The security guards came quickly. They were all aggressive and aggressive.

The people around him smile and look, no one to show up, there is no need to appear.

Whether it's Mr. Tong or the manager that week.

They are guests, and now it is the host who wants Lin Yang to leave. What right do these guests have to say?

"Mr. Shuofang!"

Tang Hesheng's face was full of anxiety, and he tried to plead for Lin Yang, but Shuofang raised his hand in advance: "Tang Hesheng, if you don't want to stay here, I don't want to. The gate is over there, so we can get together and have a good time!"

In a word, it is domineering!

Who is Tong Hesheng! Even Lei fat man has to kowtow to him, which shows his status. But in Shuofang's eyes, such a person doesn't care at all, even can be said to be contemptuous!

Tang Hesheng opened his mouth and was silent.

He understood that it was superfluous to say anything at this time. Shuofang was determined to blow Linyang away.

Tang Hesheng looks at Lin Yang apologetically. However, Lin Yang is still indifferent to everything around him.

Is he not afraid?

Yan Su is very anxious.

She looked at Lin Yang and Shuofang again, and could not help saying, "Mr. Shuofang, please wait a moment. Can we... Can we be flexible...

" accommodating? What do you mean, Miss Su Shuofang asked with a smile.

Su Yan hesitated and said in a low voice: "Mr. Shuofang, can you not let the security guard drive him away? I advise him to go and leave him some face, OK?"


Shuofang was stunned and burst into laughter. His voice was quite loud, as if he had deliberately said to the people around him: "Miss Su, what do you care about his face? Isn't he a son-in-law? Isn't it a useless dog fed by women? Is he a man of face? Does he have face? "

"Ha ha ha ha..."

people on the scene immediately burst into laughter.

Su Yan's small face is white, autumn eyes stare big, staring at Shuofang, small mouth gently open, already do not know what to say.

Lin Yang frowned.

"Miss Su Yan, I still know something about you. Although your Yueyan international has just been established and has made several projects recently, it has made a lot of profits, but you have no hesitation to invest all the funds into the new product research and development, and enter the next stage early. It is very good. I believe that with your vision and ability, it will be easy to develop your career How can such a useless waste deserve Miss Su, an excellent girl like you? I really feel worthless for you Shuofang shook his head and sighed.

Su Yan was silent, with mixed feelings in her heart.

"Yes, Miss Su, how can this fellow be worthy of you?"

"If you really want to say yes, you should also find Mr. Shuofang, who has both political integrity and ability, and is young and promising."

"Yes, Mr. Shuofang is not a good match for ordinary girls."

Around the guests immediately understand the meaning of Shuofang, and quickly coax compound.

Su Yan's face is a little ugly.

Lin Yang still just moved his eyebrows and said nothing.

"Miss Su, today is an important day for me to sign a new product research and development contract with Mr. Smith. It is also a large-scale cosmetics exhibition. It is said that it is an exhibition and also a dance party. Everyone can speak freely today and open up a social circle. Tonight is bound to make everyone sleepless. So Shufang takes the liberty to ask Miss Su Yan to be my dance partner. What do you think?" Shuofang is very gentle said, that magnetic voice and deep eyes, very lethal, if any girl on these two, I am afraid they will fall.

Su Yan was also a little frustrated.

But her willpower was different from that of ordinary people.

And... She's very resistant to dancing, let alone dancing.

"Thank you, Mr. Shuofang, but I'm not very good at dancing, or I don't want to. In addition, can I send my husband back first? Wait until he's gone. " Su Yan squeezed out a smile.

"So if I let him go safely, would you be my partner?" Shuofang asked with a smile.

"This... Or... Forget it..." Su Yan hesitated.

"Maybe we can talk about something about Qiqing." Shuofang suddenly added another sentence.

As soon as this word fell, Su Yan's breath froze instantly.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at Shuofang strangely: "Mr. Shuofang, do you mean the newly developed qiqinglipu cosmetic cover?"

"This patent is in my hands. At present, we are the only one in China to sell this patent. Originally, the family did not allow the development of agent offline. However, I think Miss Su Yan is very capable. If Miss Su Yan is interested, we can talk about it alone later." Shuofang said with a smile.

Su Yan listened, the huge eyes of autumn, the whole person was shaking.

She took a few breaths as hard as she could, calming her excited mood and whispering: "Mr. Shuofang, i... I took my husband back first...""Uncle Zhong!"

"Young master." An old man came out.

"Bring my Rolls Royce and send Miss Su off."

"Yes, young master." The old man nodded and turned away.

"Thank you." Su Yan nodded gently, then turned to walk toward Linyang.

Although their conversation was not loud, Lin Yang heard it clearly.

Shuofang waved and all the security guards were scattered.

"Go back." Su Yan said in a low voice.

"What? Do you really want to be his partner? " Lin Yang asked with a frown.

"Lin Yang, do you know qiqinglipu make-up set?" Su asked.

"What is that?"

"That's a set of cosmetics which is the leader in the domestic cosmetics industry and is limited to sale! This set of cosmetics is a brand-new Cosmetic Set developed by combining advanced technologies at home and abroad. Its production is extremely cumbersome. It can only produce less than 100 sets a year, and the price of each set is sky high, even can't be bought with money! It's a hot item for rich wives in China

"What do you want to say?" Lin Yang cut into the topic.

"If I get the agency right from Shuofang, it will be a great promotion for Yueyan international. By then, the reputation of Yueyan international will not only be won, but also the company will be able to get in touch with the giants in the industry by virtue of this limited edition cosmetic cover, so as to broaden the company's context and business, which will bring immeasurable benefits to the company's future." Su Yan said excitedly.

She seems to see the brilliant future of Yueyan group.

It's just that as soon as this word falls, Lin Yang suddenly slaps the table.


The muffled sound came out.

All around were stunned.

But seeing Lin Yang with a black face, he said coldly, "but you are my wife! How can you be a partner to other men? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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