Lin Yang's move surprised Su Yan.

The man also looked at Lin Yang strangely, looked up and down for a circle: "your wife? Is your excellency Linyang, the son-in-law of the Suu family

"Oh? Has my reputation been spread out of Jiangcheng? " Linyang released his hand and said quietly.

"That's not. No one will care more about a waste that is useless. I know you only because miss Suyan." The man smiled.

It is ironic, but he said it with no disrespect.

Lin Yang frowns.

"Mr. Shuofeng, I'm sorry, he is not sensible, he has disturbed you. I apologize to you!" Su Yan hurriedly went up and bowed.

"It's OK, Miss Su, don't put it in your heart." The man put his hand at his hand.

Lin Yang is trying to speak, but found someone quietly pulling their sleeves, side first look, is Su Yan, at this moment she is making eyes at her dark.

Seeing this, Linyang can only shut up.

"When do you divorce?" At this time, the man could not help asking.

This words fell, Su Yan was ignorant on the spot.

"What do you say?" Lin Yang was a heavy face.

"Ha ha, Mr. Shuofeng can be joking..." Su Yan hurriedly squeezed out his smile and hurriedly rounded the field.

This man named Shuofeng wanted to say something, then, a waiter came next to him, whispering in the ear of Shuozhou.

Shuofeng nodded, and apologized, he said to Su Yan: "Miss Su, I am sorry, I have several distinguished guests over there. I have to go to receive them first. You can find a place to sit down and enjoy some delicious wine. Wait for the exhibition to start. Shuofan will accompany later!"

"No need, Mr. Shuofeng, you are busy first." Su Yan a pair of flattered appearance, hurriedly said!

"Slow down!" Shuofan Fang showed a charming smile and walked away from the waiter.

Su Yan sees.

When Shuo Fang went far, she turned her head and stared at Linyang.

"What are you doing?" Su Yan whispered a strange way.

"What am I doing?" Asked Lin Yang.

"Do you know who this man is?"

"I don't know..." br >

I tell you that this person is Mr. Shuofeng, President of Yanjing Weixing group. Do you know about the company? It is one of the biggest cosmetics and clothing giants in our country. He is one of the organizers of this exhibition. If it is not for his invitation, I am not qualified to come here! Do you understand? " Su Yan rushed to the road.

"It turns out to be... But, have I done anything wrong?" Lin Yang asked Su Yan.

Su Yan is dumb at once.

Yeah... What did Lin Yang do wrong?

He just doesn't want a stranger to touch his wife...

Su Yan opens her mouth and then hum, "next time someone else wants to kiss me, don't mess up, understand?"

"I should stand by and see other men kiss my wife?" Lin Yang asked again.

"You... A donkey! You think I'm not going to hide? Anyway, you don't have to meddle in! " Su Yan's angry teeth itch, and stomp his feet angrily, and go to the side.

Lin Yang shook his head.

He never felt wrong.

Although they will divorce, before divorce, Su Yan is still his wife. Since she is his wife, he can not be touched by other men.

Shuofeng is not in, Su Yan in this no one knows, then walked to an empty round table to sit down, asked for a glass of red wine, drink alone.

A few down, that small face will be red, more beautiful.

Lin Yang also sat down, but he also had a steak in his hand.

"What's wrong with you? You haven't had enough? " Su Yanbai gave him a look.

"Well, I'm a little hungry again." Linyang cut a steak, and gently chewed it in his mouth.

Although not as bright as Su Yan, beautiful and beautiful, but Lin Yang's behavior and behavior, have a unique temperament.

It's very charming.

Su Yan looks at Linyang quietly. Somehow, she is a little bit infatuated.

Not far away, the new square who just greeted the guests turned around, looked at Su Yan, and waved his hand slightly.

A man walked to his side at once.

"What do you want, young master?"

"No one dare to hold my hand and say" self weight "to me. Do you understand what to do New square light road.

"I'll throw this man out now!" The man sank.

"Throw? It's rude. Su Yan looks pretty good. I don't want her to think I'm a bad guy. "

"I know what to do, young master."

"Go, hide, be natural."

"Yes." When the man finished, he turned and left.

Lin Yang had two steaks, a glass of red wine, very comfortable.Su Yan is staring at him all the way, although watching Linyang eat has a unique aesthetic feeling, but somehow, Su Yan or some regret to bring this man over.

"I'll go to the bathroom." Lin Yang flushes Su Yan to smile way, is to get up.

But when you get up...

"Oops!" A voice came from behind, and then a figure fell to the ground.

"Husband! Honey, are you ok? " Then a woman with heavy make-up and split cheongsam quickly helped up a fat man who had fallen to the ground.

The fat man's round body is particularly difficult to get up, but his funny appearance attracts a burst of laughter from people around him.

But Lin Yang frowned and felt bad.


The fat man suddenly got up from the ground and pointed to Lin Yang and said, "what's the matter with you? Have you long eyes! You hit me, you know? "


Lin Yang can be very clear that he did not even chair the fat man.


The other party is here to find fault!

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "did I bump into you? I'm sorry. I apologize to you! "

"Sorry? What a shame to your mother! It's useful to say an apology! What more justice in the world The fat man angrily pointed at Lin Yang and scolded him.

Many guests were attracted around.

Su Yan also frowned and got up.

"And what justice do you want, sir?" Lin Yang quietly looked at the fat man and asked.

"Kneel down, kowtow and apologize. Only in this way can we be sincere! Do you understand? " The fat man snorted.


Kneel down to the fat man in front of so many people? Isn't that a shame? Isn't this going to destroy a man?

"How do you do, sir? If it's a misunderstanding, let's talk about it. There's no need to be so rigid, is it? " Su Yan stepped forward and said with a smile.

The fat man swept Su Yan's eyes, and the pea sized eyes immediately showed bursts of golden light, but soon he narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "he hit me, so I have to kneel down and apologize! I tell you, no matter who you are, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer today, we are not finished! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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