"Impossible, absolutely impossible, Master...Master will not treat me like this..."

Yu Bihong trembled uncontrollably, then turned her head, and roared angrily at Lin Yang: "The master must not be able to cure me, there is nothing he can do, and it's not as vicious as you think! I advise you not to talk nonsense here , sowing dissension, if you dare to insult my master again, even if I don't want this life, I will kill you!"

"I'm not talking nonsense!"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because... I can cure you."

Lin Yang said lightly.

Yu Bihong froze instantly.

"Unless you think that your master's strength and medical skills are inferior to mine, otherwise, I admit that what I said is just imagination."

Lin Yang said quietly.

This time Yu Bihong was speechless again.

She didn't say a word, she lowered her head and opened her small mouth slightly.

Lin Yang could even feel her body trembling slightly.


Lin Yang glanced at her and said calmly.

Only then did Yu Bihong raise her head and looked forward.

I saw a magnificent palace inlaid on the cliff in a canyon in the distance.

That is the Qinglian Palace.

The palace was very quiet, as if there was no one there, strands of light gauze shrouded the palace, making the palace look mysterious and fantastic.

"Yu Bihong, if you want to treat this eye, you can come to me! I can treat you for free." Lin Yang smiled.

"Didn't you say...that you will have to pay a great price?"

Yu Bihong said hoarsely.

"never mind."

Lin Yang smiled faintly: "Doctors, that's right."

Yu Bi's red pupils trembled slightly, and fell into silence again.


As soon as the two approached, they saw a figure rushing out.

It was a man wearing a mask and a gray cloak.

He drew out his long sword, pointed it at this side, and shouted loudly: "Who is here?"

"I am Yu Bihong! I want to meet the master!"

Yu Bihong took a deep breath, collected her thoughts, and then shouted loudly.

"Imperial Commander?"

The man was startled, and hurried forward, seeing that it was indeed Yu Bihong, he immediately knelt down with his fists folded: "This subordinate has seen Commander Yu!"

"Notify the master quickly! Just say that I brought someone to see him!"


The man responded, turned and ran in.

The gate to the palace also slowly opened.


Yu Bihong lowered her head and said in a sinking voice.


Lin Yang smiled faintly, and then reached out to wipe Yu Bihong's shoulders.


Yu Bihong's dislocated arms recovered immediately.

She let out a muffled groan, then glared at Lin Yang fiercely, then got off the horse alone, and led Lin Yang inside.

When you arrive at the Qinglian Palace, you can't ride a horse naturally, otherwise it will be disrespectful to the owner of Qinglian Palace.

"Meet the Imperial Commander!"

"Meet the Imperial Commander!"

Along the way, people from Qinglian Palace saluted Yu Bihong one after another, with a particularly respectful attitude.

Soon, the two came to the center of the palace.

At this moment, a graceful figure in a bright red dress with a long skirt dragging a few meters slowly walked to the chair directly above.

Lin Yang looked at the figure, but he saw that the figure was also uneven, but his face was covered with a thick red scarf. Because of the thickness, he couldn't see the man's face clearly.

But judging from his body shape, the lord of the Qinglian Palace is a woman.

"Yu Bihong greets the master!"

Yu Bihong immediately knelt down and worshiped, her actions were extremely devout.

"Bi Hong, are you back? Are you all right?"

The woman above gave a concerned laugh.

"Reporting to Master, Bi Hong is fine."

"It's fine."

Palace Master Qinglian nodded, then glanced at Lin Yang, and asked, "Who is this person beside you?"

"Him? His name is Lin..."

Yu Bihong just wanted to say Lin Yang's name, but hesitated for a while, and said: "He is the new owner of the traitor Jiuyu, and he came with me this time, claiming that he wanted to ask the owner to get Jiuyu back. I saw him So reckless, I brought him back!"

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Palace Mistress Qinglian was stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered, and said with a smile: "Leave this person aside, Bi Hong, there is something you need to do in the palace, you need to prepare later, let's go immediately! "

"What is the order of the Palace Master?"

"It's like this, I'm about to break through, but I'm short of a medicine right now, I need you to get it!"

"Dare to ask Palace Master, what medicine do you need?"

"Valkyrie strain!"

"Wu.... Wushen strain?"

Yu Bihong raised her head abruptly, and looked at Palace Master Qinglian in shock: "Palace Master, this thing is a special medicinal material cultivated by the God of War... Do you want me to get something from the God of War?"

"What? Is there a problem?"

The voice of Qinglian Palace Mistress gradually became colder.

Yu Bihong opened her mouth, and then lowered her head after a while.

"No...subordinate...how dare you?"

"Let's go then."

Palace Mistress Qinglian waved her hand.


Yu Bihong secretly bit her red lip, and stood up straight.

"Isn't this telling you to die? Are you really going?"

At this moment, Lin Yang beside him said something abruptly.


Palace Master Qinglian frowned and looked at Lin Yang, then waved and said, "Come here, drag this person down for me, chop it into meat paste, and use it as fertilizer for the back garden!"


Several people from Qinglian Palace walked in immediately.

But the next second.

whoosh whoosh...

Lin Yang raised his hand directly and waved out a large number of silver needles.

All the courtiers who walked forward were frozen and unable to move...


Palace Mistress Qinglian stood up slowly, her eyes gradually becoming cold.

"It looks like I'm going to make a move."

Lin Yang glanced at Palace Mistress Qinglian, then looked sideways at Yu Bihong, and said with a smile: "What? I'm right? Your master has only regarded you as a handy tool from the beginning to the end, and now this The tool is about to break down, so she has no scruples and will never care about your life! This time, do you see it clearly?"

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