Hearing Cang Lanfu's words, Lin Yang nodded silently.

"You mean, your father promised to let me go on the surface, but secretly he will still hand me over to Martial God Dark Sky?"

"Father has been looking for opportunities to break through these past few years, and has no time to worry about other things. It would not be a good thing for him if he had a bad relationship with the Antian Martial God at this time. What's more, he doesn't need to offend the Antian Martial God for me!"

Cang Lanfu whispered: "My father is a very pragmatic person, he doesn't care about feelings at all, and we so-called children are just tools in his eyes. If you are talented, you can inherit his blood and inherit Cang Lan's life." Pulse, poor talent, he doesn't care at all!"

"The reason why he admits me is only because I have value and can go to the Dragon Palace for him. If not, how can he admit me, an illegitimate child who has given him shame?"

Speaking of this, Cang Lanfu's face was very dark.

Lin Yang watched silently, but did not speak.

In fact, judging from the act of Martial God Canglan forcing Canglan to go to the Nether Forest, there is no father-son relationship between the two at all.

I'm afraid that Cang Lanfu would have given up on this father long ago.

The reason why I still come here is just that I don't want to turn against him.

"Cang Lan Fu, you still have a long way to go, don't be discouraged because of this, you have to live for yourself in this life."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Master, now is not the time to talk about this, you must leave Longxin City as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late, and it will be over." Cang Lanfu hurriedly said.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yang shook his head: "I can't go anywhere else after leaving Longxin City."


Cang Lanfu was startled.

"Because Taitian Martial God is also chasing me!"


Cang Lanfu was stunned and could hardly believe his ears.

Lin Yang simply told the story.

Cang Lanfu fell silent.

He never thought that there are people like Lin Yang in the underground dragon veins.

Not only did he offend Martial God Taitian, but he also offended Martial God Antian and Canglan at the same time.

Being missed by the three warrior gods in a row...

I'm afraid that the underground dragon veins have existed throughout the ages, and Lin Yang is the only one...

"Dragon Heart City is very big, suitable for hiding. It's safer for me to stay here, and I also have things to do here, how can I leave easily?"

"But Master..."

"Don't worry, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, you just need to practice hard and be yourself!"

Lin Yang patted Cang Lanfu on the shoulder, got up and prepared to leave.

Cang Lanfu stared blankly at Lin Yang's leaving back, feeling complicated in his heart.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Master, wait a minute!"

Lin Yang turned around and looked at him strangely.

Seeing that Cang Lanfu seemed to have made some decision, he said, "Master, at noon tomorrow, we will meet in the tea room on the first floor of Xuanshang Building!"

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang asked inexplicably.

"Master, you will know when you fall!"

Lin Yang frowned slightly, nodded after thinking for a while: "Okay, then I'll wait for you there!"


Cang Lan nodded heavily, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Lin Yang turned around and walked towards the gate of Canglan Mansion.

Although there was no one to see him off, from the moment he stepped out of the gate of the mansion, he noticed many eyes staring at him in the dark.

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It seems that Cang Lanfu's guess is correct.

Martial God Canglan didn't intend to let him go at all, and what he said before was just perfunctory.

"It seems that I will not be able to survive in Longxin City."

Lin Yang took a deep breath, secretly thinking about the way out.

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