
"Why? Why is this happening?"

"I want to get out, let me out!"

Some people couldn't accept this reality, and attacked the barrier like crazy.

But no matter how fierce their offensive was, they couldn't destroy the barrier.

Even more emotional people rushed directly to beat the enchantment.

But as soon as he touched the barrier, he was violently shaken back by the force of the barrier, fell on the wall behind him, and passed out on the spot.

"What level of barrier is this? Why is it so strong?"

The bald old man murmured.

"Uncle, what should we do now?"

"Uncle, think of a way."

"I don't want to die...I don't want to die..."

People all turned their attention to the two old men, and there were endless cries and desperate cries.

The two old men were at a loss.

At this moment, a slight sound of footsteps came from the corner of the secret passage.

In an instant, everyone stopped crying, and looked towards the corner in unison, every pair of eyes was filled with fear and extreme tension.

Soon, a figure appeared from around the corner.

It was Lin Yang.


Horrified screams resounded through the tunnel.

The long-bearded old man and the bald old man got up together, activated the power of ascension, and stared nervously at the person coming.

Lin Yang came forward with a blank face, sword in hand, and looked at everyone indifferently.

"Lord Lin, give us a chance, as long as you let us go, everyone in our town is willing to work for you, how about it?"

The bald old man swallowed his saliva and said eagerly.

"A group of people who repay their kindness with revenge and treachery, how dare I trust you? You are not even worthy of being my cattle and horses."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Master Lin, we are only looking for a better backer if we are going to a higher place. If you are willing to forgive us, we can make a blood oath to you here! I promise not to betray you again!"

The old man with long beard also hurriedly spoke out.

But Lin Yang shook his head again.

Without saying a word, he moved on, murderous.

Seeing Lin Yang's determination, everyone's scalps were numb and their hearts were jumping with fear.

"Lin Yang! Why are you so aggressive? Are you really not going to give us a way out?" The bald old man seemed annoyed, and roared in a low voice: "If this is the case, it will be a big deal!"

"That's right! Lin Yang, although you can kill the attendants of the Valkyrie and lose to Jiansheng, you are only one person. Standing here are all the elites of the town, the entire combat power of our town. If you really want to Fighting, you may not end well yourself! You must fight hard!"

The old man with long beard also roared.

Begging for mercy failed, they could only rely on the threat of force.

But Lin Yang didn't care about any threats from these people at all.

He shook his head and walked straight towards the crowd.

Lin Yang stopped only ten meters away from everyone.

"Okay, it's time for you to hit the road."

Lin Yang said expressionlessly.

"Lin Yang!"

The bald old man growled.

"Kill! Kill me!"

The long-bearded old man no longer hesitated, and screamed like crazy.

But because of the extreme fear, many people had already lost their fighting spirit, and stood there tremblingly, not daring to resist at all.

"A bunch of useless things!"

The old man with long beard cursed loudly, so he had to rush forward with his own people.

But just as everyone was about to launch an attack, Lin Yang directly raised the drawing pen and waved it in the air.


A terrifying sword energy suddenly burst out from the sword painting brush.

The old man with long beard turned pale with fright, and retreated quickly.

However, the small-town masters behind him had no time to dodge.

The field was torn in half by the sword energy of the painting sword pen.

Bloody internal organs were scattered all over the place.

With one move, four people were killed!

Seeing this, the rest became even more terrified.

"Go together!"

The bald old man roared, and also shot.

Lin Yang snorted coldly, stabbed the sword painting pen towards the ground, and then formed a palm with one hand, and pressed the palm against the handle of the sword painting pen, and the power of ascension burst inward instantly.

Whirring whirring...

The surging sword energy burst out instantly, rolling towards the two of them like a storm.

The two of them turned pale with fright, frantically urging their Ascension Power to resist.

However to no avail.

Lin Yang's strength may not be much higher than theirs, but the quality of the painting sword pen is too strong, and the sword energy generated by the power of ascension through it can cut almost everything, even the gods on land can't resist it.

The two struggled in the air, and fell to the ground in unison, with sword marks all over their bodies, dripping with blood, making their scalps numb.



The people behind looked in horror, all frightened and dumbfounded.

"Use poison!"

"Fight with... with him!"

Someone bravely shouted, and then the silver needles and poisonous mist were all scattered, covering Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang's current physical strength, how could he be afraid of these poisons?

He breathed out, and calmly said: "Don't waste time, you guys, let's go."

After speaking, he raised his palm again and tapped his fingertips lightly.


A snow-white wall of fire was formed.

Lin Yang covered the fire wall with his palm, and the fire wall composed of different fires immediately baked the entire secret passage crazily.

"Master Lin! Is there really no room for negotiation? Master Lin!"

The long-bearded old man shouted tremblingly, trying to soften Lin Yang's heart.

But at this time, Lin Yang had already made a decision.

"It's understandable for people to go to high places, but this is your business and has nothing to do with me!"

"I understand your idea of ​​finding a backer, but you want to treat me as a badge of honor and want my life. Why should I let you go?"

"I will be merciful, I will be soft, but anyone who wants to kill me, I will never let go!"

"This is the path you have chosen, and any consequences will naturally be borne by you!"

Lin Yang said calmly, and then gently pushed the palm covering the strange fire forward.


The strange fire immediately moved forward.


The bald old man and the long bearded old man roared and jumped up, trying to resist the wall of fire.

But at this time, they were already at the end of their strength and could not resist at all.

Both of them were engulfed by the flames, making miserable cries.


"I don't want to die!"

"Please forgive me! Please forgive me!" ap.

The rest also screamed in despair, wanting to resist.

But the wall of fire formed by the pure power of ascension cannot be torn apart at all.

It is like a bloody mouth, swallowing everyone.

The miserable screams can be heard endlessly.

This lasted for 1 minute, and the entire secret passage was completely silent...

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