day is a huge number, and the pharmacy also has to provide a fixed amount of special pills every day. Each of these refined pills can sell for hundreds of thousands or even millions, which is also one of the important incomes of our special pharmacy. Without the supply of herbal medicine manufacturers, all this will be cut off! The drugstore is going to collapse, homeowner. What should we do now? " Professor Zhou asked anxiously.

"Did you find out why?" The owner calmed down and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, those drug villages and drug dealers said that all of their medicines were bought by others at double price, and the other party paid in advance, and the medicine materials in the next few months were reserved by the other party..." Professor Tang was tearful.

The owner sat on the stone bench, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"It seems that someone is targeting my special pharmacy."

However, not so far, lecturer Li, lecturer Wang and other lecturers have come to report the news, and every news is shocking, all adverse to the strange pharmacy.

"Uncle Yao, can I help you?" The man put down the cup and said with a smile.

"No, it's a matter of our special pharmacy. Naturally, it should be solved by our special pharmacy. Moreover, I'm sure that it must have been made by Dr. Lin. just a miracle Doctor Lin, how can you do it? Didn't that hit me in the face of the pharmacy? " The owner said in a deep voice.

"Then uncle Yao. What are you going to do? "

"He can cut off the economy and goods supply of our special pharmacy. Naturally, I can cut off his connections. I may not be afraid of him." Strange pharmacy master Leng hum way.

"Uncle Yao, I don't think you're doing it right." The man shook his head and said with a smile, "maybe you should shift your focus, concentrate your contacts and resources in one place, and be ready to fight back at any time."

This word falls, strange pharmacy main side head looks at the man strangely: "concentrate in one place? Shuofang, where are you talking about

"New drug free clinic!" The man gently read out the four words.

Four words down, the face of all lecturers instantly pale to the extreme, one by one is from the head to the foot.

The owner of the strange medicine house was cold on his back and suddenly woke up.

"Come on! Stop the new drug free clinic in our special pharmacy immediately! Cancel now, cancel all activities! Come on The owner of the special pharmacy yelled.

A group of lecturers recovered from the shock and quickly took out their mobile phones to make phone calls and send messages.

However, at this time, Feng Shi led a group of people to run here in a hurry.

Seeing Feng Shi's panic stricken appearance, the owner of the strange medicine room understood something in an instant, and his face was black and blue.

The rest of the people were scared, too.

No accident, Feng Shi called out:

"homeowner, something happened to the new drug free clinic. This afternoon, someone suddenly took a group of patrolmen to the scene of our free clinic and arrested all the lecturers in charge of the free clinic!"

"What about the drug samples? Have they been destroyed? " The owner of the strange medicine asked urgently.

"It's too late to destroy it! They came so suddenly Feng Shi wanted to cry without tears.

The owner of the strange medicine has no voice.

Next to the man's mouth up, continue to drink tea.

Medicine is profiteering, and Qi pharmacy knows this most. What it does is not just selling drugs. Naturally, there are many shady activities for this organization to operate today. For those medical experts, it is easy to get huge profits from drugs.

As the meeting is about to be held, Qi pharmacy has to prepare enough funds to cope with the meeting. Therefore, the so-called new drug free clinic is a free clinic activity held to promote the new drugs of Qi pharmacy, which is oriented to the whole society.

Generally speaking, there will be no problem with such a public free clinic. The drugs introduced by Qi pharmacy are also relatively safe and at ease, although they have not been verified and tested.But... In the eyes of the knowledgeable, the new drug is not so safe.

Its danger is not in the immediate years, but in five years.

New drugs have sequelae for patients, and this sequela will break out in five years.

It's not easy to develop new drugs, which requires huge capital investment. There is still time. The meeting is imminent, and the Qi pharmacy has no time to solve the sequela. Therefore, with the mentality of "fishing for a sum of money and leaving", we opened the new drug free clinic.

He believed that after five years, no one would think of the strange pharmacy even if something happened to the patients.

However, he didn't expect that someone would smell the mystery of the new drug and bring the police to the door...

"if this matter is serious, it will be very important. Then all our pharmaceutical industries will be closed, and even our special pharmacy will be greatly affected. Homeowner, what should we do?" Feng Shi asked.

"Do it, up and down! It's OK to spend as much money as possible. We must find a way to deal with all this. " The owner of the strange medicine room was biting his teeth.

"People have already done it, but... I'm afraid the effect is very small, because the evidence has been mastered by others..." Feng Shi sighed.

At this time, Feng Shi's mobile phone vibrated.

He picked up a look, his face was stunned, his old eyes widened, staring at the mobile phone screen half ring can not move open.

"Vice owner, what happened again?" Next to the Tang lecturer trembling asked.

"Some consumers have submitted a lawyer's letter to us..." Feng Shi said with his mouth open.

"What are you afraid of? We also have a team of lawyers. If you want to take a lawsuit, you can fight them! " Professor Zhou hummed.

"But the other party invited... Is Fang Shimin's lawyer team..." Feng Shi almost cried out.

"What? Fang Shimin, one of the three lawyers in Yanjing

"In addition, Kang Jiahao's lawyer team and Ji Wen's lawyer team in Jiangcheng have posted a notice declaring that they will unconditionally sue for the injured consumers... The owner of the house, this is all Dr. Lin's means, and this is his revenge on us!" Cried Feng Shi.

The owner of the strange medicine room staggered back two steps, and then sat down on the stool, pale as death.

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