"Boy, what kind of move are you urging? Do you think you are a firefly?"

The matchmaker was already upset, but seeing Lin Yang's body continuously emitting golden light, she became even more annoyed.

Lin Yang glanced at her, suddenly turned his body slightly, and said calmly: "If you are upset, you go ahead?"

The matchmaker didn't say a word, she directly pulled out the sword from her waist, put it on Lin Yang's neck, and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense with me, you go ahead and find the way for me."

But after the words fell, Lin Yang's fingers pinched the hilt of Hong Niang's sword like lightning, and exerted force suddenly.

The matchmaker breathed hard, and immediately wanted to wipe Lin Yang's neck away with her sword, but no matter how hard she tried, it was useless.

Why is this kid so powerful?

There was a murderous look in Hong Niang's eyes, and she wanted to strike again.

But at this moment, Cang Lanfu whispered suddenly: "Stop arguing! I'll go ahead to find the way!"

The matchmaker was taken aback.

Cang Lan turned her head and walked straight forward without looking back.

Lin Yang glanced at Cang Lanfu, then moved his fingers again, pushing the sword back.

The matchmaker was a little unsteady, and looked deeply at Lin Yang, with fear flashing across her eyes.

Inside the stone mountain is a tunnel leading to the ground.

The strange rocks in the tunnel are extremely irregular, as if someone had dug them out bit by bit by hand.

It was extremely dark here, and with the help of the golden light emanating from Lin Yang's body, the three could barely see the way.

Cang Lan's heart was ashamed, and he walked forward indifferently.

The matchmaker looked around nervously.

Lin Yang watched his surroundings while secretly absorbing the aura of the stone mountain.

The breath in the stone mountain is stronger and purer. As long as Lin Yang activates the Supreme Bone slightly, they will flow into the body continuously.

The supreme bone became hot, and the released energy began to rush towards Lin Yang's meridians.

If this continues, the Supreme Bone will not only be able to advance to another level, but I am afraid that my own cultivation will be blessed by the Supreme Bone and achieve a small-scale breakthrough.


At this moment, a strange sound came out.

Cang Lanfu, who was walking in front, stopped abruptly, drew his sword and stared at the surroundings.

I saw a large number of light blue halos suddenly appearing in the originally dim tunnel ahead.

The halo is like ripples, rippling in the air, very strange.

"What's this?"

Cang Lanfu stared at the ripples and drank in a deep voice.

"It seems to be... an enchantment?"

Hong Niang was stunned for a moment, and her face suddenly changed: "No, defend yourself!"

After the words fell, Hong Niang directly urged the power of ascension to build a defensive air shield.

Cang Lanfu was taken aback for a moment, and quickly mobilized his strength to prepare to build a defense.

But at this moment, the ripple-like halo has covered the three of them.

However, at this moment, Lin Yang suddenly said: "Defense is useless at all, the sky is full, if you want to survive, you have to take the initiative to attack!"


Cang Lanfu suddenly turned his head and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

"The dark moon sent a lot of masters here before, and there must be someone stronger than you. Look at the blood under your feet, which proves that they didn't guard against it. If they can't do it, how can you What defense?"

Lin Yang said solemnly.

Cang Lanfu looked down.

Sure enough, the road under the feet of the three of them was full of muddy flesh and blood...

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he drew out his sharp sword and slashed at the incoming halo.


The halo burst open immediately, and a large number of fragments exploded, cutting towards Canglanfu like raindrops.

Cang Lanfu was startled and angry.

"Canglan swordsmanship!"

With a roar, he frantically swung the sword in his hand.

There were many sword shadows, and they bombarded those fragments like overwhelming mountains and seas.

At this moment, Cang Lanfu has long been fearless of life and death, so he is very brave, and the power of the Canglan swordsmanship he dances is also full.

Lin Yang who was behind watched silently, feeling startled.

"This is the Canglan sword hair that Martial God Canglan is so proud of? It really is mysterious..."

He watched silently, secretly remembering every sword and move in his heart...

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