Cang Lanfu's sword really refreshed everyone's three views.

Everyone thought that Cang Lanfu would dodge the sword energy in extreme embarrassment, but they never thought that he would take it hard!

An Mingyue was also taken aback, but quickly narrowed her eyes, and hummed: "See if you can block a few strikes from me!"

After all, he jumped up, like a spirit butterfly, approached Cang Lanfu, raised his sword and slashed.

Cang Lanfu hastily resisted.

The two sides swung their swords wildly.

The terrifying sword shadows crazily collided alternately, shaking out a large number of destructive ripples.

The tables and chairs in the teahouse were all destroyed.

People were forced out of the building by the wanton flying sword energy, and they didn't dare to approach it at all.

But the table where Lin Yang sat with the man was intact.

Every time the sword energy approached these people, it would disperse on its own.

Everyone stared blankly, with disbelief written all over their faces.

Canglanfu....He actually had a hard fight with An Mingyue!

"My God, I... am not dazzled, am I?"

"Then... that is the successor of the Martial God... This Cang Lanfu can be on par with the eldest lady... Could it be that he already has the qualifications to challenge the Martial God?"

"Is this really the illegitimate son of Martial God Canglan?"

"An illegitimate child has such strength..."

"Then what is the realm of Martial God Canglan?"

People na na.

Just fighting and fighting, people's nervous hearts were finally relieved.

Even though the two of them had a stalemate for about a hundred moves, even if they were equal, An Mingyue's foundation was there.

Slowly, Cang Lanfu was suppressed and gradually lost the wind.

Cang Lanfu's offensive was resolved by An Mingyue, and An Mingyue immediately launched a fierce offensive. His sword was like wings, like a phoenix spreading its wings, opening and closing without losing its agility.

Cang Lanfu had no possibility of attacking in front of this kind of sword move.

If it goes on like this, he will undoubtedly lose.

"It can't be like this, we must find a way to fight back!"

Cang Lanfu clenched his teeth, fixed his eyes on An Mingyue, thinking about the chance to resolve it.

Suddenly, as if he had grabbed something, he slammed forward with the horizontal sword.

The power of ascension burst out from the sword, and it surged forward like a stormy sea.

An Mingyue frowned, hummed secretly, and slammed backhandedly.

The sharp sword screamed wildly, and the sword energy shook like a curtain.


An Mingyue's sword move directly shattered Cang Lanfu's sword energy, hitting his chest fiercely.

In an instant, Cang Lanfu was sent flying by the shock, and landed on the ground fiercely, his chest was bloody, and he vomited blood from his mouth, making it difficult to get up.

However... the Dark Moon didn't come out intact either.

The wave-like sword energy exploded, but it didn't dissipate, instead it still smashed towards An Mingyue.

An Mingyue hastily withdrew her sword and returned to guard, but was still half a beat too late.

Several bursts of sword energy directly pierced her lower abdomen, causing her to bleed.

An Mingyue backed away again and again, clutching her belly and looking down, Liu Mei immediately tightened her eyes.


Antian Martial God's attendants rushed forward one after another, supporting An Mingyue.

"No problem!"

An Mingyue forced herself to calm down, and immediately took out the silver needle and stabbed it in the abdomen to stop the bleeding.

The people around were dumbfounded.

No one expected that Cang Lanfu could actually hurt An Mingyue...

Although Cang Lanfu has no combat strength and lost to An Mingyue, this move is enough to explain Cang Lanfu's strength!

An Mingyue pushed away the person in front of her, and walked towards Cang Lanfu with her sword in hand.

Her autumn eyes were cold and murderous.

Cang Lanfu also stared at An Mingyue, clenched the blade tightly in his hand, as if he wanted to fight again.

But his injury was much heavier than An Mingyue's, and he was powerless to resist.

But just when An Mingyue was about to deal a fatal blow to Cang Lanfu, Lin Yang stood up suddenly.

"Miss An Mingyue, you have won!"

An Mingyue was startled, and looked at him in astonishment...

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