No one expected that the existence of the supreme VIP in the reward building would be forced to kneel and apologize in full view...

This is crazy.

People stared at Lin Yang with wide eyes, all of them were speechless.

"My lord, thank you for venting your anger on me, it's just... how do we end up now?"

With a bitter smile on her face, Yu Bihong looked at Lin Yang deeply.

"Just do it, why think so much?"

Lin Yang said calmly, then pulled Master Canglan up again, and said solemnly: "Take him as a talisman, let's leave Longxin City first."

"You can't escape!"

Master Canglan gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"If you talk too much, I'll pull out your tongue."

Lin Yang said.


Master Canglan's face changed again, and he didn't dare to say more.

However, at this moment, another large group of heavily armed beings rushed into the hall.

As soon as these people arrived, they immediately dispersed many warriors in the hall and surrounded Lin Yang's people.

Seeing this, Yu Bihong and Jiuyu's eyes were sombre.

She visually inspected the security personnel present, there were at least nearly a hundred of them, and each of them was extremely powerful, including several land gods.

With only three people, it is impossible to fight out.

Fortunately, Young Master Canglan was held hostage by them, otherwise the three of them might have to confess here.

"Help me, hurry... find a way to save me..."

Master Canglan shouted hastily.

But the other party was not in a hurry to act.

I saw one of the men in a suit and gold-rimmed glasses walking up.

The man didn't have a weapon in his hand, he looked about forty or fifty years old, and had a kind demeanor.

"I'm the supervisor of the Reward Building. My name is Tao Cheng. May I ask what your name is?"

Tao Cheng slightly nodded at Lin Yang, and said respectfully.

"You can call me Doctor Lin."

Lin Yang thought for a while, then said casually.

"Doctor Lin? It seems that your lord is extremely skilled in medicine and martial arts!"

Tao Cheng nodded, and calmly said: "Doctor Lin, I have already understood what happened, but in fact it is not a big deal, but Mr. Lin drew his sword to kill people, breaking our rules here, it is not good! "

"Those few people, with your ability to reward the building, it is not difficult to save them."

Lin Yang glanced at Master Canglan's subordinates, and said calmly.

"Master Lin is right, it is not difficult to save, so this matter is actually not a big deal, I mean there is no need to continue to make trouble! Master Lin, you let Master Canglan go, I want to have a good talk with you. "

Tao Cheng said.

"About what?"

"Master Lin, according to the rules of the reward building, if we make trouble, 30% of the cultivation base will be abolished, and if the circumstances are serious, 50% or all of the cultivation base will be abolished! If you kill people, it is reasonable to abolish all cultivation bases, but we This punishment can be avoided, and we will not pursue the responsibility of adults in the reward building!"

Tao Cheng laughed.


Lin Yang was taken aback: "There is no reason, why not pursue it?"

"Master Lin defeated Mr. Canglan with a large number of people, which shows that Mr. Lin's strength is extraordinary. We have a task here, and we would like to ask Mr. Lin for help..."

"It's hard to imagine the difficulty of your task. Do you want me to die?"

"My lord, please don't think that way, we are giving you a chance!"

Tao Cheng shook his head and said calmly: "If you are willing to take on this task, it doesn't matter whether the task is completed or not! Even if you fail, we will not hold you accountable. At the same time, we are also willing to help you and Mr. Canglan to reconcile the contradictions between them.”


Lin Yang looked at him strangely.

"Master Lin, do you really not know who this Young Master Canglan is?"

Tao Cheng asked in surprise.


Lin Yang was at a loss.

"This son's name is Cang Lanfu, Cang Lan is a compound surname, and the entire underground dragon vein, who else is named Cang Lan?"

Tao Cheng laughed.


As soon as these words came out, Yu Bihong and Jiu Yu sat behind him on the ground together, as if struck by lightning, their faces turned pale, and they murmured.

"Cang Lan... Martial God?"

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