"Are you OK?"

Lin Yang looked at Cang Lanfu with dull eyes, and asked calmly.

"No... nothing..."

Cang Lanfu just came back to his senses, but he shook his head again and again, and said with a wry smile: "Doctor Lin, if you have this idea, then I can only tell you, you are too naive! My father is one of the seven martial gods of the underground dragon, Perhaps he is one of the seven most powerful and talented people in the world! If you want to figure out his moves and routines with a copy of "Canglan Sword Art", then I can only say that you are simply dreaming! "

"Can't you?"

"It's not possible at all."

Cang Lan shook his head.

Lin Yang was silent.

"But what happened to that man has nothing to do with me. Since he forced me to come to this ghost place, I have severed all relations with him!"

Cang Lanfu smiled bitterly, then took out a few more books from his body and handed them to Lin Yang.

"Master Lin, this is the martial arts secret book that my father gave me. Every son and every daughter of his have a set, but because I am not very talented and I am an illegitimate child, I have never been taught by him. He is also the weakest among his heirs, if Doctor Lin really has such an idea, then you can take them all, and maybe you can touch the corners and corners of Martial God Canglan."

Lin Yang heard the sound, took it, flipped through it casually, and then nodded: "In that case, I will formally accept you as a disciple."

"Thank you, Master!"

Cang Lanfu kowtowed again, then got up and looked behind him, and said with a wry smile: "But Master, can we get out here now? I'm afraid if we do, An Mingyue is also a difficult master."

"Don't worry, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, let's go to the innermost point first!"


The two moved on.

After a few steps, he came to the deepest part of the rocky mountain.

I saw a white skeleton lying in the depths.

The skeleton was dressed in ragged clothes, and the equipment on his body was already stained with rust, but what was surprising was that there was a little white light blooming from the right eye of the skeleton.

This was an incomparable surprise for the two of them.

"what is that?"

Cang Lanfu exclaimed in surprise, and wanted to go forward to get it.

"Cang Lan Fu, stop!"

Lin Yang stood up to drink.


That's too late.


Countless horrific sword qi suddenly sprang up from the side of the skeleton, cutting towards Cang Lanfu with astonishing momentum.

Cang Lanfu turned pale with shock, and hastily raised his sword to block it.

But as soon as the sharp sword in his hand touched the sword energy, it was sliced ​​into two.


Cang Lan was dumbfounded.

He knew the strength of his sword.

However, in front of this sword energy, it is like paper paste!

In this way, his defense and even his body will definitely not be able to withstand these sword qi.

It's over!

Looking at the densely attacking Cang Lanfu, he knew that he would die in the next second...

But at this critical moment, a figure suddenly stood in front of him, drew out a knife and a sword, and blocked the attacking sword energy.

clang clang...

Pooh! Pooh! puff...

The sword shook away part of the sword energy.

But more sword energy directly penetrated his chest.


Cang Lanfu's eyes were red, and he hastily raised the broken sword to cut off the remaining sword energy.

Lin Yang's body trembled, and then the sword stabbed to the ground, supporting his body.

His chest was already a bloody mess, and blood spurted out like a fountain.

"It's okay, I'm fine!"

Lin Yang took a few deep breaths, and said hoarsely: "These sword qi are very special, and cannot be removed by ordinary medicine and medical methods alone. I will rest for a while and expel these sword qi from my body, and I will be fine!"


Cang Lanfu nodded, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

But he was also particularly shocked.

Those sword qi only hurt Lin Yang, but did not tear him apart.

This master's physical body...is terrifying!



At this moment, a rush of footsteps suddenly came from behind...

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