Misty City.

Martial God Taitian sat on the seat with no expression on his face, staring indifferently at the beautiful women who were singing and dancing below.

The heads of several powerful clans in Misty City sat on both sides to accompany the wine.

But everyone looked embarrassed.

The atmosphere was somber and suffocating.

"Come on, Lord Martial God, the villain would like to offer you a toast."

Qin Hua Piaobo bit the bullet and squeezed out a smile, stood up and raised his glass.

But Martial God Taitian didn't even look at him, his face was particularly gloomy.

Qin Hua was stunned, rather embarrassed.

Instead, a man in armor next to him sneered coldly: "I've been drinking this wine for a whole day, master luthier, did you find it?"

"This... this... my lord, please wait a little longer, we have sent people to the Qinglian Palace to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon."

Qin Hua drifted along with a smile.

"Wait? What do you think our Martial God is? How can you allow time to be wasted here?"

The man in armor said blankly: "Listen, if we don't have any more clues about that person, we'll take your Qin and Sword Family's sacrificial flag first, and then go find the thief ourselves!"


Everyone in the Qin and Sword Family was dumbfounded.

"My... my lord, our Qin and Sword family is innocent!"

"This...why is this?"


The man in armor snorted coldly: "Master Wushen's attendant was killed because he accepted your reward, so your Qin and Sword family is also inseparable! If you still can't find that person, we can only get him first." You go to the knife! Could it be that you want Lord Valkyrie to return empty-handed?"

When these words fell to the ground, Qin Huahai, Qin Jianli and the others felt their scalps tingling and their bodies icy cold.

They never thought that Tai Tian Wushen's people were so cruel.

"Hurry up, send more people, even if you dig three feet into the ground, dig Lin Yang out for me!"

Qin Hua Piaobo took a breath, and immediately turned his head and growled.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

The people next to him nodded quickly and were about to leave.

At this moment, a figure hurried into the banquet hall.


The man shouted loudly, very fast.

Everyone cast their eyes on that person.

"It's Qin Sword Wolf!"

Qin Huahai stood up abruptly, and hurriedly shouted: "Qin Jianlang, I told you to go to Qinglian Palace to investigate, is there any gain?"

"Report to Lord Martial God, report to all uncles, Qin Jianlang has made a thorough investigation, and the Qinglian Palace can be determined to be destroyed by Lin Yang!"

Qin Jianlang shouted loudly.


Qin Huayou couldn't sit still any longer, so she hurriedly questioned her.

"Qin Jianlang took Lin Yang's portrait all the way to visit and asked many mountain people. They claimed that they saw a man who looked like the portrait and went to Qinglian Palace. Not long after, there was turmoil in Qinglian Palace, and the whole Qinglian Palace was destroyed. Eradicate! Except for him, no one will go to Qinglian Palace."

Qin Jianlang said.

"A man who looks a lot like him? Then Lin Yang must have changed his appearance."

Qin Hua drifted and clasped his fists together and said, "Lord Martial God, I would rather kill the wrong man than let him go! We should rush to Qinglian Palace immediately."

The Valkyrie above was still watching quietly, without making a sound.

The man in armor next to him said calmly, "When was Qinglian Palace destroyed?"

"It is said that two days ago, Qinglian Palace was destroyed, which alarmed all the powers and clans, and everyone in Heiwangshan went."

Qin Jianlang said.

"Really? Two days ago? Two days is enough to travel thousands of miles. Is it possible that he will stay at the Qinglian Palace and wait for us?"


Everyone was dumb again.

"And what strength is this son? How can he destroy Qinglian Palace alone? Are you sure he has no helpers around him?"

The armored man asked again.

"My lord, the villain checked it out. That Lin Yang was taken away by Yu Bihong, the commander of the Qinglian Palace, and there was no one to help him. Maybe... maybe the villain didn't check it out..."

Qin Jianlang reported carefully.

The man in armor pondered.

Everyone stared at the armored man without daring to take a breath.

But at this moment, another person hurried into the banquet hall.

At first glance, he was obviously a man of Taitian Martial God.

The visitor was dressed in armor, with a black cloak hanging behind his back, hurried to the side of the armored man, and whispered a few words.

The armored man's eyes lit up, and he immediately cupped his fists and said, "Lord Martial God, you may be in Shanhe Town, a hundred miles away from Qinglian Palace."

"Shanhe Town?"

Everyone was stunned.

"My lord, why are you there?"

Qin Hua asked in a daze.

"Do you think Lord Martial God only sent you idiots to search? How can you catch that thief with a bunch of wine bags and rice bags?"

The armored man sneered and said, "My lord has long expected that the matter of Qinglian Palace might have something to do with Lin Yang, so he sent people to search around Qinglian Palace in advance! Just now, our people reported that Shanhe Town was slaughtered, It must be Lin Yang who did it!"

"Master Valkyrie is still wise!"

"Master Valkyrie predicts the enemy's attack first, I admire you! Admire!"

Everyone quickly flattered, but they were also terrified.

What happened to Lin Yang?

After slaughtering Qinglian Palace, then slaughter Shanhe Town?

Is it so cruel?

Qin Huayoubo immediately went to the seat, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to the God of War.

"Lin Yang is cruel by nature, treacherous and vicious. Killing the merciless palace heroes and destroying the innocent people in Shanhe Town is a heinous crime. He is a scourge to my underground dragon veins. I implore Lord Martial God to take action, kill the culprits, and eliminate the harm for my underground dragon veins! "

"Master Martial God, please take action, kill the thieves, and eliminate the harm for my underground dragon veins!"

Others also rushed to attend, knelt down and shouted.

Seeing this, the Martial God in the seat stood up slowly, but did not make a sound immediately, but looked at the armored man again.

"Judging from the route, this thief is very likely to go to Dragon Heart City."

The man in armor cupped his fists and said.

The Valkyrie nodded and finally spoke.

The sound is thick, sonorous and powerful, and the people who listen to it are deafening!

"Immediately, issue the Taitian Martial God Order! Mobilize all forces to encircle and suppress Lin Yang. Anyone who dares to cover up the thief will be exterminated! Anyone who dares not to report the knowledge will be exterminated! Everyone sets out immediately and pursues the thief Lin Yang!"


Everyone shouted excitedly.

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