Cang Lanfu's face changed, and he stood up abruptly and looked towards the tunnel behind.

I saw a group of people walking here nervously with swords in their hands.

There were a total of eight people, both male and female, all of whom had strong auras.

The leader is actually Hong Niang!

"It's you?"

Cang Lanfu looked surprised.

"What? You two are still alive?"

The matchmaker also looked surprised: "That is to say, we didn't encounter traps along the way, because you broke through them all?"

Cang Lanfu's face became tense, and he stared at this group of people.

The enchantment is shattered, and it will take time to recover.

This group of people came in at such a node, so naturally the road was unimpeded!

"Heh, isn't this Cang Lan Fu? I didn't expect that we would meet here!"

A sneer came from the crowd.

Cang Lan looked around.

But he saw a one-eyed man walking out from behind the crowd.

The man was dressed in black and gold soft armor, holding two swords in his hands, his body was thin, and his remaining eye was extremely sharp, like an eagle!

"It's you? Chu Lieqi?" Cang Lanfu looked unnatural.

"We are really close friends!"

The man named Chu Lieqi narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"What? Your friend?"

Lin Yang behind couldn't help asking.

"Master, to be friends with this kind of pig and dog? It's humiliating!"

Cang Lanfu said in a low voice: "This person is a great disaster for Longxin City. Relying on his family power, he did evil in Longxin City and bullied men and women! I don't know how many people have been killed. A female doctor wounded him, gouged out one eye, and poured my father's special medicine into his eye socket, making his eye blind for life and unable to heal!"

"Then he doesn't hate you?"

"If my father hadn't been Martial God Canglan, he would have cut me to pieces!"

Cang Lanfu gritted his teeth and said: "My strength is not inferior to him, but he has too many helpers. If we fight later, I have little chance of winning...Master, if you are not injured, we still have a battle , but in the current situation, what should we do?"

Lin Yang was silent.

"Master, how long will it take for your injury to heal?"

Cang Lanfu hurriedly asked.

"1 hour."

"1 hour? I'm afraid they'll eat all the bones!"

"You rely on me, it must be difficult to count on, you can only rely on yourself."

Lin Yang shook his head.

"I... If I could do it myself, I wouldn't ask you for help, Master!"

Canglan wanted to cry but had no tears.

Lin Yang thought for a moment, then sat up cross-legged suddenly, no longer forcibly healed his wounds, but took out the few books Cang Lanfu gave him, and turned them directly.

"Master... what time is it, and you still read? Let's deal with the matter before us first!"

Cang Lan became anxious and shouted again and again.

But Lin Yang ignored it and continued to read.


Cang Lanfu almost cried out.

Still no response.

"Cang Lanfu, do you know why I came here? Because I heard that you were forced to come to the Nether Forest by your father. In order to avenge myself, I brought people here! Now, we should understand Our grievances are over! Don't worry, I will divide you into 8,000 yuan, one piece will not be more, and one piece will not be less!"

Chu Lieqi squinted his eyes and smiled lowly, then led the people towards Cang Lanfu.

Cang Lanfu immediately raised his sword, ready to fight.

But looking at the broken sword in his hand, the fighting spirit that had just surged in him dissipated again.

"Hahaha... Cang Lanfu, you don't intend to fight us with a broken sword, do you?"

"If I were you, I would surrender obediently!"

Everyone laughed, with jokes and sarcasm all over their faces.

Cang Lanfu didn't make a sound, silently waiting for the other party to come over.

At this moment, he is alone and helpless!

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