The fatness of the fat man surprised many people, and Su Yan was also surprised.

It's just a small collision. It's not broken. It's not a big deal. How can this man knock on Lin Yang?

Su Yan felt a little strange.

At the moment, the fat man has come forward, staring at Lin Yang and asking: "Stinky boy, do you kneel or not?"

"Sir, if you think my apology is not sincere enough, you can call the police and let the police decide who is right and who is wrong." Lin Yang sat back to his position and calmed down.

"Alarm? Well, you think it's going to be so simple? Boy, do you know who I am The fat man snorted coldly.

"Who are you?" Lin Yang asked.

"Blind country bumpkin, don't even know my husband? My husband is the boss of qiwan real estate, do you know? How dare you challenge my husband? Believe it or not, my husband will let you spend the night in the hospital today The woman with heavy make-up nearby screamed.

It's a personal threat.

Su Yan's face suddenly changed, and she hurried forward: "you two, please calm down first. This is not a big deal. You can bear with it. My husband is stubborn. There may be something wrong. I apologize for him!"

With that, Su Yan bowed to them.

Look down on return, but Su Yan's duty as a wife is very in place.

And no matter what happened to Linyang and what she faced, she would always stand out, even if it was to protect Linyang from the wind and rain.

Lin Yang looked at Su Yan and sighed.

"What? Beauty, can't you understand people? I said, ask him to kneel down to apologize, you bow so you're ok? You think I'm a three-year-old, so easy to coax? If you really want to apologize for him, you have to kneel down for me! " The fat man glared at Su Yan.

Su Yan's expression was tense: "Sir, are you a little unreasonable? You don't have a big problem. You just fell. Why? It's a public place. If it's too big, everyone's face won't hang up! "

"Can't hang up? Lao Tzu's face can't be hung up any more. How about you? I'll tell you, if this boy doesn't kneel down for me today, I'll go out of my way and make sure he looks good! "

With that, the fat man waved and two men in suits came out of the crowd.

"Brother Hao!"

"Boss Hao!"

They nodded at the fat man.

This kind of occasion, similar to bodyguard or valet, can not enter, and even the Secretary can not enter. The apparent identity of these two people is naturally not a bodyguard, but the actual person is known only by the fat man.

"Brothers, have you seen this Punk? Call me! Hope to die! Break his legs for me! Let him kneel and kowtow in front of me The fat man said angrily.

"Yes, even brother Hao dares to offend him. I'm sure I won't let him get better!"

"Brother Hao seldom talks, it depends on us."

Two people said, is to move Linyang.

"What are you doing? Don't mess around! Otherwise... Or I'll call the police! " Su Yan is very anxious. She immediately takes out her mobile phone and looks at the two people coming.

But they both ignored Su Yan.

The onlookers were all attentive and looked, and everyone did not dare to move their eyes.

Shuofang outside the crowd is also watching.

He shakes the glass gently, with no expression on his face.

"Young master, when will you do it?" Next to the people came, carefully asked.

"Let Lei Hao teach the boy a lesson. I'll do it when the two men want to do something to Su Yan. Women are very special creatures. They like you to make the icing on the cake, and they like you to help you in time of crisis. In the full view of the public, what would a desperate and helpless woman most like to have happened? Nature is a hero to save beauty! See? In that case, they will be more impressed and have a suspension bridge effect, which will make their feelings easier to show! " Shuofang said.

Next to a bright eyes, immediately nodded: "young master wise."

"Tell them to act quickly, and don't miss the progress of the exhibition. Several big people are sitting in the box. Don't let them see this farce!"

"I understand, young master!"

The man nodded and went down.

At the moment, countless pairs of eyes are all staring at Lin Yang. People are watching the bustle. They want to see how Lin Yang plans to deal with this situation.

And the two men had come to Linyang's table, and without saying a word, they were going to swing their fists.

Su Yan was so anxious that she immediately called the police.

As for Lin Yang, at this time, he didn't have any action. He just drank red wine quietly. He didn't seem to care about everything or worry about it!

Many people are confused.

Is this man not afraid?

However, just at the critical moment, a drink cry sounded.

"Stop it!"

All people are shocked.They saw five or six people, men and women, standing directly in front of Lin Yang.

The scene was boiling.

The fat man was also stunned. After seeing these people clearly, he lost his voice: "manager Zhou?"

Seeing these people, the two "thugs" looked at each other and hesitated.

"Isn't this manager Zhou of Zhunan group?"

"What is he doing?"

The people around me pointed out that they didn't know what manager Zhou was going to do.

Shuofang outside the crowd also slightly frowned.

"Manager Zhou, do you know this ungrateful dog?" The fat man seemed to know the visitor and asked immediately.

"This is..." manager Zhou stopped talking, but he snorted coldly: "Lei fat man, I won't say the extra words. I'll tell your people to get out of the way, and this matter will be settled! Otherwise... Don't blame me for being rude! "

As soon as he said this, the fat man was shocked.

Shuofang also congealed his eyes.

"Manager Zhou! Are you... Are you going to protect this trash? " The fat man widened his eyes.

"I just can't stand you bullying people here!" Manager Zhou pretended to be angry.

"You..." the fat man was so angry that he patted the table and said, "manager Zhou, I warn you that we have met several times, but if you annoy me, I will clean you up together! Will you roll or not? If you don't go away, don't blame me for being rude! "

When the voice fell, the two men went straight to manager Zhou.

The people on manager Zhou's side immediately got nervous.

Although there are many people on his side, they are all employees of the company. He has never had a fight at all. If he is rude, he has no idea.

But just as they approached manager Zhou, the indifferent voice came out of the crowd again.

"Lei Hao, your courage is really getting fatter and fatter. You dare to make a mess of this kind of grand event. Are you really not afraid to humiliate the people of Guangliu province?"

The sound fell to the ground, and another man came out of the crowd.

When the fat man saw this man, his face turned white , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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