As soon as the man appeared, the whole room was boiling.

"Tang Dong?"

"This... This is Tang Hesheng, the leader of Guangliu Shangmei group!"

"He's standing up!"

"What is Tang Dong going to do? Give that man a head? "

"No way?"

"Who is that man? How could Tang Dong come out? "

There was a lot of talk around.

Shuofang is also frowning, side head to the side of the person asked: "how to return a responsibility?"

"Young master, we don't know." Others shake their heads.

"This Lin Yang should be just a son-in-law of the Su family."

"According to our investigation... Yes, his status in the Su family is polar, and Su Yan has made it clear that he will divorce Lin Yang. The reason why he has not been divorced seems to be related to the last words of the master of the Su family."

"So why does this soup company come out?" Shuo Fang asked.

Other people thought under, low voice way: "may be the reason of Miss Su Yan."

"Su Yan?"

"As far as I know, both the former manager Zhou and the present Mr. Tang have a close relationship with Yanghua group. Maybe they are just looking at Miss Su Yan's face."

"Is it?"

If Shuo Fang thinks about it.

"Young master, what should I do now? Lei fat man may not be able to make a decision. He has a big project to rely on Tang Hesheng recently. I'm afraid he doesn't dare to fight against Tang Hesheng... "Pang humanitarian.

"Is that so? Well, the farce will be over. It's my turn. " Shuofang nods, is to get up, to walk towards the crowd.

At the moment, that fat Lei Hao is already accompanied by a smiling face.

"Tang... Tang Dong, it turns out that these two are your friends. My eyes are dim. If I know they are your friends, I dare not trouble them." Lei Hao flatters a way, a servile appearance.

Tang Hesheng shook his head again and again: "Lei fat man, you are wrong. The reason why I stand up is that I can't bear to see you bullying people here. Others just touch you a little, and they are not sure whether they have touched or not. Moreover, others have apologized to you. What about you? How can you even force others to kneel? Lei fat man, you are so powerful! I can't afford to offend such a big man as you. It seems that I have to consider the previous cooperation! "


Lei's face turned white as soon as he heard it. He begged in a hurry: "Tang Dong! Tang Dong! Let's discuss everything! Everything is easy to discuss! I've invested all my money in this project. If it turns yellow, I'll be finished! "

However, Tang Dong ignored.

Lei fatso wanted to cry without tears and begged.

Tang Dong secretly looked at Lin Yang, who was sitting on the chair. Seeing that he nodded a little, he waved and drank: "do you know what's wrong?"

"Know your mistakes! I know it's wrong! " The fat man called out.

"In that case, why don't you go and apologize to this gentleman and lady?" The soup is cold.

"Yes, it's... This gentleman and miss, it's me who was wrong. I apologize to you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Lei Pang shouts, and he grabs the girl with heavy make-up to apologize.

Su Yan stares at all this, the brain some can't return to God.

How come all of a sudden, there are so many kind people?

Who is Tang Dong? Why do you want to get ahead of her?

Su Yan couldn't understand, so did the people around her.

All this made Su Yan confused to the extreme.

"What's the matter?"

At this time, the crowd split, Shuofang elegant came, a pair of do not know what the appearance asked.

"Oh, is Mr. Shuofang here? Nothing, just a little misunderstanding. " Tang Dong smiles.

Lin Yang has already nodded his head, which means to calm people down. Naturally, Tang Dong doesn't want to make things big. After all, the main purpose of his coming here is to participate in the exhibition.

Lin Yang also understands this.

In fact, many people know Lin Yang at this exhibition.

These people have a different relationship with Mahai. They all know that Lin Yang, a waste son-in-law beside Su Yan, is the old Dong of Yanghua group.

When Lin Yang entered the door, these people noticed, but they all received Lin Yang's eye hints and didn't dare to come to say hello.

Therefore, Lin Yang is not worried when facing the challenge of Lei fat man, because he believes that someone will give him a head start.

"Tang Dong said it was a misunderstanding? Lei fat man, is it really a misunderstanding Shuofang turned his head, looked at Lei fat man, asked with a smile.

Lei fat man was sweating and said it was not good to say it was not good to say that it was not good to say that it was not good. The man stammered for a while with his mouth open, but he could not say why.

Shuofang congealed his eyes, and his expression returned to nature: "Lei fat man, if you don't say, I think all the guests around me should be watching. Can anyone tell me what happened?""Mr. Shuofang, these two people are making trouble here!" A man suddenly stood out, pointing to Lin Yang and shouting.

"Oh? What's the matter? " Shuofang asked.

The man told the story at once.

"So, are you fighting with fat Lei here?" Shuofang turned his head and looked at Linyang road.

"I didn't fight, I didn't even fight." Lin Yang shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. This is because of you. Naturally you have to bear the responsibility. You are just a little white face who depends on women to eat. You are a useless son-in-law. You can't enter such an occasion. If it wasn't for Miss Su Yan's sake, how could I let you in? How can I tolerate you when you make such a scene in front of so many of my distinguished guests? Mr. Lin, please leave here. Of course, I won't take sides with anyone. Lei fat man will go out with you! Please Shuo side with a smile, very elegant said.

As soon as the words fell, the whole audience was in a state of uproar.

Tang Dong and manager Zhou's faces changed instantly.

Su Yan was stunned.

"Feelings, this guy is just a little white face?"

"Soft food waste? I thought he was a big shot

The guests sneered and looked at Lin Yang with contempt and disdain.

"Mr. Shuofang, I think you have misunderstood this matter! "Please let me explain to you..." said Tang.

but he interrupted him: "Tang Dong, this exhibition was jointly organized by Mr. Smith and I, and Mr. Smith is not here. I will go and leave. I has the final say, understand?"

Tang Hesheng was speechless immediately.

"Sir, this is a private place. Please leave immediately, or we will take extraordinary measures." Several security personnel ran over, staring at Lin Yang lenglengleng said.

Lin Yang frowned and said nothing.

"This gentleman, I count down three times. If you don't leave, don't blame us for being rude!"

Serious voice rings again, which is an ultimatum to Lin Yang...

Lin Yang still closed his eyes and did not say anything.

"Get rid of him!" Shuofang said lightly.

"Yes, you guys, throw him out!" The security captain yelled at once. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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