Everyone was startled, and looked at Lin Yang in surprise.

But Lin Yang said with a blank face: "Although I can't believe that so many people would choose to repay kindness and revenge, but when you go out, how can you not have the heart to guard against others?"

"You... what do you mean?"

The bald old man felt that something was wrong, his face turned pale, and he quickly winked at the person next to him.

The man nodded, turned around and ran out immediately.

"You have all heard my conversation with Gui Jiansheng, and you all know that I am wanted by Taitian Martial God. I believe in Gui Jiansheng's character. He will never betray me. After all, he still thinks that he can defeat me in the future. It’s a shame, so I won’t worry about Jianfenghai.”

"But you are different, I don't know you well, and from the fact that you connived at that impostor to practice martial arts with living people, it can be seen that your character is not good, so how can I not take precautions?"

Lin Yang said quietly, then slowly raised his hand.

The old man with long beard immediately waved to the left and right people.

People at the banquet took out their weapons one after another, and slowly surrounded Lin Yang.

Yu Bihong hastily pulled out the huge sword placed beside her, trying to resist.

But she just grabbed the giant sword.


A kick came over and hit her hard in the abdomen.

Yu Bihong fell heavily to the ground, her face full of pain.

She didn't have much strength to stand up at all.

As for the wine jade over there, it has long been manipulated.

"Listen, I want you to be captured immediately, otherwise I will kill your two subordinates before Martial God Taitian arrives!"

The bald old man shouted loudly, his eyes full of sadness.

But Lin Yang shook his head and shook his five fingers.


A sharp sword as long as a pen was formed.

Yu Bihong, who was lying on the ground, breathed tremblingly, and her face was extremely pale.

Lin Yang didn't use a natural sword but a drawing sword...

This means that he has already moved to kill this time!

"Do you really want your men to die?"

The old man with long beard took a tight breath and immediately drank again.

But the voice just fell.


A ray of sword light pierced directly through the forehead of the person who grabbed Jiuyu.

The man's forehead was pierced, and then the whole person fell back and died straight away.


"Take it down, take it down!"

The bald old man roared, without further hesitation.

The people around immediately rushed forward.

Holding the drawing sword pen in one hand, Lin Yang slashed at the surrounding people, while driving the Hongmeng Dragon Needle, piercing into Yu Bihong's body.

After receiving the treatment of Hongmeng Longzhen, Yu Bihong soon became alive and well.

"Protect Jiuyu, wait for me to kill all these people!"

Lin Yang said coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Yu Bihong nodded, and immediately grabbed the giant sword and ran towards Jiuyu.

The two young men also try to contain Jiuyu and take him hostage.

But Lin Yang has a natural sword, even if the two of them stab Jiuyu through the heart now, they can easily save him.

Therefore, Yu Bihong had no scruples in striking, and slashed fiercely with the generous giant sword.

The two youths turned pale with fright, and one of them retreated hastily.

The other person retreated a little bit later, was split in two by the huge sword on the spot, and died immediately.

"I don't know how to live or die! I don't know how to live or die!"

The bald old man was very angry, his eyes were cold, and he stared intently.

"Don't worry, we just need to keep this person in check. When Taitian Martial God arrives, it will be the end of this kid!"

The old man with long beard took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"That's right, Taitian Martial God has arrived, and everything will be over!"

The bald old man nodded.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed in.

"Uncle! Uncle! Something happened!"

The two trembled and turned their heads together.

The person who came was actually the person they sent out just now.

"What's the matter?" the bald old man asked anxiously.

"Uncle, Ah Hao... is dead!"

The man said in horror.

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