It's a combination poison!

Lin Yang reacted suddenly, staring at the wine in the glass.

There is a unique drug in this drink, which is harmless to people, and Lin Yang has already noticed it.

At first, he thought that the medicine in this wine was just to enhance the taste of the wine. After all, this wine is medicinal wine, and there are hundreds of medicinal ingredients in it.

Although these drugs are rare, Lin Yang recognizes that these drugs themselves are non-toxic, but... once they are combined with other drugs, there are several drugs that can immediately become highly toxic.

When did these people poison themselves?

Lin Yang's eyes flickered, his eyes shifted, and finally his eyes fell on the girl.

The girl exudes fragrance all over her body.

The fragrance was so strong that it directly covered the entire banquet scene.

"This the scent of sky orchids!"

Lin Yang wanted to get up, but his body shook uncontrollably, and his eyes were spinning.

He hastily sacrificed the Hongmeng Dragon Needle and stabbed into his own body.

Under the effect of the Hongmeng Dragon Needle, Lin Yang stabilized his figure slightly.

At the moment, all the people at the banquet put down their cups and looked at Lin Yang playfully.

Especially the girl below, no longer dancing, squinting at him, as if looking at a clown.

Lin Yang took a deep breath, but his heart felt cold.

He raised his head and stared at everyone coldly: "I saved you from the butcher's knife of Jianfeng Hairen, why... are you repaying your kindness with revenge?"

"Revenge for kindness? Master Lin, this is a world where the weak eat the strong, and we are also for the town!"

An old voice sounded.

Then I watched a group of old people walk into the dinner party.

Among them was the old man who stopped Lin Yang to kowtow to thank him during the day.

Zheng Meng was also among them, but his expression was very ugly.

"For the town?"

Lin Yang looked at him coldly.

"Master Lin, please forgive us. You have also seen that one Jianfenghai can threaten all of us and control our lives. If we don't find a backer, there will only be countless people like Jianfenghai in the future." The forces have troubled us, so we must find a big tree! It’s good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, what do you think?”

The leading bald old man spoke lightly.

"So, you plan to notify Valkyrie and hand me over?"

Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"That's right."

The bald old man nodded.


At this moment, Yu Bihong, who was in a coma, woke up and cursed loudly.

But she was still limp and weak, and it was very difficult to even stand up.

"Even pigs and dogs know how to be grateful, you shameless bastards actually betrayed adults, you will die!"

Yu Bihong shouted angrily.

"People go to high places and water flows to low places. This is the general trend. Although our town is small, we are all people from the underground dragon veins. What is shame? Do you think we will care?"

The bald old man walked to the center of the dinner party and stared at Lin Yang indifferently: "Lord Lin, the poison you are suffering from is a secret treasure that has been handed down in our town for thousands of years. Ordinary things cannot cure this poison. This poison will not kill you." Life, but during the effect of the medicine, you can't breathe, and you can't use the power of ascension, otherwise, you will explode and die. I hope you can be honest and wait for the arrival of Lord Valkyrie quietly. This is good for you and us , what do you say?"

As soon as the words fell, the corners of many people's mouths raised, and they looked at it with smiles.

However, Lin Yang didn't speak, just waved his hand.


Several Hongmeng dragon needles flew out and pierced into Yu Bihong's body.

Yu Bihong's body immediately regained some strength, and she stood up.

Seeing this, the people next to him immediately drew their swords.

But the bald old man didn't panic at all, and directly raised his hand to signal everyone to be safe.

"Master Lin, didn't I tell you just now? You can't use the power of ascension, otherwise, you will die."

"This little poison, how could it hurt me?"

Lin Yang shook his head and said with a blank expression: "I didn't take precautions before. After all, I didn't care much about these mixed poisons. Now that I have discovered it, it won't take much effort to solve it."

As soon as these words fell, people's faces changed.

But the bald old man was full of disapproval.

"This poison is not difficult to cure, but the difficult thing is that it takes time to remove the effect of the drug. No matter how skilled your medical skills are, it is impossible to remove all the effects of the drug in a short period of time."

"We have already sent someone to notify Martial God Taitian. It won't be long before Martial God Taitian will arrive here. During this period, we only need to hold you by the hand. You have nowhere to escape."

The old man with long beard also said.

Hearing the words of the second elder, people finally let go of their hanging hearts.

However, Lin Yang shook his head at this moment.

"I'm afraid Taitian Martial God will not come!"

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