"What do you mean?"

An Mingyue asked coldly.

"I only asked you to fight Cang Lanfu, I didn't say that you should fight to the death! Now that Cang Lanfu has been defeated, there is no need to continue the fight, is there?"

Lin Yang said lightly.


An Mingyue clenched her fists tightly, her autumn eyes spewing flames.

But she dared not be presumptuous.

After all, she has seen Lin Yang's strength before.

At present, An Mingyue knows nothing about this person. If there is a conflict, with her current state, even with the help of experts around her, she may not be able to win the other party...

"Our account will be settled sooner or later."

An Mingyue said coldly.

"I advise you not to count on me."

Lin Yang looked at her indifferently: "I don't have a good temper every time, and you shouldn't think that you are lucky every time, and I will let you go, understand?"

When An Mingyue heard the sound, her pretty face turned pale.

The people around looked astonished, looking at Lin Yang in disbelief.

What do you mean by that?

This person... Could it be that he has defeated the eldest lady?

People were jumping with fear and their scalps were numb.

This is the inheritor of the Martial God!

If he could defeat her, wouldn't he be the new inheritor of the Martial God?

Everyone kept their eyes on An Mingyue's broken arm that hadn't healed, and the doubts in their hearts had been confirmed to some extent.

At this time, Lin Yang sacrificed the Hongmeng Dragon Needle and stabbed Cang Lanfu.

Surrounded by a burst of strong anger, the wound on Cang Lanfu's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He stood up slowly, let out a deep breath, and bowed slightly to Lin Yang: "I'm sorry, Master, my apprentice has made you ashamed."

"It's not your fault, your performance is already very good."

Lin Yang said calmly: "It's because some of your hard conditions are not as good as hers, but this is not a big problem. Sooner or later, you will win her."

"Yes, Master."

Cang Lanfu nodded.

"let's go."

Lin Yang said calmly, and left the town with Cang Lanfu.

An Mingyue tightly clenched her fists, her autumn eyes were full of killing intent, and she stared at Lin Yang.

"Miss, why let them go?"

One of his subordinates asked angrily.

But An Mingyue didn't want to give an explanation, and said coldly: "Go back, I want to see my father!"

"Yes, miss."


This town is not far from Dragon Heart City.

Soon, the two returned to the city.

Lin Yang immediately sent a message to Jiuyu and Yu Bihong.

Soon, several people met on the first floor of the reward building.

"grown ups!"

Jiuyu and Yu Bihong rushed over anxiously, and were relieved to see that Lin Yang was intact.

"That's great, my lord, I knew you must be in good fortune, and everything will be fine!" Jiuyu said with a smile.

Yu Bihong's eyes were eager, and there was still a bit of worry in her eyes.

"Who is the master, what will happen?"

Cang Lanfu beside him snorted softly.


The two lost their voices in unison, their faces full of shock.

"I have accepted Cang Lan as a disciple!"

Lin Yang said calmly.


Jiuyu and Yubihong couldn't accept it yet.

Yu Bihong looked Cang Lanfu up and down, the shock in her eyes lingered for a long time.

Jiuyu seemed to be thinking about something, and hurriedly said: "My lord, why don't I also worship you as my teacher..."

Jiuyu had seen Lin Yang's methods with his own eyes, so he naturally wanted to learn such skills.

Lin Yang patted his head angrily: "Forget it, you are already a member of the Qingxuan Alliance, what else can I teach you if you want to learn? Wait until you recover from your injury."

"Hey, yes, my lord!"

Jiuyu smiled.

"Master, let's go back to life."

Cang Lanfu said: "We have completed the ghost-level mission, and we can receive generous rewards. Let's see what treasures the reward building can give us!"

Lin Yang heard the sound, thought for a while, and said, "Cang Lanfu, let's go directly to Tao Cheng's office and talk to him in detail."


Cang Lanfu nodded.

Soon, a group of people came to Tao Cheng's office.

Tao Cheng was processing documents in the office at the moment, and he was taken aback when he saw Lin Yang and his group push the door open.

When I saw a few people clearly, I was taken aback.

"Master Lin? Mr. Canglan? You...you are back?"

"What? Manager Tao, are you surprised when we come back?"

Cang Lanfu snorted coldly.

"No, no, no, it's not surprise, but surprise!"

Tao Cheng suddenly stood up from his chair and said excitedly, "It is a great joy for you to return safely, but I don't know if you ... have completed the task?"

"What you want!"

Cang Lanfu took out the Nether Firework and slapped it on the table.

Tao Cheng hastily stared wide-eyed.

For a while, his body couldn't help shaking.

"It's Nether Fireworks! Really Nether Fireworks! Good! Good! Good! Hahaha..."

Tao Cheng laughed loudly, then hurriedly put away the Nether Fireworks, and said, "Congratulations to both of you for completing the ghost-level reward task! I will immediately arrange for someone to present rewards to you!"

"go quickly!"

Cang Lanfu hummed softly.

"Manager Tao, wait a minute!"

Lin Yang shouted suddenly.

Tao Cheng, who was about to go out, was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Lin Yang suspiciously: "Does Doctor Lin have any orders?"

"Can I replace your rewards?"

Lin Yang said calmly.


Tao Cheng hesitated for a while, and then said: "Master Lin, please tell me your request, I have to think about it before considering the replacement."

"I want to ask you about someone."

"Doctor Lin wants to exchange news?"


"If that's the case, Doctor Lin won't be worth it! You can go to the office on the first floor and spend some money. Why waste the precious ghost-level rewards for some worthless news?" Tao Cheng said with a smile.

"Manager Tao misunderstood, maybe I didn't make it clear!"

Lin Yang stepped forward suddenly, and leaned closer: "What I want to ask you is not only where this person is at the moment, what's the situation, I want you to report everything about him to me all the time, understand? "

The words fell to the ground, Tao Cheng was dumbfounded.

"You want me to... spy on someone?"

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