Yu Bihong let out a cold snort in her nostrils: "It seems that you do have some skills, you can kill the attendants of the Valkyrie, and you can also have the disguise technique to deceive the sky, it's not easy!"

"Compared to your master?"

"Naturally, even a finger can't compare!"

"Your master is so powerful?"

"That is."

"In that case, why can't even your eyes be cured?"

Lin Yang asked with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Yu Bihong trembled all over, but soon her face became cold, and she snorted, "What do you know? My eyes, not to mention my master, even if the Seven Martial Gods come, they can't be cured! "

"I am not your master, nor the Seven Warriors!"

"Then what else do you say?"

"Can you show me your eyes?"

"what are you doing?"

"I want to see if I can cure it!"

"Are you really treating yourself as a character?"

Yu Bihong couldn't help but sneered: "Okay, if you're really that confident, I'll show you!"

After finishing speaking, she turned her face to the side and faced Lin Yang with the blindfold.

Lin Yang was also polite, and lifted up her blindfold.

In an instant, a strange pupil came into Lin Yang's eyes.

This eye has no pupil, no white of the eye, and only a magma-like crimson eye.

It was as if her eyes were filled with magma.

It makes people's scalp numb, and it's terrifying.

Lin Yang frowned suddenly, and put down the blindfold.

"How? Can it be cured?"

Yu Bihong asked with a laugh.

"What's the matter with your eyes?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

"Congenital, it was like this when I was born. My parents thought I was a freak, so they abandoned me. The master took me in. In order not to scare others, I have been wearing a blindfold."

Yu Bihong shrugged.

It seems to be talking about a very easy thing.

"I see..."

"You also know that everyone in the underground dragon veins is pursuing the way of eternal life. A monster like me will only be dragged to be dissected and analyzed by them. If it weren't for the master, I would have no bones left. I didn't take it to heart at all, it's just that even my master can't cure it, so you should stop bragging in front of me."

"You still have three years to live?"

Just as Yu Bihong finished speaking, Lin Yang suddenly said something.

Yu Bihong's delicate body trembled again, and she looked at him in astonishment.

"how do you know?"

"Some are similar to evil eyes, but more terrifying than evil eyes. I just reasoned a little bit. Three years should be a conservative estimate. If it is serious, it may be two years of life."

Lin Yang said again.

Yu Bihong was a little unbelievable.

You know, the master also said this to her, but it was only nearby, that is to say, the master only saw her state nearby.

But this man could see it with just one glance...unbelievable.

"Your medical skills do have something..."

Yu Bihong smiled sadly: "But it's just something, so what if you can see it? It's superfluous if it can't be cured!"

"Has your master ever cured you?"

"Of course it was cured, but it didn't work!"

"Really... Let me ask you, does your master often arrange some dangerous tasks for you to do?"

"How do you know?"

Yu Bihong was very surprised.

"Many parts of your body are newly healed, and I have observed that your internal organs have been injured recently. With your skill, if it is not for a dangerous mission, you will not be seriously injured..."

"What does this mean?"

Yu Bihong frowned.

"This proves that it's not that your master can't cure you, but that he can't cure you!"

"Don't cure me? Shit! Stop slandering my master here!"

Yu Bihong was furious, turned her head and drank loudly.

Lin Yang shook his head again and again, and said lightly: "You were raised by your master, but in his eyes, you are just his tool! In fact, your eyes can be cured, but the price is very high. I don't think he will sacrifice it. Save you at a huge price, but tell you that you won't live long!"

"Because in this way, you think that you won't live long, so you might as well repay the master for saving your life while you are still alive."

"Then, no matter how dangerous and difficult tasks your master assigns you, you will do your best to complete them, and you will never refuse!"

"In this way, your master doesn't need to pay much, and you can get a thug who is willing to go through fire and water for you. Why not do it?"

"do you think so?"

Lin Yang stared at the front quietly.

But every word that came out made Yu Bihong sweat coldly.

Her eyes widened, her face was extremely pale...

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