Just one day! Dr. Lin launched the most ferocious attack on the strange pharmacy.

Although Qi pharmacy is powerful, it can not resist the stormy attack.

And... This is just the first step!

The second step, I am afraid, is the outbreak of public opinion!

These things happen so suddenly that there is no time to spread them. But in the next few hours, they will quickly occupy the headlines of the major news media online forums, causing a sensation throughout the network.

Once the public opinion gets big, it will be difficult for the odd pharmacy to be peaceful again...

the owner of the strange medicine room closed his eyes and said nothing.

"Uncle Yao, ask again, do you want us to do it?" The man put down the cup and asked lightly.

This time, the strange medicine house owner did not have the previous hard gas, silent under, low voice way: "what condition?"

"The proportion of the benefits of the conference will be changed. I will be eight, you will be two." The man said with a smile.

The strange medicine room owner's fist momentarily tightly pinched up, but finally still resisted, hoarse way: "good, according to what you say to do!"

The man immediately took out the phone and dialed it.

"Young master." There's an old voice over the phone.

"Uncle Zhong, help me arrange the free clinic for new drugs in Qi pharmacy."


Hang up.

The man stood up: "Uncle Yao, time is almost up, I should go, tomorrow there is an exhibition to catch up, do not stay."

"Send me off."

"No, I just hope you will abide by our agreement." The corner of the man's mouth rose, and then he waved and turned away.

"Landlord, why is master Shuofang here? Is he here for your tea? " Feng Shi came over and looked at Shuofang's back.

"No, he's here to take advantage of the fire!" Strange pharmacy master cold hum way, then shake hands to leave.




Lin Yang sat in the office for a day and then left tired.

He wanted to make do with one night in the office, but after much consideration, he decided to go back to Su Yan's company.

Lin Yang drove the red 918 to Yueyan company, but on the way, Su Yan called.

"Where are you?"

"Ready to go back." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"OK, you come back first. I've got a suit for you."

"Clothes? What do you do? " Lin Yang asked.

"I'll tell you when you're back." Su Yan said with a smile, in a light tone.

What good things happened?

Lin Yang was puzzled and stepped on the accelerator.

After entering the house, she saw that Su Yan was trying on clothes in front of the mirror. The female secretary beside her was waiting with a lot of clothes.

"Su Dong, this one is not good. This one is too young." Said the secretary.

"And this one?" Su Yan compared with another black dress.

"This... Seems too mature..."

the two women discussed with each other. When seeing Lin Yang come in, Su Yan immediately put down her clothes, picked up a suit put on the sofa and handed it over.

"Try it."

"What are you doing?" Lin Yang asked unexpectedly.

"There's an international cosmetics exchange meeting tomorrow. I've been invited to attend. I want you to make a fortune with me." Su Yan said.

"Would you like to go? I don't know anything about cosmetics. "

"Mr. Lin, don't you understand that? When Su Dong asked you to go there, he wanted you to be a flower protector. We Su Dong is so beautiful that there will be countless wild bees and butterflies harassing Su Dong at the exhibition. If you go, Su Dong will save a lot of trouble. " The Secretary said with a smile.

"I see." Lin Yang nodded.

"In addition, I also want to take you to see the world. Originally, my small role couldn't attend such a grand event, but some noble people gave me this opportunity. I heard that there were many well-known drug research experts in China at this cosmetics exhibition. Their weight loss drugs and beauty cream are very famous. You also know some medical skills. If you can make friends with them After we leave, you can go out and find a job, and you can have another way, don't you? " Su Yan originally wanted to say the word divorce, but she still took it back.

Lin Yang eyebrows slightly move, but also did not put in the heart.

He remembers that it seems that there will be representatives of Yanghua group in the exhibition tomorrow, which can be regarded as a big event.

"Xiaoxi has reserved the ticket for tomorrow morning. Let's fly to Shanghai tomorrow morning. You try on your clothes. It's not suitable. I'll let Xiaoxi change it in the shop! Go to bed early. "


Lin Yang nodded and took the clothes and walked into the bathroom.

A moment later, Lin Yang, dressed in a decent suit, came out.

Su Yan is not the first time to see Lin Yang in formal dress, but every time he sees it, he still has a feeling of being bright in front of his eyes.Secretary Xiao Xi is more like a fool.

The next morning, Secretary Xiao Xi drove Su Yan's car to the company's downstairs, and the three people ran directly to the airport.

Lin Yang is not interested in this. Now he only focuses on Fuqi pharmacy, so he always takes a mobile phone and looks at the message sent by Ma Hai.

At noon, the three arrived in Shanghai.

Xiaoxi ordered a cheap hotel to make do with it. After dinner, she strolled around. In the evening, Su Yan led Lin Yang to the Pearl Hotel in the center of Shanghai.

At the moment, the gate of Pearl Hotel is full of luxury cars.

Mercedes Benz and BMW are all low-end products. Maserati, Porsche, Lamborghini and Ferrari can be seen everywhere.

A well-known lady with beautiful clothes and luxurious clothes came in and went out, full of the atmosphere of jewels.

Su Yan was dressed in a black and white evening dress. Her long hair was pulled up. She was very luxurious and beautiful. As soon as she got off the car, she immediately attracted countless eyes around her.

Lin Yang followed.

Although he didn't use his original appearance and was somewhat handsome, he didn't seem to fit in with Su Yan.

Invitees need to have an invitation to enter. After submitting the invitation, Su Yan was led to the top floor of the restaurant by the waiter.

At the moment, here has gathered the outstanding figures of the cosmetics industry at home and abroad, and many other industry giants have been invited to attend the banquet.

People get together in twos and threes to chat, and the waiters with food and wine shuttle through. Everything is so peaceful.

At this time, a magnetic smile came.

"Xiaoyan, are you here?"

This word a, Lin Yang and Su Yan turn around one after another, but see a handsome man with a glass of red wine came over.

The man has deep eyes and a charming smile on his face. When he sees Su Yan in full dress, his eyes can't be moved.

"How beautiful you are

The man affectionate way, finish saying, is to reach out to take Su Yan's hand, to line kiss hand ceremony.

Lin Yang frowned and immediately reached out and clasped the man's wrist.

"Well?" The man looked at Lin Yang strangely.

But listen to Lin Yang light way: "Sir, self-respect, this is my wife!"

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