Although Cang Lanfu was very brave, his strength was limited after all. After fighting for a while, his body was already cut a lot by the fragments of light.

Lin Yang knew that if he didn't make a move, Cang Lanfu would surely die.

Whoosh whoosh!

Following Lin Yang's urging, the Hongmeng Dragon Needle flew out, piercing his arm with several needles to increase the speed and strength of his arm, and piercing his body with several needles to heal his injuries.

With Lin Yang's help, Cang Lanfu's pressure suddenly eased, and the sword in his hand danced more gracefully.


The matchmaker at the back tightened her eyebrows, and then took a deep look at Lin Yang.

With the joint efforts of the two, these fragments of light were finally crushed and disappeared.

Cang Lanfu was out of breath, turned her head to Lin Yang and said hoarsely, "Thank you."

"We are grasshoppers on the same rope now, and when I help you, I am actually helping myself."

Lin Yang glanced at the trace left by the halo, and said in a low voice: "This tunnel is very rough, and we can't install any traps if we think about it. Most of the dangers we encounter come from the enchantment left by the predecessors. The world is easy to deal with, we can gather the strength of three people in one body, push forward, the tunnel is not too deep, maybe we will soon be able to pry into the secrets inside."

"Heh, how can a half-grown kid pretend to be an expert? My mother eats more salt than you eat rice!"

The matchmaker sneered disdainfully, and said in a low voice: "Although this tunnel looks rough, there is no doubt that it must be the tomb of an expert. Since it is a tomb, how can there be no traps?"

"Then what do you mean?"

"I don't think you're quite capable, kid? You two go in, I'll wait for you here."

The matchmaker shrugged.

"So you're planning that if we die inside, you'll just go out on business, right?"

Lin Yang frowned.

"That's right, whether it's going to Anmingyue or Canglan Martial God, this is the best result."

The matchmaker laughed.

She didn't intend to take risks, even if she got here, she naturally chose to be wise and protect herself.

"With three people, I think the chances of success in breaking through here are very high."

"Ignorant child, what do you know?"

The matchmaker was full of disdain.

Lin Yang shook his head, turned around and looked at Cang Lanfu.

At this time, his face was full of anger, his hand holding the sword was very tight, and his eyes were fixed on the matchmaker, as if he was about to make a move.

"Don't waste your energy on useless places, let's go in."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"We will die if we go in, why not force her to come with us." Cang Lanfu said hoarsely.

"There's no need to waste energy and time arguing with her, you just need to listen to me, and I guarantee you can leave here alive."

Lin Yang said.

"Heh, who can't brag?"

The matchmaker chuckled.

Lin Yang didn't bother to talk to the matchmaker, he just looked at Cang Lanfu.

Cang Lanfu's face became tense, he thought for a moment, took a deep breath and said, "I didn't expect that at this critical moment, the only person I can trust is you, a guy I haven't known for a day..."

"Fate is always gratuitous."

"Let's go."

Cang Lanfu turned around and walked inside.

Lin Yang followed directly.

"I'll give you 1 hour, and if you haven't come out after 1 hour, I can only go back to my life."

The matchmaker smiled and sat down cross-legged to conserve her strength.

Everything was as Lin Yang expected.

It didn't take long for the two of them to go deeper, and then they saw another barrier coming towards them.

And the strength of this enchantment is obviously much higher than the previous one.

Cang Lanfu's breathing became tight, and a look of fear clearly appeared on his face.

"Don't be afraid, we have no retreat, use all your strength, I will help you."

Lin Yang drank heavily, and sacrificed the Hongmeng Dragon Needle again, and at the same time pulled out the Heavenly Sword.

The galloping healing power rippled all over his body.

At this moment, he is the top daddy in the world!

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