
The reward building immediately sounded the alarm.

A large number of security personnel from the lobby rushed over.

These security personnel are all wearing soft armor, holding long swords, and galloping with murderous aura.


Young Master Canglan came back to his senses, but he didn't panic. He looked at the security personnel swarming all around, and looked at Lin Yang who was coming with a smile.

The Reward Building received all the strong people from all over the underground dragon veins.

In order to maintain order here, the security personnel equipped are naturally top-notch.

If someone dares to make trouble here, isn't that just asking for death?

"It's over."

Yu Bihong was dumbfounded.

Jiuyu's legs went limp from fright.

How did the two of them ever think that Lin Yang's temper was so hot?

But Lin Yang ignored the security personnel around him, and directly slashed at Master Canglan.

Young Master Canglan looked at the attacking knife with contempt, and he didn't feel nervous at all, he turned his side lightly and dodged it.

But the moment he avoided the blade, a sharp long sword suddenly split from the blade, slashing at him from a terrifying angle.


Young Master Cang Lan's breathing became tight, and he quickly dodged to the side.

But suddenly, a large amount of sword energy exploded from the chopped long sword, like an invisible big hand, wrapping around Master Canglan.

not good!

Young Master Canglan turned pale with shock, and immediately wanted to use the power of ascension to defend.

But all this happened too suddenly, even if he reacted in time, he couldn't build up the power of ascension that could defend perfectly in the first place.


Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi...

A large amount of sword energy broke through its defense and slashed fiercely at Young Master Canglan.

Mr. Canglan was caught off guard, and fell heavily on the ground, bloodstains all over his body, making his scalp numb.

After this scene fell, even the security personnel who rushed over showed incredible expressions.

Yu Bihong hurried forward, drew out the huge sword, and directly pressed it against Master Canglan's neck.

"You are not allowed to come here. If anyone dares to mess around, I will kill him!"

Yu Bihong roared.

The security personnel hurriedly stopped and looked at Lin Yang and Yu Bihong nervously.

Mr. Canglan is the supreme VIP, how could the person offering the reward to the building not guarantee his safety?

"Don't act recklessly! Let me tell you, if you dare to hurt Mr. Canglan even a single hair, I guarantee you won't be able to get out of this hall!"

The security captain, Liuhu, walked over with a big sword in his hand, and roared coldly.

"To ensure that we will not mess around, we must first make sure that you will not mess around!"

Yu Bihong snorted coldly.

Liuhu glanced at Yu Bihong, tilted his head and drank, "Hurry up and notify the supervisor!"


A security guard immediately ran down.

The guests at the scene watched.

Lin Yang ignored the security guards, but walked towards Master Canglan who was lying on the ground covered in blood, and stepped on his chest.

"Which rule here says that you can hit other people at will?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

"You will regret this!"

Master Canglan gritted his teeth and said.


The natural knife pierced through his shoulder in an instant.

The severe pain made Master Canglan twitch all over.

"Young master..."

Someone exclaimed.

Master Canglan's eyes widened, pupils filled with anger.

"stand up!"

Lin Yang pulled Master Canglan up from the ground, glanced at Yu Bihong, and said calmly, "Kneel down and apologize to her!"

"Impossible, you kind of kill me!"

Master Canglan growled.


Lin Yang responded straightforwardly, immediately pulled out the Tiansheng knife from his shoulder, and was about to hold it high, with killing intent in his eyes.

Young Master Cang Lan took a tight breath, how could he think that there were people like this?

Immediately, he stopped hesitating and knelt down with a plop.

"Yes... sorry..."

In an instant, the entire hall was silent...

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