A secret passage.

Whoosh! Whoosh! huff...

There were bursts of violent gasps.

The bald old man led the elite backbone of the town to rush forward like crazy.

"Grandpa, I...I can't hold it anymore!"

The dancer who was dancing at the banquet was out of breath, staggered and fell to the ground, shouting in fear.

Some people stopped and wanted to reach out to lift the dancing girl up, but they were stopped by the bald old man.

"Don't worry about her, let's go!"


People tremble.

"Leave the town earlier and go to Misty City to call for rescuers, so that everyone can get out of the threat sooner. If you really want to save her, follow me to call for Valkyrie!"

The bald old man shouted loudly.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, hesitating.

The old man with long beard also made a sound at this moment.

"From now on, all women and children fall, don't pay attention, go out first, this is an order! If you don't listen, you will bear the consequences!"

When the words fell to the ground, everyone's expressions changed, but in the end they followed the words of the two old men and continued to run towards the secret path.

"Uncle! Uncle! Don't leave me! Don't leave me!"

The dancing girl screamed.

However, everyone quickly disappeared.

The dancer gritted her teeth, stood up with all her strength, and continued to run forward staggeringly.

But as she ran, the dancer's face suddenly turned pale.

She seemed to realize something, and turned around tremblingly.

I saw Lin Yang had appeared behind her at some point, staring at her indifferently.

"Don't...don't kill me...don't kill me..."

The dancer cried tremblingly.

But as soon as the shout came out, she suddenly raised her hand and waved a bag of dark green dust towards Lin Yang.

This is a highly toxic powder.

Seeing the dust covering Lin Yang, a smug smile appeared on the terrified face of the dancing girl.

She knew how terrifying the toxicity of this dust was. Ordinary people would die immediately if they inhaled a little.

Thinking about it, this person shouldn't be able to escape!

The dancer smiled triumphantly, and the fear in her heart dissipated a lot.

Soon, however, her smile froze.

I saw Lin Yang still looking at her calmly, without any change on his face.

Until the highly toxic dust disappeared, there was no sign of him being poisoned.

"How can it be...."

The dancing girl was dumbfounded.

next second.


Lin Yang had already slapped her with a slap, directly hitting the top of her head.

In an instant, the dancer's body exploded and she died on the spot.

Blood spattered Lin Yang all over.

Lin Yang took his time and continued to move forward.

He is not in a hurry.

Because he knew that none of these people could escape.

"he came!"

At this moment, at the end of the secret passage, the bald old man seemed to smell something, his face turned pale, and he shouted in a low voice: "Hurry up and open the gate, hurry up!"

"Yes! Uncle!"

A few strong young men in front of them grabbed the handle of a copper door at the end of the secret passage, and then they all exerted their strength and let out a low growl, slowly pulling the copper door open.


The copper door was pushed to the sides little by little.

People look excitedly.

The other end of the copper gate is outside the town.

They are about to escape!

However, with the opening of the bronze door, streaks of golden light also overflowed from the cracks in the door.

The long-bearded old man's breathing was stagnant, his eyes widened, and he felt something was wrong.

The bald old man was also stunned.

"This light..."

He murmured.

After the bronze door was completely opened, everyone was dumbfounded. .

Behind the bronze door, there are golden formations.

It is indeed the enchantment of the gods.

"The barrier that Lin Yang set up...even sealed the entrance to the secret passage?"

The bald old man whispered.

"We're fucked."

The long-bearded old man's face was ashen, and he slumped on the ground...

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